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一.古诗词积累(6分) 1.陆游在《卜算子咏梅》中写梅高洁、坚贞的诗句是 , 。 2.田家少闲月, 。夜来西风起, 。(《观刈麦》)

3.苏轼《密州出猎》中借典故表达自己立功报国的愿望的句子是: , 。 4.《渔家傲?塞下秋来风景异》作者壮志难酬的句子(主旨句)是: , 。 5.莫道不消魂,帘卷西风, 。(李清照《醉花阴) 6.在联想集团处于经营困境时,“联想之父”柳传志再度出山担任集团董事长,真可谓 。”(用《出师表》中的名句填空。) 二.语言基础与语文实践活动.(20分)

7.下列加点字读音正确的一项是( ) (2分)

A.风骚(sāo ) 田圃(pǔ ) 亵渎(xiě ) 陨落 (yǔ


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亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获. 老师一直投给你信任的目光.请认真审题,看清要求,仔细答题,祝你考出好成绩。 A卷(满分100分)


A)选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。 ( ) 1、We helped the boy find his English book in the end. A. at last B. at once C. at first ( ) 2、I think drinking milk is good for our health.

A. is good at B. isn’t bad for C. does well in ( ) 3、There are plenty of books on the shelf. A. a lot B. a lot of C. a few

( ) 4、He is really anxious, because hi


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一、选择题:本大题共19个小题。每小题2分,共38分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意,请将符合题意的选项前的字母填入题 后的括号内。

1. 自从汤姆逊发现了电子,人们开始研究原子内部结构.科学家提出了许多原子结构的

模型,在20世纪上半叶,最为大家接受的原子结构与图1中哪个图最相似????????????( ) 图1 2.一个最多能盛2kg水的瓶子,它也能盛下2kg的??????????????( )

A.煤油 B.酱油 C.花生油 D. 酒精


规定的是?????????????????????????????? ( )

A.质量58kg B.身高170cm C.握力40kg D.“50m跑速度”8m/s 4.在实验和生活实际中,经常要进行“估测”.下面是小明估测的一些数据,

你认为其中不正确的是????????????????????????( )

A.教室里的课桌高约90cm B.一个中学生的体重约500N C.人正常步行的速度约1.2m/s D.一个鸡蛋的质量约为200


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命题人: 审题人: Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)

1. This is________ song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it________ beautiful one? A. a; a

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. the; /

2. (2012·绥化中考) ________ quickly, or you’ll be late for school. A. Get up

B. To get up

C. Getting up

D. Got up

3. —Excuse me, Mr. Li. I don’t know the meaning of the whole sentence. What shall I do?

—You’d better first________ the new words. A. look for

B. look up

C. look through

D. look at

4. My neighbor is________ to


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命题人: 审题人: Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)

1. This is________ song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it________ beautiful one? A. a; a

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. the; /

2. (2012·绥化中考) ________ quickly, or you’ll be late for school. A. Get up

B. To get up

C. Getting up

D. Got up

3. —Excuse me, Mr. Li. I don’t know the meaning of the whole sentence. What shall I do?

—You’d better first________ the new words. A. look for

B. look up

C. look through

D. look at

4. My neighbor is________ to


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姓名:_________ 学号:________ 得分:________

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. —Hello, this is Tom. Is Jack in?

—Sorry, he to his uncle’s home. May I take a message?

A. has been

B. go

C. is going

D. has gone ( ) 2. —Could you tell me ? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where are my socks

B. where can I find my socks

C. where my socks are

D. where my socks put

( ) 3. We are short energy and water the overpopulation.

A. of; because

B. of; because of

C. in; because

D. in; because of ( ) 4. —We really shouldn’t us


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姓名:_________ 学号:________ 得分:________

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. —Hello, this is Tom. Is Jack in?

—Sorry, he to his uncle’s home. May I take a message?

A. has been

B. go

C. is going

D. has gone ( ) 2. —Could you tell me ? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where are my socks

B. where can I find my socks

C. where my socks are

D. where my socks put

( ) 3. We are short energy and water the overpopulation.

A. of; because

B. of; because of

C. in; because

D. in; because of ( ) 4. —We really shouldn’t us


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一. 单项选择 (25分)

1.His father makes a living driving a taxi. A by B with C for D through 2.Girls are usually of spiders and insects. A sure B terrified C made D kinds 3 Today is day at school.

A. first B. the my first C. my first D. my the first

4. No children to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary. A.should allow B.shouldn’t be allowedC.should be allowedD.don’t allow 5 —Do you always spend lots of time playing computer games? ——No, but I spend much time


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一. 单项选择 (25分)

1.His father makes a living driving a taxi. A by B with C for D through 2.Girls are usually of spiders and insects. A sure B terrified C made D kinds 3 Today is day at school.

A. first B. the my first C. my first D. my the first

4. No children to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary. A.should allow B.shouldn’t be allowedC.should be allowedD.don’t allow 5 —Do you always spend lots of time playing computer games? ——No, but I spend much time


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1. 北京2008年奥运会的奥运火种取自于西方文明的发源地,西方文明的发源地是指 ( )

A.古希腊 B.古巴比伦 C.古埃及 D.古印度

2.下列对雅典奴隶制民主政治高峰时的描述中,错误的一项是 ( ) A.文化昌盛 B.全体公民有权参加公民大会 C.经济繁荣 D.重视教育 3.货币被称为一个国家的“名片”。它不仅具有经济价值,它那精美的图案上蕴藏着丰富的文化,它集流通、观赏、收藏、研究等价值于一身。那么,你知道右图这张精美的纸币应是 ( ) A.美元 B.英镑 C.印度卢比 D.埃及镑

4.伊斯兰教教历元年与下列哪个历史事件相关 ( )

A.穆罕默德兵临麦加城下 B.穆罕默德病逝 C.穆罕默德带领信徒出走麦地那 D.穆罕默德出家隐修 5.波斯帝国形成的时期与我国的哪个历史时期大致相同 ( )