Carbon Balance and Management
Carbon Balance and Management
BioMed Central
Open Access
Predicting the deforestation-trend under different carbon-prices
GeorgEKindermann*1,2, MichaelObersteiner1,3, EwaldRametsteiner1,2 and
Address: 1International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, 2University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria and 3Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria
Email: GeorgEKindermann*;; Ewa
Carbon Balance and Management
Carbon Balance and Management
BioMed Central
Open Access
Predicting the deforestation-trend under different carbon-prices
GeorgEKindermann*1,2, MichaelObersteiner1,3, EwaldRametsteiner1,2 and
Address: 1International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, 2University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria and 3Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria
Email: GeorgEKindermann*;; Ewa
Chapter10 The Balance of Payments
国际金融课件 全英文
The Balance of Payments
国际金融课件 全英文
Double-Entry Accounting Balance of payments Record of the economic transactions Between the residents of one country and the rest of the world Double-entry accounting system
International transaction Exchange of goods, services, or assets Between residents of one country and those of another2
国际金融课件 全英文
Double-Entry Accounting Residents Businesses, individuals, and government agencies That make the country in question their legal domicile
Credit transaction (+) Rec
商照Ground Lesson No 5 - Weight and Balance
Ground lesson .5
Weight and Flight Performance A heavier gross weight will result in: Longer T/O/LDG roll, shallower climb, faster touchdown speed, slow acceleration/deceleration Increased retarding force (drag and ground friction)
Climb and cruise performance is reduced which can lead to: Overheating in climbs, added wear on engine, increased fuel, slower cruise, reduced range
Weight and Structure Structural failures which result from overloading may be catastrophic but they ofte
商照Ground Lesson No 5 - Weight and Balance
Ground lesson .5
Weight and Flight Performance A heavier gross weight will result in: Longer T/O/LDG roll, shallower climb, faster touchdown speed, slow acceleration/deceleration Increased retarding force (drag and ground friction)
Climb and cruise performance is reduced which can lead to: Overheating in climbs, added wear on engine, increased fuel, slower cruise, reduced range
Weight and Structure Structural failures which result from overloading may be catastrophic but they ofte
iMAX B6 LiPro Balance Charger说明书 - 图文
IMAX-B6中文说明书(修订版) ............................................................................................ 1 简介 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 特殊功能 ................................................................................................................................... 3 聚合物锂电池平衡充电连接图 ...............................................................................................
iMAX B6 LiPro Balance Charger说明书 - 图文
IMAX-B6中文说明书(修订版) ............................................................................................ 1 简介 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 特殊功能 ................................................................................................................................... 3 聚合物锂电池平衡充电连接图 ...............................................................................................
Balance sheet(资产负债表英文版)
资ENTERPRISE NAME: 资 产 ASSETS 流动资产: 货币资金 短期投资 应收票据 应收股利 应收利息 应收账款 其他应收款 预付账款 应收补贴款 存货 待摊费用 一年内到期的长期债权投资 其他流动资产 CURRENT ASSETS Monetary funds Short-term investments Notes receivable Dividend receivable Interest receivable Accounts receivable Other receivables Advances to suppliers Subsidies receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses Long-term debt investment Other current assets 行次 Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 流动资产合计 Sub-total of current assets 长期投资: 长期股权投资 长期债权投资 *合并价差 LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS Long-term equity inve
LS-DYNAEnergy balance 能量平衡-中英文版
time........................... 4.99735E-03 time step...................... 4.45000E-06 kinetic energy................. 3.80904E+09 internal energy................ 5.15581E+09 spring and damper energy....... 1.00000E-20 hourglass energy .............. 1.34343E+08 system damping energy.......... 0.00000E+00 sliding interface energy....... 1.72983E+07 external work.................. 4.54865E+09 eroded kinetic energy.......... 0.00000E+00 eroded internal energy......... 0.00000E+00 total energy................... 9.11649E+09 t
Balance sheet(资产负债表英文版)
资ENTERPRISE NAME: 资 产 ASSETS 流动资产: 货币资金 短期投资 应收票据 应收股利 应收利息 应收账款 其他应收款 预付账款 应收补贴款 存货 待摊费用 一年内到期的长期债权投资 其他流动资产 CURRENT ASSETS Monetary funds Short-term investments Notes receivable Dividend receivable Interest receivable Accounts receivable Other receivables Advances to suppliers Subsidies receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses Long-term debt investment Other current assets 行次 Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 流动资产合计 Sub-total of current assets 长期投资: 长期股权投资 长期债权投资 *合并价差 LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS Long-term equity inve