In side the Livi ng Cell: Structure and
Fun cti on of Internal Cell Parts
Cytoplasm: The Dyn amic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associatewith life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substanee, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble prote ins, and other materials n eeded for cell fun
Inside the LivingCell: Structureand
Functionof Internal Cell PartsCytoplasm: The Dynamic, MobileFactory
Most of the propertieswe associatewithlife areproperties of the cytoplasm.Much of the mass of a cell consistsof this semifluid substance, whichisbounded on theoutside bythe plasmamembrane.Organelles are suspended within it,supported by the filamentous network ofthe cytoskeleton. Dissolvedin thecyt oplasmic fluidare nutrients,ions,solubleproteins, an dothermaterials needed for cell functioning.
a portion of一部分
a variety of各种各样的
a mass of 大量的
AC abbr. Alternating Current交流电
accidental adj.意外的
accumulator n.累加器
acquisition n.获取,采集
acquisition time采集时间
acquisition time采集时间
activate vt.激活
active adj.有源的
actuator n 致动器,执行器
add-on n.附件
address vt.从事,忙于
address generator地址产生器
address pointer地址指针
addressing mode寻址模式
adjustment n 调整,调节
ADSL abbr. Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop非对称数字用户线adverse adj 不利的,相反的
AFG Arbitrary Function Generator任意函数发生器
aggregate v.聚集,合计
AGP Accel
第一章 绪论
1.组织职能的主要内容包括组织的 ( )
A.计划与总结、人员配备、规划与变动、授权 B.结构设计、计划与总结、规划与变动、授权 C.结构设计、人员配备、规划与变动、授权 D.结构设计、人员配备、计划与总结、授权
2 管理者处理同样的问题时根据实际情况采取不同方法,体现了管理的 ( ) A. 客观性 B. 艺术性 C. 科学性 D. 社会性
3.体现科学管理的基本特征是 ( ) A.制度化、程序化、数量化、人性化
B.规范化、程序化、数量化、人性化 C.制度化、程序化、数量化、规范化 D.制度化、程序化、规范化、人性化 4.护理管理者的任务 ( )
A.促进护理科研、建立评估体系、实施成本核算、探寻管理规律 B.完善服务内容、建立评估体系、实施成本核算、探寻管理规律 C.完善服务内容、促进护理科研、实施成本核算、探寻管理规律 D.完善服务内容、建立评估体系、促进护理科研、探寻管理规律 5 管理与社会化大生产相联系并指挥劳动的属性,反映了管理的: A.自然属性 B.艺术属性 C.组织属性 D.社会属性
6.护理管理人员与一般护士的根本区别在于 ( ) A.需要与他人配合完
Lesson 1 China Customs
I. Oral work
1. What are the major functions of the Customs General Administration?
1. To draft and enact the policies and principles on Customs work; to participate in drawing up and amending the Customs Import and Export Tariff;to enact other statutes on Customs operation;and to 1nspect,supervise and direct the enforcement of them by the Customs offices throughout the country; 2. To participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs affairs; 3. To conduct the unif
Lesson 1 China Customs
I. Oral work
1. What are the major functions of the Customs General Administration?
1. To draft and enact the policies and principles on Customs work; to participate in drawing up and amending the Customs Import and Export Tariff;to enact other statutes on Customs operation;and to 1nspect,supervise and direct the enforcement of them by the Customs offices throughout the country; 2. To participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs affairs; 3. To conduct the unif
翻译1.2 什么是反馈和它有什么影响?
2. 在这些例子中,应用反馈的目的是减小参考输入和系统输出间的误差。
3. 然而,在控制系统中应用反馈的重要性要比这些简单例子所示的复杂得多。
4. 减少系统误差只是反馈对系统产生的重要作用之一。
5. 在下面的章节里,反馈还能对系统的下列运行特性产生影响:稳定性,带宽,总增益,扰动和灵敏度。
1. 为了理解反馈对控制系统的作用,我们需要从广义的角度来检验这个现象。
2. 当反馈被有意地引入控制中时,(我们可以)很容易地识别出它来。
3. 但是在很多情况下,我们通常认为的本质上非反馈的物理系统,在某些特定的观察方式下,也会表现出反馈的特性。
4. 一般来说,每当系统变量间存在一个有因果关系的闭路序列时,我们可以说系统存在反馈。
5. 这种观点不可避免地承认了大量的最初被认为是非反馈系统的系统都存在反馈。
6. 随着反馈和控制理论的应用,一旦上述意义上的反馈的存在被建立,这种通用的反馈定义可以使大量的系统得到更系统化的研究,而不管有没有物理上的反馈。
1. 现在我们从系统性能的不同方面研究反馈的作用。(如果)没有必须的线性系统理论的数学
?1. We are 23 feet above the sea level.
?2. The house has been here since 1915, and has never been damaged
by any hurricanes. ?3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. ?4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity so the lights also went out.
?5. Everybody go out through the back door and run to the car.
?6. The electrical systems in the car (the battery for the starter) had been put out by w ater. ?7. As John watched th
第一章 温度
1-1 在什么温度下,下列一对温标给出相同的读数:(1)华氏温标和摄氏温标;(2)华氏温标和热力学温标;(3)摄氏温标和热力学温标?
当 时,即可由 时
故在 (2)又
当 时 则即
解得: 故在 (3)
1-2 定容气体温度计的测温泡浸在水的三相点槽内时,其中气体的压强为50mmHg。 (1)用温度计测量300K的温度时,气体的压强是多少? (2)当气体的压强为68mmHg时,待测温度是多少?
1-3 用定容气体温度计测得冰点的理想气体温度为273.15K,试求温度计内的气体在冰点时的压强与水的三相点时压强之比的极限值。
解:根据 已知 冰点
1-4 用定容气体温度计测量某种物质的沸点。 原来测温泡在水的三相点时,其中气体的压强
Answers to listening and speaking BookII
Unit 1
Part A
Exercise 1 1. 398-4071 2. 278-9536
3. 1390-1910-466 4. 415-566-1268 5. 5-078-2489 6. 6102-9517-2880 7.210-699-4982 8. 6-592-7649 Exercises 2
Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home.
Part B conversation 1
Exercise 1
1 father&daughter
2. they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him 3. Riding a motorcycle
4. He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears a pony tail. 5. she says he is old-fa