

Slangs in common use

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A ace

He's an ace reporter very good action

Do you know where the action is in this town? excitement airhead

My sister's boyfriend is a real airhead stupid person all wet

Your ideas about politics are all wet. completely wrong all-nighter

I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter. after studying all night ammo

The gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo. ammunition antifreeze

I really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this. liquor armpit

This town is really an armpit. undersirable place a

Common LISP Hints 中译

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《Common LISP Hints 中译》

《Common LISP Hints》

Geoffrey J. Gordon Friday, February 5, 1993

Modified by Bruno Haible

Transtalted to Traditional Chinese by Wei-Yueh Chen (陈玮岳)


Note: This tutorial introduction to Common Lisp was written for the CMU environment, so some of the details of running lisp toward the end may differ from site to

Technology and threats have a lot in common

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Technology and threats have a lot in common.

It is appallingly obvious our technology has exceeded our humanity. ~ Albert Einstein

When I was a kid, we had a social life, and it was called 'outside'. And look at today's kids - Facebook, PlayStations, iPhones, Blackberries, and not to

forget, television sets with 300 channels. My grandmother used to say, one day when technology would hover, humans would stop thinking before acting. This statement makes much of a sense, and why not? Technology has sidelined 'patience' from ou

Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation ....pdf

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Common Criteria

for Information Technology

Security Evaluation

Part 1: Introduction and general model


This version of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC v2.3) contains all final interpretations, editorial changes, and agreed new material since the publication of CC v2.1, in alignment with International Standard ISO/IEC 15408:2005.

CC version 2.3 consists of the following parts:

?Part 1: Introduction and general model

?Part 2: Security functional requirements

?Part 3: Security assurance re

An RNS to binary converter in a three moduli set with common factors

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VI.CO NCULISNO hTeM alegbarc coinidtons in iFca t1, enecssryaf or la lA4 rotso o P (fz )to e bo nzII= 1, aerg enratee dysstmaeitalcyla d nar emiposded iretly oc nth paraemtere sot e esbtmaied. Tht ceodniiotn arse onnlneia ir tnhepa ametres. Trhec moptatiounalch re noeded efo carlucalingtd teerminnta os hfgiehr orerdin en ramtrice csna b eerdceudb yt eh ethod of dmouleb tianrgulairzaiotn[ 8]( o rsuni vagriosu

Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds-Fama&

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Common risk factors in the returns on

本文论证了股票和债券的回报率五种常见的危险因素。有三个 是股市的因素:整体市场因素,相关企业规模和账面市场因素。有两个债券市场的因素,市场成熟度和违约风险。股票收益有相同的变化,同时它们通过股票市场因素变化而变化。除了小型企业,债券市场收益共同变化。最重要的。五大因素似乎也解释了股票和债券的平均收益。 1. 简介

在美国普通股平均回报率的横截面显示相关的市场与夏普和林特纳的资本资产定价模型或布莱登的消费资本资产定价模型(CCAPM)等并无关系。【如: Reinganum(198 1)和布来登,吉本斯,Litzenberger(1989)】另一方面,资产定价理论没有特别变量来解释横截面的平均回报率。实证确定平均回报的列表变量包括规模(ME市值),财务杠杆,市盈率(E / P)和 账面值市值比【参见Banz(1981)。班达里(1988)。巴苏(1983)。罗森博格,里德Lansteinof Breeden】


美国本科申请common APP填表全攻略

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) ~3 ^/ P% z$ { S

一: common app注册部分

首先,进入common app 网站:

然后选 never registered?-go here, 进入注册页面,然后填入你的信息..common app中带黄点的是一定要填的 注重: 1.

假如你上大一,要转学去读大二,那么你是transfer student, 假如你上大一去US读大一,那你是freshman/firstyear student, 你是高三/高二去读也是freshman/firstyear 2.

中国人没几个有middle name 三个字的名字中间的那个字不是middle name.这种东西..以前有人填错过 3.

Last/Familyname是姓, First/Given name是名 4.

State/Province你不是美国居民不填 P.S.有些supplement上international applicant的state/province是选xx的 5.

PermanentAddress一定要填准,有英文名的填英文名(如我家…)第一行填你家住在XX花园小区…第几栋几楼几号, 下面那

Lay Theories of Spring Displacement of Common-Sense Understandings of Nature by ‘Expert ’

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To explore the interplay between expert and common-sense ideas of nature in lay minds, a social representations approach was applied to a simple cognitive field, namely ideas about when spring begins, and why. Results from content analysis confirmed that a

Lay Theories of Spring: Displacement ofCommon-Sense Understandings ofNature by ‘Expert’ Ideas

Raymond Chipeniuk

Frost Centre for Canadian Heritage and Development Studies, Trent University,Peterborough, Canada K9J 7B8

To explore the interplay between expert and common-sense i

s1-SPEC-170SX01TB_common_ Rev4.0最新

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SN-SA-A0004-04-E 2/35 Not duplication without authorization

Shanghai SV A NEC Liquid Crystal Display Co., Ltd.



Shanghai SV A NEC Liquid Crystal Display Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called "SV A-NEC") warrants that this product meets the product specifications set forth in this document. If this product under normal operation is found to be non-conforming to the product specifications, and such non-conformance is promptly notified to SV A-NEC within one (1) year after the delivery date, and further such non-con

常用商事法律英语词汇手册 - Common Vocabulary in Commercial L

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Common Vocabulary in Commercial Legal English


abound verb

■exist in large numbers or amounts

The benefits of plain English in legal writing abound.

accord noun.

■an accepted offer by which the parties agree that a specified future performance will discharge in full an obligation when performed even though the performance is of less value than the original obligation.

Party A hereby agrees that these claims are resolved in full accord and satisfaction without protest. verb

■grant or give, especially as being due or