lesson8 canada教学设计
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[教学设计]《快乐英语》第六册 Unit 3 lesson17
2008-11-04 08:28 来源: 铁路小学 作者:王路童 网友评论 0 条 浏览次数 992 《教学目标:
1. 能听、说、读、写单词:cinema, bank, post office, hospital, bookstore
2. 能熟练地运用句型:Can you tell me the way to ? 向他人问路。并能为他人准确地指明各个方向。
3. 熟练掌握Learn to say 部分,并能表演。
1. 对本课词汇及词组的熟练掌握。
2. 能熟练运用句型向他人问路,并为他人指路。
教学难点:对句型:Can you tell me the way to ? 的掌握。
Step 1 Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!
Ss: Nice to meet you, too.
T: How are you today?
Ss: Fine, thank you, and you?
T: Very well, thanks. Now, let’s sing a song together. OK?
Ss: O
Lesson 8 Do you speak English? (NCE lesson 14)
Teaching goals: 1. Target language
a. Learn the following words and phrases:
amusing experience leave village next town south drive wave ask sb. for a lift French reply same language apart from word not…at all neither speak during journey nearly reach suddenly slowly soon himself b. Learn some important sentences:
①. I had an amusing experience last year. ②. Neither of us spoke during the journey.
③. After I had left a small village in the south of F
Lesson 8 The best and the worst
Do you often go for some competitions (race, match比赛,竞赛), like drawing, sports, or chess competitions? Have you visited some gardens happily?
‘The Nicest Garden (花园) Competition’
Which one is the best? which one is the worst (最坏 的)?
Can you guess which kind of garden will win ‘The Nicest Garden (花园) Competition’ (比赛,竞赛)?
According to (根据) the text, the garden should first have neat (tidy,整洁的) paths (小路), then it should have a wooden (木头 的) bridge (桥) and lastly it should have a clear pool (水
Lesson 65教学设计实例
Lesson 65教学设计实例
Lesson 65教学设计实例 Period: The First Period
Properties: Recorder, Pictures, Overhead projector Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims:
(1) Let the students know how to use adverbial clauses of time and condition. (2) Learn modal auxiliary verb “must”. 2. Ability aims:
(1) Students can make sentences with “must” in their own words.
(2) Students can point which sentence are adverbial clauses of time and condition. 3. Emotion aim:
You must be more careful when you cross the road.
Language Focus: 1. adverbial clauses
Lesson 65教学设计实例
Lesson 65教学设计实例
Lesson 65教学设计实例 Period: The First Period
Properties: Recorder, Pictures, Overhead projector Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims:
(1) Let the students know how to use adverbial clauses of time and condition. (2) Learn modal auxiliary verb “must”. 2. Ability aims:
(1) Students can make sentences with “must” in their own words.
(2) Students can point which sentence are adverbial clauses of time and condition. 3. Emotion aim:
You must be more careful when you cross the road.
Language Focus: 1. adverbial clauses
lesson 10 the great wall教学设计
Lesson 10 The Great Wall 教学设计
本课选自冀教版小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 In Beijing的第四课The Great Wall. 在本单元, 学生已经了解到小主人公到达北京,开始了他们的北京之旅,并且参观了北京的景点天安门广场,故宫。本节课内容主要包括两个部分。第一部主人公谈论长城的历史和长度。第二部分讲述Danny在从长城回来的路上由于不顾交通规则所发生的事。本课通过主要是让学生学会如何用英语谈论长度,学会在城市中行走要遵循的安全规则。本课篇幅不长,图文并茂,但其中包含着丰富的语言信息。
五年级的学生已经有了一定的英语知识基础,具备了一定的逻辑思维能力以及简单的口语表达能力和阅读能力,能借助图片读懂简单的对话,表达情感和进行语言交流。学生们在第一单元已学过祈使句Please.….和Please don’t……的表达方式,本课将结合在道路上安全行走这一情景继续渗透祈使句Don’t be afraid 等的用法。
1 语言知识目标
学生能正确听说读写单词feel tired stop wait afraid
How long is…
culture of Canada
Cultures Of
Part one-Fast FactsOfficial Name: CanadaCapital: Ottawa Type of government: a constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy, as well as being a federation. Area: 9,976,162 sq km Official Language: English and French Population: over 31 million
People: 84.6% are White people, 1.6% are Black, 0.4% are Hispanic, 6.9% areAsian, and 6.5% are other native peoples. Religion: Christianity 77%, None 16.2%, Islam 2.0%, Judaism 1.1%, Hinduism 1.0%, Buddhism 1.0%, Sikhism 0.9% (2001) Major Rivers: Mackenzie,
lesson 8 Three Cups of Tea
Lesson 8 Three Cups of Tea
Background information
1. about the author Greg Mortenson
Greg Mortenson is the co-founder of nonprofit Central Asia Institute, founder of Pennies For Peace, and co-author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea, and author of the bestseller Stones into Schools.
In 2009, Mortenson received Pakistan?s highest civil award, Sitara-e-Pakistan (“Star of Pakistan”) for his dedicated and humanitarian effort to promote education and literacy in rural areas for fifteen years.
Several bi-part
lesson8_text appreciation
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Lesson 1 how do you feel教学设计
Unit 1 How do you feel?
Lesson 1 Happy and sad 教学设计
[ Lesson objective ]
(一)Knowledge goals:
happy, sad, mad, tired,scared
How do you feel?
(二)Skill goals:
1. 熟练使用句子“How do you feel?”进行询问并回答,能正确表达自己的情感。
2. 熟练演唱英文歌曲“If you’re sad and you know it”,并能进行表演。
(三)Emotions and attitude goals:
[Teaching material analyses]
happy sad mad tired scared
How do you feel? I feel_____.
[ Teaching materials ]
[ Teaching steps ]