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Reading and Writing

制作者:李响 制作者单位:广东警官学院

高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社

Unit 7 Culture and EtiquetteCareer Skill Description

1 2 3 4

Getting Things Ready

Things to Do

Things to Write

More Things to Do

Section 1 Getting Things ReadyIn this unit, you will learn how to:

3 2 1 discuss the role of culture understand the in business differences of etiquette business etiquettes between China and the West make up a dialogue between a Chinese businessman and an American one at a tea party

Section 1 Getting Things Ready

Section 1 Getting Things ReadyAc

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit7

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新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 Unit7

教 案1

授课时间 班 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 课 次 授课形式 (请打√)17 学时数 2 纯理论□ 纯实践□ 理实一体化□ 习题课□ 其他□ Unit7 Customer Service 授课题目 Reading A: I Really Want to Know 教学目的 Ss make and handle a complaint Ss understand successfully measuring customer satisfaction 1. The main idea and the structure of the reading A. 教学重点 2. Master the key words and language point

新职业英语1 unit7

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新职业英语1 Unit7 I Really Want to Know 我真的很想知道 1.(1)Friday night I went off my diet. 周五晚上我结束了节食。

(2)I dare say I deserved a good meal after losing the twenty pounds I gained from too many trips to Manhattan restaurants last year. 把去年因常去曼哈顿的餐馆吃饭而增加的20磅减掉之后,我敢说我该理直气壮地美餐一顿了。

(3)My wife and I went to one of our favorite Houston restaurants to celebrate the successful conclusion of my diet. 为了庆祝节食成功,我和太太去了休斯顿一家我们最喜欢的餐馆。

2.(1)The food, as always, was wonderful. 饭菜与往常一样,味道好极了。

(2)The service was even better than usual. 服


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Unit Seven Libido for the Ugly

-- Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)



Teaching AimsTo acquaint students with subjective description writing. To help students to understand the author’s real intention behind the description. To help students to compare the style with that of Unit Two “Marrakech”. To make students learn all the expressions concerning ugliness.2007/4 2


Background informationThe author:Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956), Baltimore, American educator, contr

新视野大学英语第二册网络quiz答案unit 1unit 7

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We should put money away for a _________ day. We may need it some time. B Sunny rainy cloudy cold

He was a much older tennis player but he had the great _________ of experience. D Value hand priority advantage

He has left his book here on ________ so that you can read it. A Purpose aim intention sense

Be careful with those fireworks; they are __________ to go off unexpectedly. D Available presumably easy able

The holidays are over; we must ___________ to work again. B Get across get down ge


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Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book Four

Unit Seven: Reading and Reflection

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇ Sit in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions. 1 Why do you think we need to read?

2 What do you prefer to read — poems, novels or plays?

3 What role do you think literary works play in our lives?

▆ Answers for reference: 1 Hints:

? Reading broadens our horizons. ? Reading enriches our knowledge.

? Reading puts us in contact with the best minds of human history. ? Reading enriches our experi


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Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book Four

Unit Seven: Reading and Reflection

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇ Sit in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions. 1 Why do you think we need to read?

2 What do you prefer to read — poems, novels or plays?

3 What role do you think literary works play in our lives?

▆ Answers for reference: 1 Hints:

? Reading broadens our horizons. ? Reading enriches our knowledge.

? Reading puts us in contact with the best minds of human history. ? Reading enriches our experi


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Because she was pleasantly surprised that female bosses are much more accessible to their employees and much more sensitive and intimate with their employees.

Because there are still some people, both men and women, who report that they have a low tolerance for female bosses.

Her working style is more flexible, understanding, willing to give power to others and seek consensus, and more team-oriented.

Studies suggest that men are typically hierarchical, goal-oriented and feel entitled. Women, by contrast, manage diplomati


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新视野三版读写B2 U7 Text A

Woman at the management level

1 When Monica applied for a job as an administrative assistant in 1971, she was asked whether she would rather work for a male or a female attorney. "I immediately said a man," she says. "I felt that a male-boss/female-employee relationship was more natural, needing no personal accommodation whatsoever." But 20 years later, when she was

asked the same question, she said, "I was pleasantly surprised that female bosses are much more accessible to their e


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新视野三版读写B2 U7 Text A

Woman at the management level

1 When Monica applied for a job as an administrative assistant in 1971, she was asked whether she would rather work for a male or a female attorney. "I immediately said a man," she says. "I felt that a male-boss/female-employee relationship was more natural, needing no personal accommodation whatsoever." But 20 years later, when she was

asked the same question, she said, "I was pleasantly surprised that female bosses are much more accessible to their e