1. Carolingian Renaissance
Carolingian Renaissance is derived from Charlemagne s name in Latin, Carolus. The most interesting facet (一面) of this rather minor renaissance is the spectacle (有见解) of Frankish or Germanic state reaching out to assimilate (吸收) the riches of the Roman Classical and the Christianized Hebraic culture.
2. Roger Bacon‘s work was the Opus maius.
3.National Epics(民族史诗运动)名词解释
The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly used form in ancient literature. “National
I. Choose the most appropriate one for the following blanks.
1 . Two major elements in European culture are ____.
A. Greeks and Romans B. the Judaism and Christianity C. the Greco-Roman culture D. B and C
2. ____ deals with the Trojan War (the Greek states led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy ).
A. The Odyssey B. The Iliad C. Prometheus Bound
Romanticism工商管理1011班: 张勇 1020401104 唐琪 1020401121 俞婷 1020401120 徐煜 1020401118 赵颖 1020401129 吴群 1020401130 杨静 1020401133
Contentsgeneral introduction romanticism in different countries concluding remarks art and architecture music
What is Romanticism?Romanticism was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe and strengthened in reaction to the Industrial Revolution. The movement validated strong emotion as an authent
论述题 1、 人文主义
人文主义一词也可译作“人道主义”,但在西方思想史上,人文主义特指人道主义的最初历史形态,是文艺复兴时期人文学者的世界观。 人文主义是文艺复兴运动的旗帜,是文艺复兴时期新兴资产阶级在反封建反教会斗争中形成的思想体系。它主张一切以人为本,反对神的权威,把人从中世纪的神学枷锁下解放出来,对“人”的肯定成了人文主义思想的核心。
2、 古希腊罗马文化繁荣的条件
首先,希腊各城邦奴隶制经济的发展是雅典古典文化繁荣的物质基础,早在古风时代,随着城邦的形成和海外殖民,希腊对外经济交流不断增强,城邦的工商业有了长足的发展,并造就了一个崇尚民主与自由的新工商业奴隶主阶层。他们领导了城邦的民主政治建设,大力发展工商业经济,为文化发展创造了条件。公元前5世纪上半叶希波战争的胜利,进一步有力推动了雅典等城邦的工商业发展,使希腊奴隶制经济达到了空前的繁荣,这就为文化的繁荣奠定了物质基础。 其次,希腊城邦制度及其民主政治与公共生活,激发了城邦公民的
The Anglo-Saxons (P18)
The aerospace industry in the UK (P80) Anglicanism (P269)
The advantages of the pluralist form of government (P295)
The Bill of Rights of 1689 (P48) The Bronte sisters (P100) Britain and the EU (P127)
Britain and the United States (P127) The BBC (P143)
The British stereotypes about the Irish (P220)
The Constitution (P48)
Class system in British society (P66) “The City” (P80)
The Canterbury Tales (P100) Comprehensive schools (P113) The Commonwealth (P127)
Cricket and “fair play” (P161) The Celts (P183)
I. Choose the most appropriate one for the following blanks.
1. Two major elements in European culture are ____. A. the Greek and Roman C. the Greco-Roman
B. the Judaism and Christianity D. A and B
2. ____ deals with the Trojan War (the Greek states led by Agamemnon in their war against the
city of Troy ). A. The Odyssey
B. The Iliad
C. Prometheus Bound D. Persians 3. The play Prometheus Bound was written by _____. A. Aeschylus C. Euri
欧洲文化入门 考试必考题 河海大学英语专业 西方文化入门
Questions for Revision:
1. What are the major elements in Western culture?
There are two main elements ——the Greco-Roman element and the Judeo-Christian element
2. What did Homer do? Why is he important in the history of Western literature?
⑴ He described the great Greek men who lived in the period 1200-1100B.C. and wars happening at that time.
⑵ As an author of epics(史诗), he employed fine literary language to describe wars and men, even though they were dull. He stood in the peek of Greek literatur
欧洲文化入门 第五单元 the 17th century
外语教学与研究出版社出版 欧洲文化入门 第五单元 共102页
European Culture: An IntroductionDivision Five The Seventeenth Century
Powerpoint Templates
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外语教学与研究出版社出版 欧洲文化入门 第五单元 共102页
Powerpoint Templates
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外语教学与研究出版社出版 欧洲文化入门 第五单元 共102页
1.Advance in science, in astronomy,physics and pure mathematics.伽利略 Galileo 开普勒 Kepler
牛顿 Newton 笛卡尔 Descartes Powerpoint Templates
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外语教学与研究出版社出版 欧洲文化入门 第五单元 共102页
2. The outlook of educated men was transformed.There was a profound change in the conception of men’s place in the universe. For one thing, the triumph
跨文化交际 名词解释
Give definitions to the following
(1) Intercultural communication: Face-to-face communication between people from differing cultural backgrounds.
(2) Intracultural communication: Shared interpersonal communication(人际交际) between members of the same culture.
(3) Host culture: The mainstream culture in any one particular country.
(4) Minority culture: cultural groups that are smaller in numerical terms in relation to the host culture.
(5) Subculture (co-culture): A smaller, possibly nonconformist(不遵循社会常规的
人), subgroup with the host
7:企业文化积累:是指企业文化特质的保存以及企业文化新特质不断增长的发展过程。 8:企业文化传播:是指企业文化特质从一个群体或个体扩散到另一个群体或个体的过