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一、将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。 1.These flowers are from Guangdong. He said.

He said _______ these flowers _______ from Guangdong. 2. Light travels faster than sound. My teacher told me. My teacher told me _____ light _______ faster than sound. 3.There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didn’t know.

Jack didn’t know _____ there _____ ____ a meeting in five days. 4.Can they speak French? I want to know.

I want to know ______ _______ _______ _______ French. 5.Are the chi


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3eud教育网 http://www.3edu.net 百万教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!


一、将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。 1.These flowers are from Guangdong. He said.

He said _______ these flowers _______ from Guangdong. 2. Light travels faster than sound. My teacher told me. My teacher told me _____ light _______ faster than sound. 3.There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didn’t know.

Jack didn’t know _____ there _____ ____ a meeting in five days. 4.Can they speak French? I want to know.

I want to know ______ _______ _______ _______ French. 5.Are the chi


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(一)、由that 引导的陈述句性的宾语从句,在很多动词如say, think, wish , hope, see, believe, agree, expect, hear , feel等动词后。连词that只起连接作用,在从句中不做句子的成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略,但在大多数情况下还是以不省为好,特别是在笔语中。例:I told him that he was wrong.

否定前移:I在think, believe , suppose, expect等动词引起的宾语从句中,有时谓语尽管是否定意义,却不用否定形式,而将think 等动词变为否定形式。例:I don’t think you are right. (我认为你做的不对)

(二)、由连词if、 whether 引导的表示“是否…”的宾语从句。Whether, if 在从句中不做句子的成分,一般情况下,whether和if 可以替换。例:

1)I don’t know if/whether he will come tomorrow.

2)The teacher asked if/whether we had finished the hom


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argue with sb. about sth 为某事与某人争吵

【解析2】be nice to sb. 对某人友好 be friendly to sb be good to sb.

【解析】refuse =say no to v拒绝 refuse to do sth拒绝去做某事【解析】

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

【拓展】offer v 主动给予1 offer to do sth 主动提出做某事2offer sb. sth= offer sth to sb. 主动提供给某人某物

【解析2】communicate v交流 communication n 交流;沟通communicate with sb. 和某人交流

【解析】explain 解释;说明→ explanation n 解释;说明explain sth to sb. 向

某人解释某事。explain to sb sth给某人解释某事

【解析】 be worried about sth. 担心某事【拓展】worry v 担心→ worried adj. 焦急

worry about = be worried about 为……担心

【解析】return ⑴v


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1 something to drink 一些喝的东西

2 have some more food 再吃点儿食物

3 one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一

4 be willing to share things with her friends 愿意和她的朋友分享东西

5 help me with my homework 帮助我做家庭作业

6 give her seat on the bus to someone in need 在公共汽车上把她的座位让给有需要的人

7 grow up 长大,成长

8 make sb. look smart 是某人看上去聪明

9 have a good sense of humour 有很强的幽默感

10 tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话

11 walk past our desks 经过我们的课桌

12 knock onto 把 撞到 上

13 say a bad word about sb. 讲某人的坏话

14 keep a secret 保守秘密

15 travel around the world


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Unit 1: How often do you exercise?




● What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach.

● How often do you eat vegetables? Every day.

● Most students do homework every day.


● Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never.

● How often, once , twice , three times a week , every day.


1. go to the movies 去看电影

2. look after = take care of 照顾

3. surf the internet 上网

4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

5. go skate boarding 去滑板

6. kee


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新目标八年级(上)英语复习提纲 Unit 1: How often do you exercise? 【语言目标】

? What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach. ? How often do you eat vegetables? Every day. ? Most students do homework every day. 【应掌握的词组】

1. go to the movies 去看电影 2. look after = take care of 照顾

3. surf the internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

5. go skate boarding 去划板 6. keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

7. exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼 8. eating habits 饮食习惯

9. take m


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1. be scared of sb./sth. 恐惧某人/某物

2. go up 上升 , 与rise 同义,与go down 或set 相反

3. make a noise 发出声响,吵闹

4. arrive in 到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at ;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。

5. not…until…直到……才……

6. see…doing…停止做某事

7. go cycling 相当于 go to ride a bike ,意思是去骑车。

8. nit sb. on the head 表示“打某人的头”,表示的“打某人的脸”要用hit sb. in the face 。

9. turn around 转身

10. fall off 摔下来

11. give sb. a push 推某人一下

12. help sb. do sth. = help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

13. get off 从……下来,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等。

14. think about 思考、想起、想到(某人或某事)

15. all day 一整天

16. on


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Unit 1: How often do you exercise? 【复习目标】

会使用频率副词及短语;能描述课余时间的活动安排;会描述基本饮食结构。 【语言目标】

● What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach. ● How often do you eat vegetables? Every day ● Most students do homework every day. 【重点词汇】

● always, usually , often, sometimes , hardly , ever, never. ● how often, once , twice , three times a week , every day. 【应掌握的词组】

1. go to the movies 去看电影 2. look after = take care of 照顾 3. surf the internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go


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Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1. go on vacation 去度假 2.stay at home 待在家里 3.go to the mountains 去爬山 4. go to the beach 5. visit museums 6. go to summer camp 7.quite a few 8.study for 9.go out 10.most of the time 11. taste good 12.have a good time 13. of course 14.feel like