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the big bang theor


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The Big Bang Theory, Season 5, Episode 1

Previously onTheBigBangTheory... 生活大爆炸前情提要...

-Priya: My brother... he's got a big crush on Bernadette. Crush: 迷恋


-Leonard: Bernadette You’re moving back to India? 你要回印度?

-Leonard: What's going on? go on: 发生 怎么了这是?

-Penny: It's... It's not what it looks like. look like: 看起来像


-Sheldon: What does it look like? look like: 看起来像 看起来是怎样?

It's not what it looks like. look like: 看起来像 不是我们看到的那样。

It's not what it looks like. 不是我们看到的那样。

生活大爆炸 - 第一季 - 剧本台词 - 中英文对照1.07 - 图文

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第一季7集: The Dumpling Paradox -Howard:Watch this, it's really cool. Call Leonard Hofstadter. -Machine:Did you say: \-Howard:No. Call Leonard Hofstadter. -Machine:Did you say: \-Howard:No. -Leonard:Here, let me try it. Call McFlono McFlooniloo. -Machine:Calling Rajesh Koothrappali. -Raj:Oh, it's very impressive. And a little racist. -Sheldon:If we're all through playing \can we get on with Halo night We were supposed to start at 8:00. It is now 8:06. -Leonard:So we'll start now. 看这个,真的很酷。 呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。 您说的是\呼叫Helen Box

生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第15集

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嗯 我也想你了 亲爱的 Yeah,I miss you,too,sweetie.

我得挂了 晚上见吧

Listen,I got to go,but I'll see you tonight? 好的 Okay. 拜拜 Bye-bye. 拜拜 Bye-bye. 不 你先挂嘛

No,you hang up first. 喂 Hello?

老兄 我为你好不容易找到个女朋友而高兴 Dude,I'm glad you finally got a girlfriend, 但你非得当着我们这些光棍的面

but do you have to do all that lovey-dovey stuff 玩那套你亲我热的把戏吗

in front of those of us who don't?

事实上 他也许该当如此 Actually,he might have to.


There's an economic concept known as a positional good 它只在持有人手中才能彰显其价值

in which an object is only valued by the possessor

生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第15集

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嗯 我也想你了 亲爱的 Yeah,I miss you,too,sweetie.

我得挂了 晚上见吧

Listen,I got to go,but I'll see you tonight? 好的 Okay. 拜拜 Bye-bye. 拜拜 Bye-bye. 不 你先挂嘛

No,you hang up first. 喂 Hello?

老兄 我为你好不容易找到个女朋友而高兴 Dude,I'm glad you finally got a girlfriend, 但你非得当着我们这些光棍的面

but do you have to do all that lovey-dovey stuff 玩那套你亲我热的把戏吗

in front of those of us who don't?

事实上 他也许该当如此 Actually,he might have to.


There's an economic concept known as a positional good 它只在持有人手中才能彰显其价值

in which an object is only valued by the possessor


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My father broke his clavicle. -Leonard: Is that why they sent you to boarding school? -Sheldon: No. That was a result of my work with lasers. -Leonard: New neighbor? -Sheldon: Evidently. -Leonard: Significant improvement over the old neighbor. -Sheldon: 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes, she is. -Penny: Oh, hi. -Leonard: hi. -Sheldon: hi. -Leonard: hi. -Penny: Hi? -Leonard: We don't mean to interrupt. We live across the hall. -Penny: Oh, that's nice. -Leonard: Oh, no, uh, we don't live together. I mean


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Transformers 1 《变形金刚1》

主题曲:What I've Done

-Optimus Prime: Before time began, there was the Cube. cube: 立方体【这里指立方形的能量体。】 在很久的过去,能量体就已经存在了。 We know not where it comes from, 我们不知道它从哪里来,

only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. hold: 拥有 fill: 装满,(使)充满

只知道它拥有创造世界和生命的力量。 That is how our race was born. race: 种族

我们这个种族就是这么诞生的。 For a time, we lived in harmony,

for a time: 短时间内 harmony: 和谐 我们一直和谐地生活着,

but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. evil: 邪恶的


《生活大爆炸》中英文版介绍 (11)_图文

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Dr. Leonard Hofstadter

Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali Mr. Howard Wolowitz Dr.Sheldon Cooper Penny the waitress

Dr.Sheldon Cooper Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D. – Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy, he possesses a master's degree, two Ph.D.s, and an IQ of 187

Dr.Sheldon Cooper He exhibits a strict adherence to routine; a lack of understanding of irony, sarcasm and humor; and a complete lack of humility. These characteristics are the main sources of his character's humor . It sounds crazy.

Dr. Leonard


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《1》Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

《2》Sheldon: Why are you crying?
Penny: Because I'm stupid!
Sheldon: That'