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Le?on 9

Exercices de grammaire (participe passé) I. Faites les phrases suivantes en rempla?ant les verbes soulignés par des participes ( présent ou passé ).

1. Ambroise est un enfant aimant beaucoup le football. 2. Une fois arrivé là-haut, je m’arrêterai pour boire. 3. Mon ami ne venant pas, je sors. 4. Ayant réglé le prix de sa pension, il part.

5. N’aimant que le théatre, je ne vais que rarement au cinéma. 6. Lui étant parti, tout est devenu triste. 7. Plus travaillée, cette terre produirait beaucoup. 8. Sa pension


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Unit1 My Father

I don't really know my father. He isn't easy to get on with. He's quite self-centred, and a little bit vain, I think, and in some ways quite unapproachable. The public must think he's very easy-going, but at home he keeps himself to himself.

He can't have been at home much when I was a child, because I don't remember much about him. He's always been slightly out of touch with family life. His work always came first, and he was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing. He loves being asked for his autograph,

综合教程第三册课件 - Unit4

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Unit Four

1、Background Introduction






2、Analyzation of the Text

Paragraphs 1-2作者在第一段开始介绍了自己的身份并开门见山地开始了其带有讽刺意味的语言。第二段中作者在讽刺那



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篇一:泛读教程3答案 Unit 1Reading Rtrategies Section A

Word Pretest

1----5 B C B B B 6----10 A A C C B Reading Skill 2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building 1

1.a.practicable/practical b. practice c. practicesd. practicable/practical e. practiced 2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worth e.worth 3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/varied e.Various

4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorption e.absorbent 2

1. a.effective b.efficient c.effective 2. a.technology b.techn

新世纪大学英语:综合教程第三册 (全)

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Text A

Comprehension Check

I Directions(Part 1)

1) doubts

2) mascot

3) pride

4) tight

5) gloomy

6) excitement

7) dance

8) met

9) grinning

10) best

II Directions (Part 2)

1) T

2) F

3) F

4) T

5) F

6) T

7) F

8) T

9) F

10) F

III Directions (Part 3)

1) C

2) B

3) B

4) D

5) A


I Directions(Part 1)

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) A 6)

B 7)

C 8) A 9) B 10) A 11)

D 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) D 16) A 17) A 18) B 19) C 20) D

II Directions (Part 2)

1) get done with

2) get by

3) wait on

4) took pride in

5) clean up

6) check on

7) come through

8) let o


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Key to Exercises


Going on a working holiday has many advantages:

? A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa. ? The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment. ? You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home. And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience. ? You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not


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Unit 1

1. She doesn't seem to get along with her new classmates.

2. I'd been out of touch with Mary for years, but I managed to get in touch by phone yesterday.

3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.

4. Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad

5. As Thomas couldn't settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.

6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets

7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.

8. I hope the food is to your likin

综合英语教程第三册13单元3-13-Part 2

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Part II

Reading Comprehension

Book 3-Unit 13

Reading Comprehension

Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work

Return to Menu

Book 3-Unit 13

Discuss the following questions.1. Do you like the Spring Festival best? 2. Do you think it is less festive than before? 3. Do you think it’s necessary to keep our traditional culture? 4. What should we do to keep the most important traditional Chinese festival—the Spring Festival?Book 3-Unit 13

Discovering the Spring FestivalItems Main Customs Your Observationhouse cleaning, shopping sp


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Key to Exercises

Opener Going on a working holiday has many advantages:

? A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.

? The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.

? You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home. And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.

? You are more likely to meet and make friend


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Unit 1 Section A Reading out

(1)grew up (2) greenhouse (3) feeding (4) gathering (5) into (6) labor

Getting the message

1. The writer wrote in paragraph 1 that \never found its way into my vocabulary\was a labor of love\

2. The writer's father suffered a serious heart attack and was diagnosed with having heart disease.

3She felt them, on the one hand, different and strange, and on the other, exciting and fun.

4. Because she decided to take on her career as an actress in Los Angeles.

5. The writer