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A. B.

C. D. E.

1. ____

2. ____

3. ____

4. ____

5. ____


( )6. A. Yes, I think they are nice.

B. No, I don’t think they are nice.

C. I like them very much. I’ll take them.

( )7. A. Yes, they’re too heavy. B. Don’t worry. Let me help you.

C. Yes, you are right.

( )8. A. It’s very great. B. Here is fifty yuan. C. It’s fifty yuan.

( )9. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I’d like to. C. I don’t like its color. ( )10. A. Yes, please.


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Unit 4 Topic 1

(满分:100分;考试时间:90分钟) 题号 得分 第一部分 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 第二部分 Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ 总分 第一部分:听 力(15分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) 1.A. Fourteen times. B. Twenty-one hours. C. At 5:30. ( ) 2.A. He’s tall and thin. B. He’s an astronaut. C. He’s mending the machine. ( ) 3.A. The second nation. B. The first nation. C. The third nation. ( ) 4.A. Shenzhou Ⅵ. B. Shenzhou Ⅴ. C. Shenzhou Ⅳ. ( ) 5.A. OK. B. That’s right. C. That’s wonderful. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择相应的图片排序。每段对话读一遍。(5分)


仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1《When was it invented》(S

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SectionA 基础知识达标训练

一. 根据英文释义选择单词

digital, satellite, spaceship, laptop, lock 1. information as a series of numbers”1”and “0” showing electronic signal

2. a small computer that can work with battery and being easily carried 3. to close or join together the two parts of sth. That can be opened with a key

4. a vehicle that travels in space, carrying people

5. an electronic equipment that is sent into space and moves around the earth or another planet 二.单项选择

( ) 1. Students are


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What can I do for you? 是服务行业的用语。商店售货员常用的句式。 2. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.

buy 动词,买,购买buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物。 3. The clothes are over there, madam. over there 在那边

4. Not at all. 不用谢, 没关系。

That’s all right. = That’s OK.= You’re welcome.= Not at all. not… at all 一点也不

I don’t want to go to school at all. 5. Can I try it on? try on 试穿

宾语为名词时,可以放在中间,也可以放在on之后。宾语为代词时,必须放在try与on中间。 ? 例如:

? Please try on this new sweater.= Please try this new sweater on. These are new shoes. Try them on, please.

仁爱版九年级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A教案

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Unit 2 Saving the Earth

Topic 1 Section A



1.Master some new words and useful expressions:Words and phrases: bee, butterfly, mess, shame, several, pollute, waste, villager, destroy, cut down, goodness, pour, see sb./sth. do sth., see sb./sth. doing sth., cut down, my goodness

2. Sentences: What a shame! / What a mess!/ The flowers and grass have gone!/ What has happened here?/ There be sth./sb. doing sth./ There are several factories pouring waste water into the stream./ Everything has changed.

3. Grammar: differences betw

仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3《The world has changed fo

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Unit1 Topic3 SectionD 教学设计

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第四课时,是本话题的复习课。学生通过Grammar和Functions来归纳总结since/for在现在完成时态中的运用并复习本话题的重要功能句。1a通过介绍“Project Hope”综合复习现在完成时和一些重要的表达法。1b所提供的问题可以很好地培养学生“带着问题阅读”的习惯。同时,通过回答问题,让学生把短文复述一遍。2在语法上是训练学生在具体语境中运用动词,检测学生对不同时态的掌握和运用程度,在内容上则是与1a相呼应,举例说明“Project Hope”的重要作用。Project部分则是让学生了解更多的公益组织,从而激发学生关注不同的社会组织,倡导学生积极加入公益组织帮助他人。 Ⅱ.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims:

掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,复习现在完成时和重点表达法。 2.Skill aims:

培养学生通过wh-questions(如:what,when等),理解和分析说明文。 能够读懂有关组织机构简介的文章。 3.Emotional aims: (optional)

仁爱版九年级英语上册Unit2 Topic1 话题测试

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Unit2 Topic1 话题测试


1.The old man can hear nothing. He is d_________. 2. People need to b________ the fresh air. 3.I’m sorry to d_________ you. 4. The man has cancer because of the air p____________. 5.The chemical factory p_________ terrible gas every day. (B)根据汉语意思,填入所缺的单词:

1. He is________ _______ ______ _______(情绪很糟糕) today. 2. All the flowers, grass and fish __________ _________(都没了) 3. There ________ a little girl ___________(正在哭) in the street.

4. Noise _______ _______ _______ / ____

仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit4 Topic2 SectionA 教学设计

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Unit4 Topic2 SectionA 教学设计

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 谈论即将放映的电影来引入新时态:一般将来时的被动语态。除了引入新时态,也引入了新话题:未来的新事物。1b以训练听力技能为主,让学生在听觉上感受新时态。1c通过把对话转换成短文的形式,让学生巩固1a的内容。2a要求学生观察、体验新时态的构成。2b则要求学生能基本运用新时态。3在内容上承接了2b。2b提到有些科学家认为在外太空存在外星人。3则是以听力的形式来呈现Kangkang和Maria对此问题的讨论,并且在听的过程中,学生要完成两个任务,进一步训练听力技能。

Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims:


2. Skill aims:



3. Emotional aims: (optional)

4. Culture awareness: (optional)

Ⅲ. The key

新仁爱版九年级英语上册Unit 1 topic2 section B 教案

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Unit 1 topic2 section B 教案

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第二课时,主活动是1a和2。本课通过谈论各国的人口数量,复习比较级的基本句型,学习高位数的表达。1b通过连线题,训练学生听懂高位数的能力。1c通过把对话转换为段落来巩固1a的内容。2重点学习高位数的读法。3让学生通过读图来操练高位数的读法。为了降低1a和3的难度,建议将2调整到1a前,作为一个读前的活动。通过谈论各国人口的现状,引导学生树立正确的人口观念。 Ⅱ.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims:

掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,复习形容词比较级的用法,继续学习数字表达。 2.Skill aims:


能通过整合对话内容,提升综合语言运用能力。 3.Emotional aims: (optional)

增强学生对人口问题的认识,了解各国的人口现状。 增强学生关注社会的意识。

4.Culture awareness: (optional)


Ⅲ. The key points and

最新推荐仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3测试题

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Unit 1 Topic 3


( )1.She has _____ this car for nearly ten years.

A.buy B.bought C.have D.had

( )2.You can’t trust what he said, you should go and _____ for yourself.

A.look B.see C.find D.study

( )3.—Is it interesting to play computer games?

—Yes, _____ you are interested in playing computer games, you’ll have trouble giving it up.

A.once B.twice C.as D.as soon as

( )4.The supermarket provides customers _____ plastic bags for free.

A.on B.with C.of D.in

( )5.I think it’