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Exercises (1) I.

( ) 34. Jim has gone to Beijing to attend a meeting, he hasn’t come to work today.

A. though B. if C. so D. until

( ) 36. George’s ambition is an architect when he grows up.

A. to become B. become C. becoming D. becomes

( ) 42. I hope to hear from my penfriend this weekend. The underlined phrase in the sentence means .

A. visit B. get a letter from C. write to D. e-mail

( ) 43. Is it from your school to your home? About 10 minutes’ walk.

A. How long B. How soon C.


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1 three passages about friends 关于朋友的3篇文章

2 to use the new words to describe my friends 用生词描述我的朋友

3 to use comparative and superlative adjectives 使用形容词的比较级和最高级 4 to use a vocabulary tree to remember new words 用词汇树来认生词 重点知识回顾 一【重点单词】

thirsty 口渴的 honest 诚实的;正直的 secret 秘密 care 关心,在意 yourself 你自己 magazine 杂志 good-looking 好看的 humorous 幽默的 polite 礼貌的 tidy 爱整洁的,整洁的 make 成为;适合 trust 信任 lie 谎言 joke 玩笑


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1 three passages about friends 关于朋友的3篇文章

2 to use the new words to describe my friends 用生词描述我的朋友

3 to use comparative and superlative adjectives 使用形容词的比较级和最高级 4 to use a vocabulary tree to remember new words 用词汇树来认生词 重点知识回顾 一【重点单词】

thirsty 口渴的 honest 诚实的;正直的 secret 秘密 care 关心,在意 yourself 你自己 magazine 杂志 good-looking 好看的 humorous 幽默的 polite 礼貌的 tidy 爱整洁的,整洁的 make 成为;适合 trust 信任 lie 谎言 joke 玩笑


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argue with sb. about sth 为某事与某人争吵

【解析2】be nice to sb. 对某人友好 be friendly to sb be good to sb.

【解析】refuse =say no to v拒绝 refuse to do sth拒绝去做某事【解析】

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

【拓展】offer v 主动给予1 offer to do sth 主动提出做某事2offer sb. sth= offer sth to sb. 主动提供给某人某物

【解析2】communicate v交流 communication n 交流;沟通communicate with sb. 和某人交流

【解析】explain 解释;说明→ explanation n 解释;说明explain sth to sb. 向

某人解释某事。explain to sb sth给某人解释某事

【解析】 be worried about sth. 担心某事【拓展】worry v 担心→ worried adj. 焦急

worry about = be worried about 为……担心

【解析】return ⑴v


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1 something to drink 一些喝的东西

2 have some more food 再吃点儿食物

3 one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一

4 be willing to share things with her friends 愿意和她的朋友分享东西

5 help me with my homework 帮助我做家庭作业

6 give her seat on the bus to someone in need 在公共汽车上把她的座位让给有需要的人

7 grow up 长大,成长

8 make sb. look smart 是某人看上去聪明

9 have a good sense of humour 有很强的幽默感

10 tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话

11 walk past our desks 经过我们的课桌

12 knock onto 把 撞到 上

13 say a bad word about sb. 讲某人的坏话

14 keep a secret 保守秘密

15 travel around the world


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新目标八年级(上)英语复习提纲 Unit 1: How often do you exercise? 【语言目标】

? What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach. ? How often do you eat vegetables? Every day. ? Most students do homework every day. 【应掌握的词组】

1. go to the movies 去看电影 2. look after = take care of 照顾

3. surf the internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

5. go skate boarding 去划板 6. keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

7. exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼 8. eating habits 饮食习惯

9. take m


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Unit 1: How often do you exercise? 【复习目标】

会使用频率副词及短语;能描述课余时间的活动安排;会描述基本饮食结构。 【语言目标】

● What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach. ● How often do you eat vegetables? Every day ● Most students do homework every day. 【重点词汇】

● always, usually , often, sometimes , hardly , ever, never. ● how often, once , twice , three times a week , every day. 【应掌握的词组】

1. go to the movies 去看电影 2. look after = take care of 照顾 3. surf the internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go


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Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1. go on vacation 去度假 2.stay at home 待在家里 3.go to the mountains 去爬山 4. go to the beach 5. visit museums 6. go to summer camp 7.quite a few 8.study for 9.go out 10.most of the time 11. taste good 12.have a good time 13. of course 14.feel like

八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U2 词组、句型、句子

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Unit 2 Work and play


1. most often 2. That's right. 3. daily life

4. once or twice a week 5. ride a motorcycle 6. play table tennis 7. play the piano 8. play computer games 9. choose the tight answers

10. be similar to most other students 11. expect to do sth 12. be very successful 13. You must go home now. 14. You must be right. 15. one of... 16. top students

17. a day in the life of sb 18. all of -- none of

19. be at school/work/university 20. have a family business

21. write computer games 22. over = more than 23.

八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U2 词组、句型、句子

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Unit 2 Work and play


1. most often 2. That's right. 3. daily life

4. once or twice a week 5. ride a motorcycle 6. play table tennis 7. play the piano 8. play computer games 9. choose the tight answers

10. be similar to most other students 11. expect to do sth 12. be very successful 13. You must go home now. 14. You must be right. 15. one of... 16. top students

17. a day in the life of sb 18. all of -- none of

19. be at school/work/university 20. have a family business

21. write computer games 22. over = more than 23.