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新世纪高职高专英语 Unit One Teaching Plan Why College?

I. Teaching Objective 'Master精通,熟练使自己成为…的精通者,掌握 the key words and structures, and understand why people go to college for further studies so as to have enough education for a good job II.

Key Points 1) Vocabulary

Academic adj.学院的, 大学的; 学会的, (学术、文艺)协会的,研究院的; 学究的; 理论的[美]文科的, 文学的 advanced beyond在(到)...较远的一边, 超过, 那一边 degree executive实行的, 执行的, 行政的n.执行者, 经理主管人员graduate(大学)毕业生, 研究生v.(使)(大学)毕业 major<美>[教]主修课, [律]成年人, [乐]大调adj.主修的, 成年的, 大调的vi.主修 master privilege特权, 特别待


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新世纪高职高专英语 Unit One Teaching Plan Why College?

I. Teaching Objective 'Master精通,熟练使自己成为…的精通者,掌握 the key words and structures, and understand why people go to college for further studies so as to have enough education for a good job II.

Key Points 1) Vocabulary

Academic adj.学院的, 大学的; 学会的, (学术、文艺)协会的,研究院的; 学究的; 理论的[美]文科的, 文学的 advanced beyond在(到)...较远的一边, 超过, 那一边 degree executive实行的, 执行的, 行政的n.执行者, 经理主管人员graduate(大学)毕业生, 研究生v.(使)(大学)毕业 major<美>[教]主修课, [律]成年人, [乐]大调adj.主修的, 成年的, 大调的vi.主修 master privilege特权, 特别待

新世纪高职高专英语 1-unit 6

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Unit Six

Why Are We Addicted to Soaps?

教学目的(teaching objective):

Master the key words and structures. be able to explain why soap operas is so popular and the key to its success. Discuss what soap opera can provide for the common audience. Exchange personal opinions on soap operas.

教学内容、课时安排及方法设计(content,classes and method)

教学重点(key points):


教学难点(teaching difficulties):


2.词组的应用:center around, base on, think of… as, set free, refer to, cut short, compare with, according to, a range of, no more than, wha

新世纪高职高专英语 1-unit 6

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Unit Six

Why Are We Addicted to Soaps?

教学目的(teaching objective):

Master the key words and structures. be able to explain why soap operas is so popular and the key to its success. Discuss what soap opera can provide for the common audience. Exchange personal opinions on soap operas.

教学内容、课时安排及方法设计(content,classes and method)

教学重点(key points):


教学难点(teaching difficulties):


2.词组的应用:center around, base on, think of… as, set free, refer to, cut short, compare with, according to, a range of, no more than, wha


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选择题 第一单元

1. Theose part-time students expected __A______some jobs on campus during the coming vacation.

A.to be offered B. to offer C. offering D.having offered

2. The bank is Reported In the local newspaper ___B_____ in broad daylight yesterday. A.to be bobbed B. to have been robbed C. robbed D. having been robbed 3. Because of the recent accidengts,our parents forbid my brother and me___C____ in the river unless someone agrees to watch over us.

A.from swimming B .swimming C. to swim D. swa


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选择题 第一单元

1. Theose part-time students expected __A______some jobs on campus during the coming vacation.

A.to be offered B. to offer C. offering D.having offered

2. The bank is Reported In the local newspaper ___B_____ in broad daylight yesterday. A.to be bobbed B. to have been robbed C. robbed D. having been robbed 3. Because of the recent accidengts,our parents forbid my brother and me___C____ in the river unless someone agrees to watch over us.

A.from swimming B .swimming C. to swim D. swa

武汉高职高专排名 湖北高职高专排名

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第一名1300 湖北省华中师范大学 388 第二名2110 湖北省武汉科技大学

第三名8380 湖北省荆州职业技术学院国际信 息学院 第四名1221 湖北省武汉大学医学院职业技术 学院

第五名2500 湖北省长江大学 第六名1227 湖北省武汉东湖学院 第七名2192 湖北省大学职业技术学 院 第八名1231 湖北省华中科技大学高 等技术学院 第十名1237 湖北省华中科技大学文 华学院

湖北省高职高专排名 11-40名 3330 湖北省医药学院 431 449 1238 湖北省华中科技大学武昌分校 422 422 2111 湖北省武汉科技大学职业技术学院 420 450

高职高专 - 新职业英语 - 职业综合英语1 - 练习答案

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高职高专 新职业英语 职业综合英语1课后练习答案


task 1

1996 : google begun as larry page's research project .

1998: page and sergey set up the company and registered the google .com 2000: The search engine grew quickly and it began to sell advertising on the website

Recently : Google has also owned Blogger and other hot websites and become the leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web . Task 4 Model 1

1. The wheels appears to be going back when a car is speeding . 2. Everyone appears to talking about Google earth these days . 3. N


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教 案

2012 /2013 学年,第 1 学期 课程名称 高职高专实用英任课教师 语教程1 本学期学时数 64 专业、班级 11级财经系 学生用教科书:高职高专实用英语教程1(学生用书) 学生用参考书:综合英语教程1(教师用书) 教案: 教案是教师以章节或每次课为单元,根据教学大纲和教学内容,针对不同层次、不同专业学生,对授课的知识群和知识点进行思考设计,周密组织编写出的整个教学过程方案。 教案也是具体授课的计划,是实施教学过程的演义方案。它反映了教师的教学水平、教学思路、教学经验和自身素质,反映了教师钻研教学大纲、熟悉教材、拓展知识、准确把握教学方式方法和责任心的程度。 要求: 1. 教案作为教学实施文件,应在充分备课的基础上对教学目的、主要内容、重点、难点、学时分配及教学方式方法做出具体设计。 2. 教案的编写要按章(节)或每次课为单元。 3. 关于讲课方式方法,主要包括:传统教学、多媒体电子课件教学,其中某节采用讨论式、现场教学、或是放录像、放录音,听力训练、习题课等。

第 1 章(次): Unit 1 本章(次)学时数:6 主 要 内 容:My First Job, G

高职高专实用英语教程教案Unit 6

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高职高专实用英语教程教案Unit 6

Unit 6 Hobbies

Lecturer: Cai Jie

Students (Ss) will be able to:

Have a deeper understanding about different shopping behavior of men and women. Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.

How to talk about one’s hobbies.

Master the Grammar of Tenses

Translating skill:Translation of Tenses

Writing and replying to Invitation Letters.

Vocabulary: enrich, be crazy about doing, assistant, in stock, promptly, proceeds, lightly,

substitute, persuade, patience, opposite, compani