

八下Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.学教案(新版)(定稿)

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八年级 英语学科Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 学生姓名:_______ 班级:______班

课题:Section A(1a—2d) 课型:听说课 第 1 课时

编制人:王小平 审核人:王小平 使用时间:________年 _____月_____日(星期 )


1.知识目标: 重词单词:shoot, begin , god, remind, bit , silly.

重点短语:once upon a time, instead of, try to do sth, continue to do sth, be moved by, give up.

重点句型:(1).A very old man tried to move the mountains. (2).As soon as the man finished talking, Yu

Gong said that his family could continu

2014 - 新目标八下Unit6 - an - old - man - tried - to - move - a - mountain导学案(1)

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塔畈乡中心学校 八年级英语(下册)讲学稿

Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

备课人:刘竹红 第一课时

知识目标:使学生学会用一般过去时表达故事,并用”unless, as soon as, so??that??”引导的状语从句来连接故事。

重点:通过图片和相关词汇谈论中国古代的故事。 难点:故事名或书名的是写规范。 预习任务


女娲补天______________________后羿射日____________________大闹天宫_______________________愚公移山___________________一?就?________________除非__________ 放弃________________同意某人的观点_________________代替,反而_________________ 有点儿;稍微_______________ 尽力去做某事_____________提醒;使?想起_____________ 任务

牛津深圳版英语八下Unit 6《Pets》word单元1教案

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Unit 6 Pets


本单元围绕着谈论“宠物”来展开听、说、读、写的训练。通过阅读一篇对于养宠物的两种不同观点的文章,让学生学会从正反两方面全面去正确看待每一件事。语法方面主要学习副词修饰动词以及副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 具体课型、课时安排如下: 单元板块 Reading Listening Grammar Speaking Writing More practice Study skills/Project Culture corner and Self -assessment


1. 学生对“宠物”这个话题比较感兴趣,这种源于生活的题材对中学生也很有吸引力,


2. 学生在平时的学习已经接触到副词修饰动词以及副词的比较级和最高级,但学生对

其用法是不甚了解的,在本单元作专项系统的学习。在教学中教师需要可学的引导,并结合实际运用重点操练。 三、单元教学目标

1.认知目标: 学习水平 学习内容 语音 词汇

课时 2.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.5 单元总课时 8 全书总课时 8*8=64 学习


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丹东五中( 八)年级(生物 )科“Y+T”教案 1

主备:刘秀昱 副备:八年生物组 审核:沈文霞 上课教师:刘秀昱 课 题 教 育 教 学 目 标 重 点 难 点 教 法 教学流程 课前展示 目标导学 自主探究与实践创新

第七单元第一章 课型 新授课 第一节 植物的生殖(1) 知识与能力 通过复习被子植物的有性生殖,描述植物的有性生殖;通过观察、思考和讨论,能够列举植物常见的无性生殖。 过程与方法 通过探究活动,了解影响扦插成活率的因素;通过观察和比较分析,了解有性生殖和无性生殖的意义。 情感态度价值认识到植物生殖方式多样性的意义;通过了解无观 性生殖在生产上的应用,认识生物学知识不但是生产实践的基础,而且随着生产实践不断丰富和完善。 描述被子植物的有性生殖;列举了植物常见的无性繁殖。 通过探究,理解影响嫁接和扦插成活率的关键。 观察、分析和讨论 Y教案 教学内容 教学活动设计 教具 多媒体、图文资料 T教案 教学拓展 为什么会有“有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫”呢? 教学目标:通过复习被子植物的有性生殖,描述植物的有性生殖;通过观察、思考和讨


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Chapter 6 Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s Job


1. Problem identification is purely objective. 纯粹客观的问题的认识。(False; moderate; p. 157)

2. The second step in the decision-making process is identifying a problem 第二步的决策过程是识别问题(False; easy; p. 158

3. A decision criterion defines what is relevant in a decision. 决策准则来决定什么是有关在决定的。(True; moderate; p. 158)

4. The fourth step of the decision-making process requires the decision maker to list viable alternatives that could resolve the problem


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Quiz 6

I. Directions:

Column B provides the explanations of the words in Column A. Match the words in Column A and the definitions in Column B.


_______1) accumulation A. behaving in an angry, threatening way _______2) assert B. probability _______3) aggressive C. to state firmly that something is true _______4) conflict D. without thinking about what you are doing, esp.

because you do it often

_______5) hesitate E. a large number of things which have been collected

together or acquired over a period of time


八下Unit 4 易错题

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八下Unit 4 错题集锦


1、There are many (读物)in the reading room in our school. 3、Karl Marx was born in (德国)in 1818.

4、The story of the mother’s love (触动)everyone present and some of them cried. 5、My mother takes care of the garden in her (free) time. 二、根据句子意思,用括号中单词的正确形式填空。

1、Books can bring us not only (now) but also great fun. 3、Mo Yan is one of the famous (write )in China. 6、---Hello, Tom. This is John speaking. I’m in the New York now. ---

教案Integrated Reading and Writing Unit6

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章节或项目名称 教学目标(知识目标/能力目标) Unit 1 Reading A Create Excellence — Blue-Sky Mold 1.To make Ss master the meanings and usages of some important words, phrases and sentence patterns 2. To help Ss understand the Reading A completely 1. To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text 2. To understand some professional English expressions mentioned in the unit 3. To master the key words, phrases and sentence patterns 教学重点 教学难点 1.some difficult sentence structures 2.talkng about Blue-Sky Mold 教学方法与手段 task-based lan


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教学内容 Unit 6(理论6学时,课内实践2学时) 1. 主要内容: (1) Section A: Bribery and Business Ethics (2) Section B: The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers (3) Reading Skills: Reading Between the Lines (4) Structured Writing: to develop a composition with a general statement supported by details. Talk and Share: 教学设计 2. 教学步骤与方法: (1) Warm up and lead in (10 min) (2) Intensive learning (185 min) (3) Interactive practice (60 min) (4) Go-over (15 min) (5) Sum-up and assign homework (5 min) Warm up and lea

8上unit6 task教案

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总课课题 Unit6 Birdwatching Task 课时 6 时 授课时6 课型 主备New 备课组陈宁 授课人 陈月芹 间 初二英语组教师 人 成员 1. To use the knowledge they have learned in the former parts. 教学 目标 2. To fill in form beforehand. 3. To organize the information into an invitation letter. To get the students involved in the topic and arouse their interest. 教学 重点 教学 难点 教具 学具 To organize the information into an invitation letter. To use the knowledge they have learned in the former parts PPT 教学 方法 Task-based approach , Scene pedagogy 二次备课(个人意师 生 活 动 内 容、方 式(备课