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Unit 1 Hello!

1. Listen and point.

Mrs Star: Hello. I’m Mrs Star. Mr Star: Hello. I’m Mr Star.

Stella: Hello. I’m Stella Star. This is Marie. Simon: Hello. I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy: Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye.

Monty: Hello. I’m Monty. What’s your name?

2. Listen and repeat.

Mrs star, Mr Star, Stella, Simon, Suzy

3. Listen and do the actions.

Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five.

Marie: Hello. I’


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Unit 1 Hello!

1. Listen and point. Mrs Star:Hello. I’m Mrs Star. Mr Star:Hello. I’m Mr Star.

Stella:Hello. I’m Stella Star. This is Marie.

Simon:Hello. I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy:Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon:Goodbye.

Monty:Hello. I’m Monty. What’s your name? 2. Listen, point and repeat. Mrs star Mr Star Stella Simon 3. Listen and do the actions. Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk.

On the count of five,

One, two, three, four, fiv


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Unit 1 Hello again!

1.Listen and point.

Stella:Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star. Grandma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.

Simon: What’s your name? How old are you. 2. Listen, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy


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Unit 1 Hello again!

1.Listen and point.

Stella:Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star. Grandma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.

Simon: What’s your name? How old are you. 2. Listen, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy

剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit 2 文本

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Unit 2 Good sports (有益健康的运动) 2. Listen and check.

Simon: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the

village next to ours.

Suzy: What does ‘activity centre’ mean?

Simon: It’s a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports.

Look. It’s got rock climbing. I’d like to learn to climb.

Stella: Hmm. It’s not nice when it’s cold, wet and raining.

Simon: No, it’s OK. They’ve got a climbing wall inside and outside. Suzy: Look. There’s a lake too.

Simon: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail


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Unit 1 Hello again! 三会:

Stella /`stel / 斯特拉 Simon / 'saIm n/西蒙 Suzy /`Su:zI/苏西

Mr Star /`mIst sta:/星星先生 Mrs Star /`mIsIz sta:/星星夫人 Grandpa Star /`ɡrændpɑ: sta:/ 星星祖父

Grandma Star /`ɡrændmɑ: sta:/ 星星祖母

Maskman / mɑ:skm n/面具侠 Marie /m `r i:/玛丽 Monty /`m ntI/蒙蒂 Trevor /`trev /特雷弗 goodbye /.ɡ d`baI/再见 look / l k/看 listen /`lIsn/听

star / sta:/星星 his / hIz/他的 her/ h :/她的 open/` up n/打开 close/kl uz/关上 turn/t :n/轮流 food/fu:d/食物 sorry/`s rI/对不起

stand up / `stænd p/站起来 sit down/`sIt da n/坐下 point to /p I


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Unit 1 Hello again!

1.Listen and point.

Stella:Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star. Grandma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.

Simon: What’s your name? How old are you. 2. Listen, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy

剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit 2 文本

【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Unit 2 Good sports (有益健康的运动) 2. Listen and check.

Simon: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the

village next to ours.

Suzy: What does ‘activity centre’ mean?

Simon: It’s a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports.

Look. It’s got rock climbing. I’d like to learn to climb.

Stella: Hmm. It’s not nice when it’s cold, wet and raining.

Simon: No, it’s OK. They’ve got a climbing wall inside and outside. Suzy: Look. There’s a lake too.

Simon: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail


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一、 听力。(1×20=20分)

A、 Listen and colour.(听一听,涂颜色,本题7分




C.Listen and correct.,本题7分)

1. Whose mouth are you cleaning? ( )

2. I am cleaning Suzy s shoes. ( )

3. What are you drawing ,Grandma?---I m drawing Stella. ( )

4. Whose kites are you flying ,Simon?---I m flying your


( )

5. Which word re you spelling ,Stella?---I m spelling ugly . ( )

6. What are you doing ,Mum?---I m making a house. ( )

7. What are you ea


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第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello again!

1.Listen and point.

Stella:Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star. Grandma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.

Simon: What’s your name? How old are you. 2. Listen, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy