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1. Play the guitar弹吉他 2. what to do sth 想做 某事

3. join the music club 加入俱乐部4. speak English 说英语

5. match----with 与------匹配6. play chess下棋

7. the swimming club 游泳俱乐部 8. what club 什么俱乐部

9. a sports club一个体育俱乐部 10. be good at telling stories 擅长讲故事

11. the story telling club讲故事俱乐部 12. like to do/doing喜欢做某事

13. let’s join 让我们加入14. sounds good 听起来好

15. students wanted for School Show学校表演招聘学生

16. talk to /with跟某人谈话

17. after school放学后 18. do kung fu 表演功夫

19. show sb sth=show sth to sb把某物

七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets教案(新版)牛津版

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Unit 8 Pets

Welcome to the unit

Teaching Aims

1. Learn some names of animals and their appearances and lifestyles. 2. Arouse the students’ interests in talking about animals. Step 1. Lead-in

Ask Ss: How many animals do you know? What are they?

Encourage Ss to think out animals in English as many as possible. Step 2. Presentation

1. Show some pictures to learn some words about this lesson: pet n. 宠物 rude adj. 粗鲁的

goldfish n. (pl. goldfish) 金鱼 mouse n. (pl. mice) 老鼠,耗子 …



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Module 1 Lost and found

Unit1 Whose bag is this

Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too Ms Li: Are these crayons yours

Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you.

Ms Li: Whose tapes are these Daming: They’re mine.

Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet!

Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you.

Ms Li: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours


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内部资料(新版) Unit 1 People Around Us

1. Cheerful

㈠ Cheerful adj. 快乐的,高兴的 Why is he so cheerful?

Cheerful是由名词cheer+ful构成。表示―充满…‖的意思。 比如说:useful,helpful,beautiful,thankful. ㈡ Cheer n 欢呼,高兴,愉快

Her help brought cheer to our hearts. ㈢ Cheer v. 欢呼,使…高兴,加油

She failed the exam,and we want to cheer her up.

2. hard-working adj 工作努力的,勤勉的 Simon is a hard-working student. 区别:work hard 动副结构 Simon works hard.

3. patient

㈠ Patient adj 耐心的 (impatient 没耐心的) 搭配:be pa

七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Neighbours Task教案(新版)牛津版

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Unit 2 Neighbours Task

年 级 七年级 科目 英语

7B Unit2 Neighbours Task 主备人 教 学 目 标 重点 难点 教学 准备 交流 时间 整合 时间 组长签字 课题 课时 1 课型 new 授课时间 1. to get to learn more words ,phrases and sentences 2. To try to write on Community Centers. To master the new learnings Try to use the new learnings to write on Community Centers. To practice to improve students’abilities. A recorder,a picture&ppts 教 学 设 计 详 案 Step 1 Guide-in Have a free talk on neighbours . e.g. Who is your neighbours . What is he


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不,他不是。 2016-2017年度七年级英语上学

6.—Nice to meet you!认识你很高兴! 期各单元知识点复习提纲 Unit 1 My name’s Gina.

◇Section A 重点短语

1.my/your name 我的/你的名字

2.his/her name他的/她的名字

—Nice to meet you,too.认识你也很高兴。 7.—What's your/his/her telephone/phone number?你的/他的/她的电话号码是多少? —It's 281-9176.是281-9176。

◇Section B 重点短语

1.telephone/phone number 电话号码 2.first name 名字 3.last name 姓

4.middle school 中学;初中 5.in China 在中国

Unit 2 This is my sister.

◇Section A 重点短语

1.my family 我的家庭 2.good morning 早上好



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七年级(上)Units 1-2 综合单元能力测试题


I. 听录音, 选出你听到的句子。句子念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. My new teachers are all friends. B. My new teachers are all friendly. C. My new teachers are my friends. ( ) 2. A. What is you mother like? B. What does your mother do? C. What does your mother look like? ( ) 3. A. Ann always has a good time at school. B. Ann always has a good rest at school. C. Ann always has good friends at school. ( ) 4. A. Tom lives far away from school.


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第一章 有理数 1.1 正数和负数


1.在跳远测试中,及格的标准是4.00 m,王非跳了4.12 m,记为+0.12 m,何叶跳了3.95 m,记作( )m

A.+0.05 B.-0.05 C.+3.95 D.-3.95

2.观察下列一组数:1,-2,3,-4,5,-6,7,-8,?,则第100个数是( ). A.100 B.-100 C.101 D.-101

3.下列用正数与负数表示具有相反意义的量,其中正确的是( ). A.凌晨气温为-5℃,中午气温比凌晨上升5℃,所以中午气温为 +5℃ B.+3.2 m表示比海平面高+3.2 m,那么-9 m表示比海平面低一9 m C.如果生产成本增加5%记作+5%,那么-5%表示生产成本降低5%

D.如果收入增加8元记作+8元,那么-5元表示支出减少5元 4.下列语句中正确的有( )个,

①不带“一”号的数都是正数;②如果a是正数,那么-a一定是负数; ③不存在既不是正数,也不是负数的数;④0℃表示没有温度.

A.O B.1 C.2 D.3



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  1.An old friend of mine is coming to see me,Hobo.霍波,我的一位老伴侣要来看我。

  an old friend of mine意为我的一位老伴侣。


  如:a pen of Jims(吉姆的 一支钢笔),a book of hers(她的一本书)。

  2.Is it enough for a can of dog foo d?这钱够买一听狗粮吗?

  此处的for相当于to buy a can of dog food意为一听狗粮。

  3.Shopping is fun.购物真风趣。

  句中shopping是动名词作主语。此布局可以 转换成:It is fun to shop.


  如:Running and swimming are good for US.跑步和游泳对我们有好处。


  1.Chinese paintings 中国油画



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课题 教 学 目 标 Unit1 Nice to meet you. 课型 Listening and 授课 2课时 speaking 时间 一、知识与能力 To understand conversations about self-introduction. To give a brief self-introduction, including name, age, grade, class and hometown. 二、过程与方法 1.Learn new words by listening to the tape and teacher’s explanation; 2.Seek actively the suitable method of ss’ own remembering words and grammar rules. 3.Encourage ss’ to learn new vocabulary through what they have already known. 三、情感态度与价值观 Be happy to know about how to give a self-