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Family Education

There is a growing tendency these days for more and more college students to take part-time jobs. Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs. Family education has some advantages. On one hand, Family education can let you earn some extra money and help you become more independent of your family. One the other hand, family education can offer you chances to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.

However there


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Family Education

There is a growing tendency these days for more and more college students to take part-time jobs. Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs. Family education has some advantages. On one hand, Family education can let you earn some extra money and help you become more independent of your family. One the other hand, family education can offer you chances to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.

However there


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Part I Multiple Choices( 10% )

Directions: There are 20 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. “Hey, look where you are driving!” “Oh, I’m sorry, _____________.” A. I’m not noticing B. I haven’t noticed

C. I don’t notice D. I wasn’t noticing 2. He knew nothing about this journey ___________ he was likely to be away for three



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Part I Multiple Choices( 10% )

Directions: There are 20 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. “Hey, look where you are driving!” “Oh, I’m sorry, _____________.” A. I’m not noticing B. I haven’t noticed

C. I don’t notice D. I wasn’t noticing 2. He knew nothing about this journey ___________ he was likely to be away for three



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Structure and Vocabulary

1. Alice received an invitation from her boss, __C____ came as a surprise.

A. it B. that C. which D. he

2. Everybody in our city, men and women, the old and the young, ___C___ sports and games now.

A. enjoy B. were enjoying C. enjoys D. enjoyed

3. Your dress doesn't ___B __ with your new hairstyle.

A. suit B. match C. mix D. compare

4. A good reader is one who can read __A____ the lines.

A. between B. un


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Structure and Vocabulary

1. Alice received an invitation from her boss, __C____ came as a surprise.

A. it B. that C. which D. he

2. Everybody in our city, men and women, the old and the young, ___C___ sports and games now.

A. enjoy B. were enjoying C. enjoys D. enjoyed

3. Your dress doesn't ___B __ with your new hairstyle.

A. suit B. match C. mix D. compare

4. A good reader is one who can read __A____ the lines.

A. between B. un


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高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解


Reading Comprehension (Part One)

Passage 1

Most people can measure their status at work by four P’s --- paychecks, promotions, performance reviews and perk (特殊待遇). For women, it is paychecks that often speak the loudest about how employers value them --- or undervalue them. Despite gains, many women still earn, on average, just 74 cents for every dollar men earn, reports the US. Census Bureau.

Do the math: that’s 26 cents per dollar lost. Over a working lifetime, the p


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2、 提前对一些个人认为较有难度的课程下手学习。

3、 做好相关作业,并且要做到按时完成,不能拖拉堆积课后作业。做作业要给自己规定时间,像考试一样“进入状态”,同样遵循先易后难的原则,遇到难题要认真思考,但一时做不出要学会“放弃”。

4、 做好课前预习,认真对待每次上课,尽可能每次开课都到。在认真听讲的同时,做好相关笔记。如发生因工作原因不能参加学习的情况,主动向同学借录笔记,主动向老师、同学询问相关问题及老师提出要求,此类事件要在发生后三天内完成。

5、合理分配时间,保证每周自学学时不少于8个小时,每天保证一小时学习时间,在学习时做好相关笔记,将不会的、存有疑问的章节做好记录、标记。 6、 做好课后复习,明确复习目的,一方面是解决预习和上课时没理解和认识。



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1. Peter his hair twice a week

A wash B washes C washing D washed 2. Julia and I are good friends. I her and she likes me.

A like B likes C liking D liked 3. The telephone ringing. A be B is C are D will be 4. was Steve eating? He's eating sushi (寿司)

A. Who B Why C Where D What 5. Statue of Liberty (自由女神像) was a gift of friendship from France

to United States.


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Unit 5

1、 根据下表提示,以A talk on gift-giving manners为题写一篇短文,要求不少于80词,可以适当发挥。 讲座名称 Gift-giving manners in the USA 讲座目的 帮助你了解美国人是如何互赠礼物的 讲座时间 地点 学校礼堂 讲座内容 1、 美国人一般会在生日、纪念日(anniversaries)和节日赠送礼物。 2、 礼物通常是卡片、巧克力或鲜花等。 3、 应邀赴宴,最好带一份小礼物,比如一盒巧克力或一瓶红酒给主人。主人通常会立即打开礼物并说些赞美的话 结束语 …… We are going to hold a talk on gift-giving manners in the USA. The purpose of the talk is to help you know the rules for giving gifts in America. It will take place at the school hall at 3:-- this Friday afternoon.

There will be a lot of advice on gift-giving m