

Review of Biophysics

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Selected Topics Macromolecules

(I): Structures of Biological

力。高温下焓驱动,低温下熵驱动。 空间阻碍


3. 蛋白质折叠和折叠的相关规律


蛋白质折叠过程:Funnel-shaped energy landscape process



构型和构象:构型(configuration) 一个有机分子中各个原子特有的固定的空间排列。这种排列不经过共价键的断裂和重新形成是不会改变的。构型的改变往往使分子的光学活性发生变化。

构象(conformation ) 指一个分子中,不改变共价键结构,仅单键周围的原子放置所产生的空间排布。一种构象改变为另一种构象时,不要求共价键的断裂和重新形成。构象改变不会改变分子的光学活性。 4. 结构测定




Review 1

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闽教版英语第四册教案 设计人:林朝华

Review 1


学习歌曲《The Music Room》和复习音标单词。 【教学重点】

能听懂、会唱本课的歌曲并能掌握音标单词。 【教学难点】

让学生能够熟练地掌握和运用所学的歌曲和音标。 【课前准备】

单词卡、录音机、 【课时安排】 1课时 【教学过程】


一、 Free Talk

《What’s your favorite subject?》 二、 热身、复习

1、 Warm-up

2、 用单词卡复习第一至单元所学的单词 3、 Sing a song 《In the classroom》 三、 导入

1、 复习交通工具单词。

2、 复习英文星期单词和使用的句型。 3、 复习科目及最喜欢什么的句型。 四、 课文教学

1、 教师先跟读几遍歌曲里歌词,直至学生熟练了为止。然后播放

歌曲录音,让学生先听。接着跟唱几遍,直至学生会唱了为止。 2、 在学生会唱的基础上进行小组唱歌比赛,语音语调标准,歌曲


3、 把音标写在黑板上,叫学生听老师的指示,观察老师的


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Unit 3 Literature review

1. Two types of LR: Self-contained LR

具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory beginning (background information or definition or what is the problem studied); 2. Objective by reporting the past or previous studies on the topic;

3. Main findings or ideas by summarizing each article you have gathered or referred to; 4. Listing of your reference

A literature review as a part of an essay (期中考试写这种类型的文献综述) 具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory begin

literature review范例

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An example of literature review

Of the many who have looked at the relation between age and performance in universities none has as yet produced a definite answer to the apparently simple question “Do mature students do better or worse than younger students?”

Harris (1940) in the United States found evidence to suggest that younger students tended to obtain better degree results. Similar findings have been made in Britain by Malleson(1959), Howell (1962), Barnett and Lewis(1963), McCracken(1969) and Kapur(1972), in Austral

Review of Gullivers Travel

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Review of Gulliver's Travel

Gulliver’s Travel tells a story of Captain Gulliver’s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.

The first voyage is to Lilliput where people are extremely small, so Gulliver is a giant to Lilliputians. Lilliputians seem friendly but actually they are very ridiculous and stupid, the king even wanted to kill Gulliver because


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Unit 3 Literature review

1. Two types of LR: Self-contained LR

具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory beginning (background information or definition or what is the problem studied); 2. Objective by reporting the past or previous studies on the topic;

3. Main findings or ideas by summarizing each article you have gathered or referred to; 4. Listing of your reference

A literature review as a part of an essay (期中考试写这种类型的文献综述) 具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory begin

literature review范例

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An example of literature review

Of the many who have looked at the relation between age and performance in universities none has as yet produced a definite answer to the apparently simple question “Do mature students do better or worse than younger students?”

Harris (1940) in the United States found evidence to suggest that younger students tended to obtain better degree results. Similar findings have been made in Britain by Malleson(1959), Howell (1962), Barnett and Lewis(1963), McCracken(1969) and Kapur(1972), in Austral

Exercises for Review(bank 1)

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Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. As a reward ________ passing the exams, she got a new bike from her parents. A. in B. on C. by D. for Correct answer: D

2. She felt like ________ frustration, but she was determined not to lose her self-control. A. to cry out of B. to cry for C. crying out of D. crying for Correct answer: C

3. All animals communicate, but our special method of speech is __________ to human beings. A. aware B.

A review of the biogas industry in China

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Paper:A review of the biogas industry in China

A review of the biogas industry in China

Xinyuan Jiang a ,n ,Sven G.Sommer b ,Knud V.Christensen b


School of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha,Hunan province 410004,PR China

b Institute of Chemical Engineering,Biotechnology and Environmental Technology,Faculty of Engineering,University of Southern Denmark,Niels Bohrs Alle 1,DK-5230Odense M,Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 9March 2011Accepted 5July 201

A Review of the Linguistic Research on Definite Descriptions

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A Review of the Linguistic Research on Definite Descriptions

Renata Vieira


We present in this paper a review on the linguistic literature on the types of uses of definite descriptions (noun phrases with the definite article the). Definite descriptions have been studied extensively by linguists, philosophers, psychologists, and computational linguists. The theories discussed in this paper help us to understand the problem of interpreting definite descriptions. We look at research studying the various ways in whi