1.Simile 明喻
标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 例如:
1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud.
3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale. 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻
隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例如:
1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.
2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and
Figures of speech: rhetorical question simile, Parody metaphor, personification, synecdoche, anticlimax, metonymy, repetition, exaggeration, euphemism, antonomasia, parody. periodic sentence irovy etc.
1)You pass from the heat and glare of a big,open square into a cool,dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can see,losing itself in the shadowy distance.—metaphor
2)The din of the stall-holders crying their wares,of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously,and of would-be purch
Figures of speech: simile, metaphor, personification, synecdoche, anticlimax, metonymy, repetition, exaggeration, euphemism, antonomasia, parody.
1) Little monkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar.(metaphor)-----Page1,Lesson1.
2) It grows louder and more distinct ,until you round a corner and see a fairyland of dancing flashes ,as the burnished copper catches the light of innumerable lamps and
braziers.(metaphor and person
《高级英语1 》辅导纲要
Lesson 1 Four Choices for Young People
主要内容: I. Synonyms bucolic: pastoral
antecedent: predecessor, ancestor presumably: probably; barricade: blockade inaugurate: launch, initiate affluent: rich formidable: fearful skepticism: doubtfulness, misgiving: skepticism holocaust: massacre 2. Antonyms dwindle: increase unprecedented: usual tedious: exciting
affluent, wealthy : impoverished unsullied: spoiled parasitic: independent pastoral, rustic : urban inevitable: avoidable Brutal: humane 3. Definition
《高级英语1 》辅导纲要
Lesson 1 Four Choices for Young People
主要内容: I. Synonyms bucolic: pastoral
antecedent: predecessor, ancestor presumably: probably; barricade: blockade inaugurate: launch, initiate affluent: rich formidable: fearful skepticism: doubtfulness, misgiving: skepticism holocaust: massacre 2. Antonyms dwindle: increase unprecedented: usual tedious: exciting
affluent, wealthy : impoverished unsullied: spoiled parasitic: independent pastoral, rustic : urban inevitable: avoidable Brutal: humane 3. Definition
英语修辞 手法
1. 音韵修辞格(phonetic devices) (1).头韵(Alliteration)
在英语语言中两个或两个以上的相邻单词以相同的首音因素开头,形成顺口悦耳的读音,称为头韵修辞手法。 Eg : A light heart lives long.
Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.
(2) 元韵 (Assonance)
若干押音单词重读音节中辅音虽不同而元音相同。 Eg : The first wealth is health . (3).谐音(Assonance) Eg: litter and batter. Dress and boss.
(4). 拟声(onomatopoeia)
Eg : A window rattles. Giggle meow 2. 语义修辞格(semantic devices)。 (1) 讽喻(allegory).
以其他的事物形象来叙述事物,通常叙述的事是一个故事,故事中的人物,事件及发生的事情别具意义,如寓言等 。
1.下列一段话所用的修辞手法列举正确的一项是( )
A.比喻排比反问 B.比喻拟人设问 C.排比拟人反问 D.比喻排比设问 2.对下面文段中所使用的修辞方法及其作用的理解有误的一项是
A. 第②句用了排比的修辞方法,描绘了小道两边山青水碧、烟雨蒙蒙的美景。 B. 第③句用了反问的修辞方法,突出了烟雨朦胧、层峦叠嶂的特点。 C. 第⑤句用了比喻的修辞方法,形象地写出了山水画具有朦胧的美感。 D. 第⑥句用了拟人的修辞方法,生动地写出了溪水潺潺流动的特点。 3.对下面文段中所使用的修
An Introduction to Figures of Speech(修辞格) Rhetorical Devices(修辞手法)
1. Simile(明喻)
Simile is an expression of comparison between two different things. It is usually introduced by “as” or “like”, and sometimes also by “as…as/as…so”, and “resemble” as the signs of comparison.
明喻就是打比方,指一事物像另一事物的修辞格。常用的比喻词有“as” or “like”, and sometimes also by “as…so /as…as”, and “resemble”等
1). Mercy drops as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.
2). The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a bro
修订单位: 韩山师范学院外语系 执 笔 人: 张若兰 一. 课程基本信息
1. 课程中文名称:英语修辞学 2. 课程英文名称:English Rhetoric 3. 课程类别:任选
4. 适应专业:英语(师范类)本科 5. 总学时:36 6. 总学分:2
二.本课程在教学计划中的地位、作用和任务 《英语修辞学》是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门专业任意选修课。该课程通过系统的讲授,使学生掌握英语修辞的基本原理及其应用,从而达到写作时语言更加贴切,意义更加清晰,表达更加生动;阅读时更加准确地理解作者的写作意图、文体风格和写作技巧,从本质上了解英语,掌握英语,提高阅读能力、写作能力和文学欣赏水平和语言修养。
三.教学内容与教学基本要求 教学内容:
Chapter One:Syntactic Devices (句法辞格) (6课时) 本章内容包括:
1.长句和短句(Long and short sentences); 2.简单句(The simple sentence); 3.复合句(The compound sentence); 4.分枝句(Branching sentences);
5.主动和被动句(The activ
1.下列一段话所用的修辞手法列举正确的一项是( )
A.比喻排比反问 B.比喻拟人设问 C.排比拟人反问 D.比喻排比设问 2.对下面文段中所使用的修辞方法及其作用的理解有误的一项是
A. 第②句用了排比的修辞方法,描绘了小道两边山青水碧、烟雨蒙蒙的美景。 B. 第③句用了反问的修辞方法,突出了烟雨朦胧、层峦叠嶂的特点。 C. 第⑤句用了比喻的修辞方法,形象地写出了山水画具有朦胧的美感。 D. 第⑥句用了拟人的修辞方法,生动地写出了溪水潺潺流动的特点。 3.对下面文段中所使用的修