Layout and composition of house-embracing trees in an island
Urban Forestry &Urban Greening 7(2008)53–61
Layout and composition of house-embracing trees in an island
Feng Shui village in Okinawa,Japan
Bixia Chen a,1,Yuei Nakama b,?,2,Genji Kurima c,3
a The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,Kagoshima University,Japan
Faculty of Agriculture,University of the Ryukyus,Japan
c Midori Net in Okinawa,Japan Abstract
A Feng Shui village landscape,which embodies the symbiosis of nature and man,might be re-evaluated as an ideal landscape model in East Asia.Ho:go is one essential word fo
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet ?
Lesson 2 SectionA (3a-3c)
各位老师,大家好,今天我说课的内容是人教版八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet ? Lesson 2 SectionA (3a-3c)第二课时。现在我从教材内容分析、教学重、难点及教法、学法和教学过程进行如下具体阐述:
本节课教材内容是阅读课,体会现在完成时在阅读文章(鲁滨逊漂流记)中的应用以及对阅读文章的理解分析。教学中教师通过引导学习、学生间的互相学习、学生的自主学文的学习帮助学生理解文章内容。比较贴近学生的学习生活,能激发学生的学习兴趣。Section B在本单元中起着拓展和巩固的关键作用。在本节课中通过短文,掌握一些新词及短语,并学会能够利用信息进行复述。通过本节课的教学,进一步培养学生运用英语的能力,提高读写能力。
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?教案
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?
1语言目标:掌握本单元词汇,听懂、掌握谈论读书的语言材料。 2 技能目标:能听懂语言材料,掌握听的技巧;能就阅读方法提建议,掌握阅读策略;能读懂介绍名著的文章。
3 情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文学鉴赏能力,陶冶思想情操。 教学重点
(1) 短语: hear of, be like ,go out ,full of, finish doing sth., be about, grow up,put down, hurry up, arrive on this island, make a boat, bring back, give up, wait for, cut down, build a house, kill…for food ,the marks of another man’s feet, who else, see sb. doing sth., run towards, help sb. do sth., name sb.…,teach sb. sth., be interes
Island und der Klimawandel - Viel Getreide und viel Treibhau
Island und der Klimawandel - Viel Getreide und viel Treibhausgas Eine Wiese auf Island: Auf den kargen B?den mit ihrem vulkanischen schwarz en Sand wuchs lange nichts au?er Gras fürdie Schafe. Weil es im Sommer sc hlicht nicht warm genug wurde, war der Anbau von Nutzpflanzen jahrhunderte langkaum eine Option. Doch die Landwirtschaft der Insel hat vom bisherigen Verlauf des Klimawandels stark profitiert.
"Die Bauern freuen sich, zum Beispiel über die Explosion beim Gersteanbau. Lange waren wir am Rand der Anbauzone fürGerste;
一、 应用效果最好的疏水剂---二甲基硅油 1、抗酸胶囊的制备
甘油22.02kg,蒸馏水34.13kg,二甲基硅油10kg,加入明胶43.85kg,与70~80℃减压溶解,常法制成胶囊。甲醛/丙酮(1/60)混合液喷洒于胶囊上而制得。 由于二甲基硅油的疏水效果,制得的胶囊在酸性胃液中2小时不崩解,在碱性肠溶液中200~620秒溶解,对酶,温度均稳定,机械强度较好。 2、糖衣片的打光(保光剂)
在抛光操作时,将加有2%二甲基硅油的川蜡细粉加入包完色衣的片剂中,进行抛光,糖衣片比未加二甲基硅油比较,色泽表面光亮美观,并有防潮作用,确保糖衣片在储存期内不脱色、不霉变。 3、薄膜衣包衣材料 用作薄膜衣材料增塑剂,利用二甲基硅油的疏水性、耐氧性,使片芯与外部隔离,不受空气中水分、氧气等作用,不吸潮变质且衣层牢固光滑。 二、水溶性滴丸成型最好的冷凝剂---二甲基硅油 滴丸的滴液在冷凝剂中可能发生的行为有铺展、形成液滴和混合几种情况。一般把表面张力较小的液体放入表面张力较大的液体中表面就会发生铺展,反之则易形成液滴。二甲基硅油是常见的水溶性滴丸冷凝剂中表面能最小的冷凝剂(液体石蜡0.035N/m,植物油0.035 N/m,二
人教版英语八年级下册试题Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?
Section B (1a-3b)
1.After living in japan for 20 years,Mioko decided to live a ,like in France.2.--Do you like Jackie Chan?
--Yes.I am one of his f .
3.The famous singer’s song is so popular.He has already sold 100 million r .4.Jay Chou.Andy hi LI and A Mei are all p singers.
5.Which kind of music do you like,country music,classical music or r music?
succeed feel beautiful laugh south
6.Smiles,freedom and are all free in the
Unit 8Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元测试题 2
Unit 8 单元测试题
Written test part (共95分)
Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)
( ) 21. Mike opened the window and looked out ________ the sea as soon as he
came to the room.
A. about B. towards C. on D. through
( ) 22. I’ll take the two schoolbags. One is for my sister and ________ is for myself. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others
( ) 23. For the students learning English as their second language, th
Unit 8Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元测试题 2
Unit 8 单元测试题
Written test part (共95分)
Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)
( ) 21. Mike opened the window and looked out ________ the sea as soon as he
came to the room.
A. about B. towards C. on D. through
( ) 22. I’ll take the two schoolbags. One is for my sister and ________ is for myself. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others
( ) 23. For the students learning English as their second language, th
Unit 8Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元测试题 2
Unit 8 单元测试题
Written test part (共95分)
Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)
( ) 21. Mike opened the window and looked out ________ the sea as soon as he
came to the room.
A. about B. towards C. on D. through
( ) 22. I’ll take the two schoolbags. One is for my sister and ________ is for myself. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others
( ) 23. For the students learning English as their second language, th
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?
Section A
1. Have you read Little Woman yet? 你读过《小妇人》这本书吗?
肯定式:主语+ 助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词.
疑问式:助动词Have/Has + 主语+ 动词的过去分词?
否定式: 主语+ 助动词have/has + not + 动词的过去分词
1.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常和副词already, yet, never, ever ,before ,just等连用。.
I have finished my homework. I am free
2.表示过去已经开始, 持续到现在的动作或状态.常与since + 过去的时间点,
for + 一段时间,so far 等时间状语连用。
I have learnt English for more than ten years.
She has swum since half a