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Review Form

Section I. General Information A. Overview

1. Reader Interest. Which category describes this manuscript?*

Practice/Application/Case Study/Experience Report Research/Technology Survey/Tutorial/How-To

2. How relevant is this manuscript to the readers of this periodical? Please explain your rating.*

Very Relevant Relevant

Interesting - but not very relevant Irrelevant


B. Content

1. Please explain how this manuscript advances this field of research and/or contributes something new to the literature.*

2. Is the ma


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来源:Elai ne 王倩的日志





It is no ted that your manu scri pt n eeds careful edit ing by some one with exp ertise in tech ni cal En glish edit ing paying p articular atte nti on to En glish grammar, sp elli ng, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.


In general, there is a lack of explanation


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来源: Elaine 王倩的日志





It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.


In general, there is a lack of explanation of r


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论文返修(response letter)一些很有用的套话

1、According to the associate editor and reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing.

2、In this revised version, changes to our manuscript were all highlighted within the document by using red colored text.

3、Thank you for your nice comments on our article. According to your suggestions, we have supplemented several data here and corrected several mistakes in our previous draft. Based on your comments, we

SCI 审稿意见回复范文

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论文题目:Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on the antivirus effects of A (一种中草药) against virus B (一种病毒)

所投杂志:Life Sciences

投稿结果:这次大修后又经过一次小修,被接受发表 编辑信内容(注:有删节): Dear Mr. XXX,

Your manuscript has been examined by the editors and qualified referee . We think the manuscript has merit but requires revision before we can accept it for publication in the Journal. Careful consideration must be given to the points raised in the reviewer comments, which are enclosed below.

If you choose to submit a revision of your manuscript


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论文返修(response letter)一些很有用的套话

1、According to the associate editor and reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing.

2、In this revised version, changes to our manuscript were all highlighted within the document by using red colored text.

3、Thank you for your nice comments on our article. According to your suggestions, we have supplemented several data here and corrected several mistakes in our previous draft. Based on your comments, we


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最近在审一篇英文稿,第一次做这个工作,还有点不知如何表达。幸亏遇上我的处女审稿,我想不会枪毙它的,给他一个major revision后接收吧。呵呵




It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.


In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.



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2009年2月 北 京 邮 电 大 学 学 报 Feb. 2009 第32卷第1期 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Vol.32 No.1


论 文题目(使用样式“标题”)

作者甲1, 作者乙2, 作者丙1

(1. 北京邮电大学 电信工程学院, 北京 100876; 2. 北京邮电大学 网络与交换国家重点实验室, 北京 100876)

摘要: 这篇电子文档是北邮学报投稿的排版模板,在样式表里已经定义了各种论文排版元素 [标题,正文,等]的格式. 使用方法也在各个部分做了说明. 论文摘要应尽量写成报道性摘要,必须包括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论. 切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要. 对于公知的缩略词,如“IBM、DCMA”,在摘要中出现时必须给出全文,如果只出现一次就不必写缩写.

关 键 词: 排版元素; 样式; 格式化(中英文关键词不要用缩写,要用全称) 中图

Responses to comments(英文期刊 审稿意见回复)

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Dear Editor-in-Chief in XXXXXXX:

Thank you very much for your help in processing the review of our manuscript (Manuscript ID XXXXX). We have carefully read the thoughtful comments from you and reviewers and found that these suggestions are helpful for us to improve our manuscript. On the basis of the enlightening questions and helpful advices, we have now completed the revision of our manuscript. The itemized responses to the reviewers’ comments are listed in the succeeding sheets. We hope that all these corrections an

Responses to comments (英文期刊 审稿意见回复)

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Dear Editor-in-Chief in XXXXXXX:

Thank you very much for your help in processing the review of our manuscript (Manuscript ID XXXXX). We have carefully read the thoughtful comments from you and reviewers and found that these suggestions are helpful for us to improve our manuscript. On the basis of the enlightening questions and helpful advices, we have now completed the revision of our manuscript. The itemized responses to the reviewers’ comments are listed in the succeeding sheets. We hope that all these corrections an