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Unit 1

1.Good morning/afternoon/evening 2..Welcome to … 3.sit down 4.stand up

5.See you (later/tomorrow) 6.Nice to meet /see you 7.be from =come from 8.in the same class/grade/school 9.in different classes /grades /schools 10.in English/Chinese Unit2

1.look different /look the same 2.look like 3.look at 4.look after

5.have different looks 6.give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 7.in green/red/blue … 8.Here you are.

9.go shoppimg/swimming/fishing 10.too short/long/heavy… 11.in the picture/phot


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1.请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以”My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。

时间 6:00 早 晨 6:40 7:10 活动内容 起床 读半小时英语 早餐 上四节课 上午 中餐 上三节课 下午 (4:30—5:30)体育活动 晚餐 看报或散步 晚上 (7:30—9:00)做功课 (9:30)睡觉 .参考范文:

My School Day

I get up at six o?clock. I read English for half an hour. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the

morning. After the four classes, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often have three lessons and we usually have sports from four thirty to five thirty. After supper, I read new


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1.请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以”My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。

时间 6:00 早 晨 6:40 7:10 活动内容 起床 读半小时英语 早餐 上四节课 上午 中餐 上三节课 下午 (4:30—5:30)体育活动 晚餐 看报或散步 晚上 (7:30—9:00)做功课 (9:30)睡觉 .参考范文:

My School Day

I get up at six o?clock. I read English for half an hour. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the

morning. After the four classes, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often have three lessons and we usually have sports from four thirty to five thirty. After supper, I read new


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初一英语小测 Unit5 Topic1


1坐飞机____ 2坐小汽车______ 3乘轮船_____ 4坐小船____ 5骑自行车______ 6坐火车_____ 7走路 ____ 8坐公交车______ 9坐地铁_____ 10乘火车_____


1从未____2一周一次_____ 3有时______4经常____ 5通常____6一月两次_____ 7很少______8总是____ 9一年四次_______10一天三次______11每天______ 三、名词

1大门____ 2群____ 3公园____ 4音乐_____ 5美国____ 6鸟____ 7生活____ 8舞会__ 9图书馆___ 10美国人___ 11比赛____ 四、动词词组

1在大学门口_______ 2对…..也一样________

3加油 _______ 4去上学_______ 5做作业________ 6看电视_______ 7吃午饭_______ 8在学校________ 9去游泳_______ 10打篮球______ 11踢足球_______ 12短暂休息_______ 13等等_____


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Unit5 Topic 2 词组和短语 1. on the playground 在操场上 2. in the lab 在实验室里玩电脑游戏 3. play the computer games 玩电脑游戏 4. in the dining hall在食堂 5. in the gym 在健身房 6. classroom building 教学楼

7. go swimming去游泳 go fishing 钓鱼 go dancing去跳舞 8. in the swimming pool 在游泳池里 9. in the dormitory 在宿舍 10. go to sleep 入睡 go to bed上床睡觉

11. clean the classroom 打扫教室 12. do some cleaning 打扫卫生 do some shopping 买东西 do some reading 看点书

13. make sb sth = make sth for sb 14. make cards 做卡片 play cards 打牌

15. borrow sb sth = borrow sth from sb 从某人处借入某物 16


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Unit 1

1、 Good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚上告别)

2、 glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴 (回答也一样)

-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you, too.

3、 welcome to + 地点 欢迎来到……

Welcome to Beijing./ Welcome to my home, kids.

(回答:Thank you 或者Thanks)

4、 let sb do(动词原形) sth 让某人做某事…… Let me help you.

5、 stand up 起立 sit down 坐下

6、 this is----- 这是…… (用于介绍第三者的用语)

7、 How do you do ?你好 (回答也是:How do you do ? )

8、 How are you ? 你好吗?

Fine ,thank yo


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1. 回来 come back 2. 发生 take place 3. 太……以至于 so…that… 4. 拍照 take photos 5. 顺便说一下 by the way 6. 去过某地 have been to +地名

7. 去了某地 have gone to +地名 8. 参加 take part in 9. 向……学习 learn from 10. 在过去 in the past

11. 过着艰苦的生活 live a hard life

12. 为...支付... pay for 13. 为了 in order to 14. 给某人提供帮助 give support to sb.

15. 获得良好的教育 get a good education

16. 某人亲眼看见某物 see sth. oneself

17. 与……保持联系 keep in touch with…

18. 遥远的far away

仁爱英语七年级下册 期中检测

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( )1.— _____ does your mother usually go to the office?

—By bus.





( )2.—Hi, Lily. Happy New Year!

— _____ A.Thank you. B.Yes.

C.Certainly. D.The same to you.

( )3.—What’s your favorite subject?

— _____ Because it’s easy and interesting.




D.E-mail. D.cleaning

( )4.Look! The students _____ the classroom.

A.clean B.are cleaning C.are clean (

)5.The sign

means “ _____.”

D.No right turn

A.No parking B.No U-turn C.No left turn ( )6.—How many _____ are there in your class


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Unit 5 Our School Life

topic1 How do you go to school?


1. wake up 醒来,唤醒get up 起床

2. go to school 去上学go home 回家

3. go dancing / shopping / skating / swimming 去跳舞;购物、滑冰;游泳go doing something 可用于表达去进行某种娱乐休闲活动。

4. 表示交通方式:

on foot 步行by boat 坐船by ship 坐船by air 乘飞机by plane 乘飞机by train 坐火车by subway 搭乘地铁by car 坐小汽车by bus 坐公共汽车by bike 骑自行车

5. take the subway / bus / car 搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车

6. drive a car to work = go to work by car 驾车去上班

take a bus to work = go to work by bus 乘公共汽车去上班

go to school on foot = walk to school


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Unit 5 Topic1

重点语法 一般现在时(常与频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often,usually, always等连用)

重点句型 —How do you usually come to school?

—I usually come to school by subway.

—How often do you go to the library?

—Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom


1.I always come to school by bus.

by+交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等限定词,就不能用by,而是用in或是on.

on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car.

巧辩异同 on foot 与walk on foot “走路”,是介词短语,不能作谓语,只作巧辩异同

方式状语,位于句末。walk “走路”,是动词,可以作谓语。

  go to…o