I. Translate the following Chinese into English.
1. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freeman & Co., we learn that you are one of the leading importers of light products in your country.
2. We are a state-owned corporation, specializing in the export of textiles, and have engaged in this line for many years. Our products have a wonderful favorable reception.
3. We are desirous of establishing business relations with your corporation so as to expand the sales of our products at your end.
4. If you feel much interest
Key to exercises
Unit 2
I. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions and then translate the following into Chinese.
(1) the liberty of/ the opportunity of;
译:我们冒昧写信期望与贵公司建立业务关系。 (2) please find;
译:随函附寄我方价目表一份。 (3) of ;
译:我方冒昧写信希望得到贵方关于东北大米的最优惠数量折扣。 (4) attention;
译:如蒙贵公司即刻处理此事则不胜感激。 (5) to, to;
译:承蒙AAA公司的史密斯先生把推荐,得知贵公司是伦敦的主要进口商之一。 (6) as;
译:罗宾逊公司向我方介绍说贵公司是五金产品的主要经销商之一。 (7) learned/obtained/known/had/noted, from, in;
译:我们从贵国驻悉尼大使馆的商务参赞处获知贵公司地址。 (8) Upon/On, specific;
译:一俟收到贵公司的具体询盘,我方将立即给贵方航寄我方的报价单。 (9) general, va
外贸函电课程重点 - 外贸函电 Unit 7
Unit 7. Acceptance and Confirmation
第七章 确认与接受
Leading-in Tasks (任务导入)
Try to finish the following tasks and predict the objectives and focus of this unit.
Task 1. 假设你是中国安妮国际贸易有限公司(Anny International Trading Company Ltd.,联系地址:Room 1010, 28 Yudao Road, Nanjing, P. R. CHINA,Tel:86-25-67118890 Fax:86-25-67118896 E-mail:anny_hz@163.com)销售部的经理。最近,你公司收到美国利立浦特国际贸易公司(Lilliput International Trading Co., Ltd.,联系地址:108 West Street, New York, U.S.A.,Tel:001-212-5412878 Fax:001-212-5415689 E-mail:lilliput108@yahoo.com)发来的关于订购棉质长裤的的
外贸函电课程重点 - 外贸函电 Unit 4 - 图文
Unit 4. Inquiry 第四章 询盘
Leading-in Tasks (任务导入)
Try to finish the following tasks and predict the objectives and focus of this unit.
Task 1. 假设你是中国光明国际贸易有限公司(Guangming International Trading Co. Ltd.,联系地址:30 Sichuan Road, Shanghai, China,Tel:86-21-12345678 Fax:86-21-23456789 E-mail: guangming@hotmail.com)进出口部的经理。最近,你公司打算从英国伦敦亚瑟父子公司(Messrs. Arthur Grey & Son Co. Ltd.,联系地址:19 Cheapside, London, E.C.2 ,Tel:0044-20-876543 Fax:0044-20-765432 E-mail:mags_ld@yahoo.com)进口100台真空吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)。现在,请致函该公司向其询盘。注意信中务必包含以下内容。
1) 我
外贸函电课后翻译 王丽车丽娟版
Unit 2
Exercise Ⅱ
1. We are glad to inform you that the articles you require fall within the scope of our business activities .
2. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to establish business relations with you.
3. In compliance with your letter of 12, we have sent you under separate cover our catalogue and quotation.
4. In order to give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a pamphlet.
我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与你们做生意。 贵方来信收悉,得知你们愿意与我公司建立贸易关系,我们非常高兴。 我们得知贵公司是当地最大的电器产品进口商之一。 希望能够尽快收到你们的
1avail ourself of 利用 2.owe one’s name and address to 由?得知某人的姓名地址3.on the recommendation of 由?推荐4.the line of business 业务范围5.建立业务关系 establish business relations 6.在平等互利的基础上 on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 7.商会 Chamber of Commerce 8.专营 specialize in 9.credit standing 信用状况 10.financial status 财务状况 11.be in strict confidence 绝对保密12.modes of business经营方式13.open an account开立账户14.小额交易 small business engagement 15.过额贸易 overtrading 16.商业证明 trade reference 17.定额货款standing credit 18.拖延付款 delay payment 19.regular supply 定期供
Listening Practice 10
试卷编号: ListeningQuiz10--Book4 考试时间: 25 分钟 满分: 25 分
点击左边的小喇叭检查本部分的录音,点击左边的下载按钮下载本部分的录音! Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (Each item: 1)
Directions:In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1.
A. Tests aren't so important.
B. His test score wasn't worse than the last time. C. He knows enough for the next test.
D. He does not have to take tests any more. 2.
A. The woman
1avail ourself of 利用 2.owe one’s name and address to 由?得知某人的姓名地址3.on the recommendation of 由?推荐4.the line of business 业务范围5.建立业务关系 establish business relations 6.在平等互利的基础上 on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 7.商会 Chamber of Commerce 8.专营 specialize in 9.credit standing 信用状况 10.financial status 财务状况 11.be in strict confidence 绝对保密12.modes of business经营方式13.open an account开立账户14.小额交易 small business engagement 15.过额贸易 overtrading 16.商业证明 trade reference 17.定额货款standing credit 18.拖延付款 delay payment 19.regular supply 定期供
Listening Practice 10
试卷编号: ListeningQuiz10--Book4 考试时间: 25 分钟 满分: 25 分
点击左边的小喇叭检查本部分的录音,点击左边的下载按钮下载本部分的录音! Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (Each item: 1)
Directions:In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1.
A. Tests aren't so important.
B. His test score wasn't worse than the last time. C. He knows enough for the next test.
D. He does not have to take tests any more. 2.
A. The woman
Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.
The First Period
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary oversleep (2) Target Language What happened?
I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. 2. Ability Objects
(1) Teach the students to use the new words.
(2) Train the students to narrate past events with the Past Perfect Tense. (3) Train the students’ listening and speaking skills with the target language. 3. Moral Object
It’s a go