

学术英语(社科)_Unit 6

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学术英语 社科Academic English for Social Sciences

6Journalism and JournalistsIt is reported that journalism remains one of the most popular majors on most university campuses in America. To be a journalist has been many graduates’ dream. Why is it the case? Is it because this profession is superior to others? Are there other reasons? Read the following texts and you will get the answer.

Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists

Unit ContentsLead-in Text A Text B Text C Listening Speaking Writing

Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists

Lead-in– Le


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Stomach and small intestine


humans do amazing things with food. Somewhere in the

world,one person might eat only raw whale blubber in a given day,another might eat only rice,and still another miht eat only pizza and bananas,or drink dandelion wine.Through its metabolic magic,the human body converts these and a dizzying variety of other substances into usable energy and tissues of its own. 我们人类对食物做了许多神奇的事情。在世界上的某些地方,那里的人在特定的一天可能只吃生的鲸的脂肪,另外地方的人可能只吃米饭,仍然存在另一种人可能只吃披萨和香蕉,或是喝蒲公英酒。通过他(人体)的神奇的代谢过程,人体将这些物质以及其它多得令人眼花缭乱的

牛津英语7A Unit7复习学案

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牛津英语7A Unit7 Shopping复习学案


1、重点单词的拼写和运用 2、重点短语的运用

1 some/any 的运用○2 There be 结构 3、语法:○

4、通过缺词填空短文复习课文中的重点句型 教学流程


1. 这个购物中心是见朋友和玩的开心的好地方。____________________________________________.

2. 我们可以用我们的零花钱来买给他们这些东西。____________________________________________. 3. 我能为你做些什么吗?______________________________________________________. 4 .他们多少钱?_______________________________________________________________. 5. 我可以看一下另一双吗?____________________________________________________. 6. 她对音乐不感兴趣。__________________________________________

新职业英语1 unit7

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新职业英语1 Unit7 I Really Want to Know 我真的很想知道 1.(1)Friday night I went off my diet. 周五晚上我结束了节食。

(2)I dare say I deserved a good meal after losing the twenty pounds I gained from too many trips to Manhattan restaurants last year. 把去年因常去曼哈顿的餐馆吃饭而增加的20磅减掉之后,我敢说我该理直气壮地美餐一顿了。

(3)My wife and I went to one of our favorite Houston restaurants to celebrate the successful conclusion of my diet. 为了庆祝节食成功,我和太太去了休斯顿一家我们最喜欢的餐馆。

2.(1)The food, as always, was wonderful. 饭菜与往常一样,味道好极了。

(2)The service was even better than usual. 服

Unit7 说课稿

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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

英本7班 胡健 120402210

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. Today I am going to talk about Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

Part One: Teaching principles

The first point is learning by doing aims to help students achieve knowledge actively and creatively. My teaching is based on Task-–based language teaching which is a very good method of teaching English. And my teaching is in keep with the standa

牛津英语7A Unit7复习学案

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牛津英语7A Unit7 Shopping复习学案


1、重点单词的拼写和运用 2、重点短语的运用

1 some/any 的运用○2 There be 结构 3、语法:○

4、通过缺词填空短文复习课文中的重点句型 教学流程


1. 这个购物中心是见朋友和玩的开心的好地方。____________________________________________.

2. 我们可以用我们的零花钱来买给他们这些东西。____________________________________________. 3. 我能为你做些什么吗?______________________________________________________. 4 .他们多少钱?_______________________________________________________________. 5. 我可以看一下另一双吗?____________________________________________________. 6. 她对音乐不感兴趣。__________________________________________

Unit7 the monster

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基础英语 Unit7 the monster


基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Paragrah4 It never occurred to him that he and his doing were not of the most intense and fascinating interest to anyone with whom he came in contact.

他从未想过,与他有过交往的人对他本人和 他的所作所为根本就不感兴趣。 He never thought others were not interested in him and what he did at all.

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Intense Intense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree. 剧烈的; 极度的 If you describe an activity as intense, you mean that it is very serious and concen

unit7 Its raining!英语说课稿 - 图文

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姓名 课题 学科 英语 PEP Book2 for Grade 7 Unit 7 It’s raining!(1a-1c) 内容:Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material 1) This is the seventh unit of Book 2 used for Grade Seven students in middle school. 2) The main topic of this unit is “weather”. 3) In this unit, students will learn to describe different weather. Such a topic is related to their daily life. And it’s very interesting and useful to students. So it’s helpful to raise their learning interests and improve their spoken English. Ⅱ. Analysis of the students 1) Easy t


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UNIT8 Hard Power, Soft Power, Smart Power


People often associate power of a nation with military might or economic strenght. Is these something more to the concept of power?The answer ia in the affirmative ,at least to some who study political science. This unit explores the complex nature of power and how it impacts international relations.


The complex nature of power复杂的权力的性质

1.“Until human nature change, power and force will remain at the he


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UNIT7 TEXT A 卡罗琳·凯恩



但也许问题不是在于我们的机制而是在于我们的态度。可悲的是, 虽然我们大多数人都声称自己相信教育的价值, 但我们却不重视智力活动。

我们美国人是一个宽厚、仁慈的民族。我们有致力于每一项美好事业的机制 ── 从拯救无家可归的猫到防止第三次世界大战爆发。但是为促进思考的艺术我们做了些什么呢?当然在日常生活中我们没有为思考留出时间。假定一位男子对朋友们说,“今晚我不去参加家长教师联谊会(或不去看棒球赛或诸如此类的事)了,因为我需要留一些时间给我自己,留一些时间进行思考”?对这位男子邻居们就会避而远之;家人就会为他感到羞耻。如果一个十几岁的青少年说,“今天晚上我不去跳舞了,我需要一些时间进行思考”,那又会怎么样呢?他的父母会立即开始在黄页簿中查寻精神