

literature review范例

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An example of literature review

Of the many who have looked at the relation between age and performance in universities none has as yet produced a definite answer to the apparently simple question “Do mature students do better or worse than younger students?”

Harris (1940) in the United States found evidence to suggest that younger students tended to obtain better degree results. Similar findings have been made in Britain by Malleson(1959), Howell (1962), Barnett and Lewis(1963), McCracken(1969) and Kapur(1972), in Austral


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Unit 3 Literature review

1. Two types of LR: Self-contained LR

具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory beginning (background information or definition or what is the problem studied); 2. Objective by reporting the past or previous studies on the topic;

3. Main findings or ideas by summarizing each article you have gathered or referred to; 4. Listing of your reference

A literature review as a part of an essay (期中考试写这种类型的文献综述) 具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory begin

literature review范例

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An example of literature review

Of the many who have looked at the relation between age and performance in universities none has as yet produced a definite answer to the apparently simple question “Do mature students do better or worse than younger students?”

Harris (1940) in the United States found evidence to suggest that younger students tended to obtain better degree results. Similar findings have been made in Britain by Malleson(1959), Howell (1962), Barnett and Lewis(1963), McCracken(1969) and Kapur(1972), in Austral

British Literature Syllabus

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一、 课程性质、目的及开课对象 (一) 课程性质:专业课 (二) 目的:

通过学习本门课程,使学生初步具有英国文学史的基本常识,提高其对文学作品的理解力和鉴赏力,从而提高其运用英语语言的综合能力。文学是语言的载体, 通过文学的学习能使学生把语言与文学有机地结合起来, 使学生在学习语言与文学的过程中更好的了解英国的社会时尚、风土人情及人文思想等, 同时,还能使学生对英国文学发展各个时期的流派、作家、作品、文学常识等有较清晰的了解,并能就某一家或品写出一般性的评论文章。

(三) 开课对象:英语旅游系07级本科生,第三学年下学期开课 二、 先修课程: 基础英语课 三、 教学方式与考核方法

(一) 教学方法: 课堂面授、讨论、总结

(二) 考核方式 1. 课堂测试 2.期末考试 四、 学时数分配

总学时: 32/34

讲授: 学时 观看录像2-4学时 Part One The Middle Ages (449~1485) Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon Literature Chapter Two The Middle English Period Section O


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Unit 3 Literature review

1. Two types of LR: Self-contained LR

具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory beginning (background information or definition or what is the problem studied); 2. Objective by reporting the past or previous studies on the topic;

3. Main findings or ideas by summarizing each article you have gathered or referred to; 4. Listing of your reference

A literature review as a part of an essay (期中考试写这种类型的文献综述) 具体内容包括:(注意运用connective or signal language 衔接以下内容)

1. Introductory begin

American Literature复习资料

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Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

1. Franklin was a brilliant, industrious and versatile man (a statesman, economist, businessman, scientist and writer)

2. He was the only good American author before the Revolutionary war (the only writer before Revolution who are still read today)

3. His writings range from informal sermon on thrift to urbane essays. He wrote gracefully as well as clearly.

4. As an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.

5. His best writing

Major Terms of English Literature

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Major Terms of English Literature

Major Terms of English Literature

Critical Realism was a new literary trend appeared in the forties and in the early fifties of the 19th century. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. The greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens. With striking force and truthfulness, he creates pictures of bourgeois civilization, describing the misery

1 The Literature of Colonial America

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Chapter 1

History and Anthology of American Literature

For English Majors Grade 2007 1

Purpose of the course Practical spiritual 2

Course Assessment

formative assessment (30%-50%) summative assessment (50%-70%) 3

Textbook and reference books

吴伟仁编, 《美国文学史及选读》 History and Anthology of American Literature(Volume 1, Volume 2) ,外语教学与研究出版社. 1、常耀信,《 美国文学简史》 (第二版),南开大学出版社,2003 2、胡荫桐,《美国文学新编》,外语教学与研究出版社,2001 3、童明,《 美国文学史》(A History of American Literature), 外语教学与研究出版社,2008 4、吴伟仁, 张强,《美国文学史及选读学习指南》 (一、二册), 中央民族大学出版社,2006 4

The hi

A Survey of the Development of English Literature

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A Survey of the Development of English Literature


Literature is one of the most important parts of each nation’s history. British literature is no exception. It has a long history of about 1300 years up to the present. From the academic angle, English literature can be pided into seven periods as follows.

The first period is literature of Old and Middle English Period (450-1485). The old English literature is also called the Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066). The main format of literature is epic and prose, of which The


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n. 文学,文学作品,文献,著作






She is fond of polite literature.她喜爱风雅文学。

He destroyed feudal ideas in literature.他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。

The principal literature comes from zoology.主要文献都来自动物学。


1、He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.
