1. 断断续续
off and on
2. 对…感到腻味
be bored by ...
3. 觉得…枯燥难懂
find ... dull and difficult
4. 以…而出名
have a reputation for...
5. 据说某人…
sb. be said to be ...
6. 拘谨刻板,落后于时代
formal, rigid and out-of-date
7. 随笔小品文
an informal essay
8. 躺在沙发上
lie on a sofa
9. 不得不面对…
face up to ...
10. 围坐在晚餐桌旁
be seated around the supper table
11. …重现在我脑海中...
reawake in my mind
12. 自得其乐
for my own joy
13. 违反规定
violate the rules
14. 不及格分
a failing grade
15. 别无选择,只好做…
There is no choice but to do...
16. 更不可思议的是
what’s more
Unit1-Unit8的Read and translate和Read and simulate
Passage A
Read and translate
1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote)
Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.
2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship)
A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester.
3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of)
On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking.
4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in)
The park is located right in the center of town.
5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料
全新版大学英语综合教程4 翻译 UNIT 1
1. 多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。
Mr. Doherty and his family are engaged in autumn harvest on the farm. 2. 我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。
We can’t underestimate enemies, they have been equipped with the most advanced weapons. 3. 菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。
Phil is becoming more and more desperate, because she has been out of work for 3months. 4. 作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。
As a manager of project, Sam is decisive in action ,efficient in work, and accurate in judgment. 5. 既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。 Sin
大学体验英语综合教程4 lead-in
Uint 1 In Britain, people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions, or to S1. (hold)
stereotyped views of them. For example, sailors are S2. (supposed) to have a %university professors are often seen as S3. (absent-minded) or forgetful. there are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives and they are generally regarded as not particularly S4.. (dependable)other jobs may be well-paid or very S5. (responsible), but the general public think they are funny or rather S6.. (boring) For instance, in most other Eur
Part I: Vocabulary and Structure
Pathetic superficial indispensable overseas notify deceive align
marital compatible compile
1. We've been living in bliss ever since our wedding. 2. Sandra is going to study in Asia next semester.
3. It's critical that tests with material students are learning in the classroom. 4. The lawyer spent all week trying to evidence against the suspect. 5. We can't afford to lose Thomas—he's our most employee.
6. Even though
Unit 1
> alliance n.联盟 > campaign n.战役,运动 > conquest n.战胜,征服 > crucial adj.重要的 > decisive adj.决定性的 > declaration n.公告 > efficient adj.有效率的 > engage v.吸引 > heroic adj.英勇的 > instruct v.指导,命令 > invasion n.入侵 > launch v.发动 > limp v.一瘸一拐地走 > minus v.减
> occupation n.职业,占有 > offensive adj.冒犯的 > raw adj.阴冷的 > reckon v.计算,认为 > region n.地区 > render v.使成为 > resistance n.抵抗
> siege v.围攻 > stroke n.打击 > toll v.征收 > underestimate v.低估 > weaken v.使虚弱 > ab
If you had had a spark(火花) of consideration for your family ,you wouldn't have taken so many stupid risks.
Due to the lack of labor force, even women in this village were compelled(被迫) to work in the coal mines.
由于缺乏劳动力这个村的妇女甚至被迫在煤矿工作。 We went through lovely countryside with great mountains, some of them beautiful and green and wooded, while others bare(赤裸) and wild.
我们沿途经过风景秀丽的乡村,那里山峦起伏,有一些被森林覆盖,郁郁葱葱,风景宜人;另一些则是荒山秃岭,草木不生。 The cleaner took off his coat and began to scrape(擦去) the ashes fro
新标准大学英语综合教程4 - - 课后答案
应 Key to book4 unit1-4 Unit 1
Active reading (1)
Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa
Reading and understanding Dealing with unfamiliar words
3 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed) 2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)
3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached) 4 referring to something which will happen soon
新世纪大学英语综合教程4 课文翻译
1|人在自然界| 亚历山大·斯伯金 人类生活在大自然的王国里。他们时刻被大自然所包围
并与之相互影响。人类呼吸的空气、喝下的水和摄入的食 物,无一不令人类时刻感知到大自然的影响。我们与大自然血肉相连,离开大自然,我们将无法生存。
Unit 4
Fresh Start
In-Class Reading Fresh Start
校园里该做什么。我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到宿舍。我感到似乎校园里的每个人都在看着我。我打定主意:竖起耳朵, 闭上嘴巴,但愿别人不知道我是新生。
2 第二天早上我找到了上第一堂课的教室,大步走了进去。然而,进了教室,我又碰到了一个难题。 坐哪儿呢?犹豫再三,我挑了第一排边上的一个座位。 3 “欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。天哪,我还以为这里是文学课呢!我的脖子后面直冒冷汗,摸出课程表核对了一下教室——我走对了教室,却走错了教学楼。
4 怎么办?上课途中就站起来走出去?教授会不会生气?大家肯定会盯着我看。算了吧。我还是稳坐在座位上,尽量使自己看起来和生物专业的学生一样认真。
5 下了课我觉得有点饿,便赶忙去自助食堂。我往托盘里放了些三明治就朝座位走去,就在这时,我无意中踩到了一大滩番茄酱。手中的托盘倾斜了,我失去了平衡。就在我屁股着地的刹那间,我看见自己整个人生在眼前一闪而过,然后终止在大学上课的第一天。
6 摔倒后的几秒钟里,我想要是没有人看见我刚才的窘相该有