Part I Vocabulary and structure
1. He made a good preparation in advance and finished the work ____ with high quality. A. for an instant B. at an instant C. in an instant D. with an instant 2. The US always has a finger in the business of other countries, desiring to have power others. A. on B. over C. under D. in 3. It was ____ who arrived there first, despite our detour (弯路) on the way.
A. us B. we C. our D. ours
4. S
单选:第1题(3分) 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) - Would you be interested in seeing a film tonight? - ____C______ Not at all. Are you sure? Great! I'd love to You're welcome. 单选:第2题(3分) 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) - Excuse me, could you tell me the way to People's Square? - _____B_____ I don't understand you. Sorry, I'm a stranger here. Why don't you take a taxi? Don't bother me. 单选:第3题(3分) 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) - I've got the first prize in the dancing contest. - _____C_____ You're welcome. It's very kind of you. Please ac
第一部分 词汇与结构 (Vocabulary and Structure Exercises)
1.The boss may ______ Tony because he has the right qualifications. A. fire B. fine C. dismiss D. hire 2. What time ______ for work?
A. are you usu
Part I Vocabulary and structure
1. He made a good preparation in advance and finished the work ____ with high quality. A. for an instant B. at an instant C. in an instant D. with an instant 2. The US always has a finger in the business of other countries, desiring to have power others. A. on B. over C. under D. in 3. It was ____ who arrived there first, despite our detour (弯路) on the way.
A. us B. we C. our D. ours
4. S
Unit 2
Write the English words or expressions according to the following definitions. 1. keep for a special use; book 2. of a particular place
3. far away in space or time 4. likely (to do sth.) 5. being true and faithful (to) 6. improve by care; develop 7. be worthy of
8. amount of money which may be taken off the full price 9. mix harmoniously 10. keep away from
II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :
blend in; deserve; steer clear of; cultivate; local; loyalty;
remote; reserve; liable;
16. We are having a party on Saturday, and would love to have you ___C___ us. a.joined b. joinsc. join d. to join 17. She had a paper __C____.
a. publishes b. publishingc. published d. publish 18. Our country ___B___ people from all over the world.
a. is made of b. is made up of c. is consisted of d. is consisted 19. Wang Hong is working in the same lab __B____ her friend Carl Cooper. a. for b. withc. within d. to
20. Why don’t you come ____C__ and have dinner ______me? a. over…for b. on…with
大学英语2 翻译
Unit one
A、 1) 约翰同时干许多事情。我觉得他应当休息一下。(work on, all at once, take a break) 2) 杨教授说的话有着神奇的力量。许多同学接受他的忠告,开始专注学业了。(what, magical, advice, focus on)
3) 由于星期天晚上汤姆没有提示他将做何种选择,我无法弄清楚他会如何完成这项任务。 (clue, option, figure out, accomplish)
4) 我的父亲是极负责任的人。虽然他总是很忙,但他设法每天都给家庭留出一些时间。 (responsibility, on the go, set aside) 5) 这个项目的成功与否取决于我们如何确定轻重缓急。 (project, depend on, priority) 6) 在计算机商店里,我的朋友建议我们先试一下光碟播放机再决定买哪个。 (try out, settle on) 7) 我觉得在确定轻重缓急前,把要做的事情全都写下来,是有道理的。 (make sense, write down, set) 8) 如果我们不及时交论文,会有什么后果? (turn in, on time, consequ
16. We are having a party on Saturday, and would love to have you ___C___ us. a.joined b. joinsc. join d. to join 17. She had a paper __C____.
a. publishes b. publishingc. published d. publish 18. Our country ___B___ people from all over the world.
a. is made of b. is made up of c. is consisted of d. is consisted 19. Wang Hong is working in the same lab __B____ her friend Carl Cooper. a. for b. withc. within d. to
20. Why don’t you come ____C__ and have dinner ______me? a. over…for b. on…with
大学英语Book2 Unit 2
Section A
The humanities: Out of date? Background information 1the humanities
The humanities are a group of academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. The humanities, called social sciences, include history, anthropology, communication studies, cultural studies, law, language, literature, philosophy,religion,music and theater,etc.
Through exploration of the humanities,students learn how to think creatively and critically,to reason,and to ask q
There Is Magic in a Word of Praise赞美之词的魔力
无论声名显赫还是默默无闻,没有一个人会对真诚的赞赏无动于衷。耶鲁著名的英语教授威廉·里昂·费尔普斯讲述道:“一个炎热的夏日,我走进一家拥挤的饭馆吃中饭。服务员递给我菜单时,我说,‘今天厨房里的小伙子们肯定在受罪!’服务员惊讶地看着我说:‘来这儿的人都抱怨菜的味道不好,对服务评头论足,还埋怨太闷热。19年了,你是第一个对后面厨房里的厨师们表示同情的人。’ 人们所需