

3BM1U2练习 - 图文

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班级: 姓名: 学号:



1. How _____ (do ) the desk feel? _____(it) is smooth.

2. How ______ (do) the glasses feel? ______ (they ) are hard. 3. Touch the ________ (cake). They are soft.

4. Touch the ___________ (pineapple). It’s rough.

5. The girls ________ (have) a nice doll. The boy _______ (have) a big ball. 6. Touch the ________ (bear). How ______ (do) it feel? 7. Touch the _________ (pear). How ______ (do) they feel? 8. Is the ________ (bread) soft? Yes.

9. Are the _________ (banana) rough? No.

3BM1U2单元整体设计 - 图文

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Oxford English 3B Module 1 Unit 3

Tasting and smelling



1) 在Tasting and smelling的语境中,学生能掌握本单元的核心词汇: e.g. sweet (n.), sweet (adj), lemon, sour, salt, salty, coffee, bitter等。

2) 在Tasting and smelling的语境中,学生能掌握本单元的核心句型:How does it smell / taste? It's…等。 3) 学习辅音字母组合的wh的发音/w/ 二.能力目标:

在Tasting and smelling的语境中,学生能运用本单元的核心词句能能用How does it smell / taste? It's…开展情境对话,询问对方事物的嗅觉和味觉,并做出回答。 三.情感目标:

通过本单元的学习,在Tasting and smelling的语境中,培养学生积极感受,体验的好习惯。 分课时目标: 语言知识 语言技能 语言运用 情感态度 学习策略 1、感知、理解词汇1、听:通

5BM2U3 教案及反思

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Oxford English Book 5B

Module 2 Unit 3 School subjects


教学设计说明: 学情分析:

学生通过近五年的英语学习,已经积累了一定数量的词汇与一些重要的、常见的语法与时态,具备了一定的听说读写演的技能。我教的两个班只有三分之一的学生具有语言学习和交流的欲望,愿意与同伴交流,有着较强的求知欲和表现欲,而且也在周末参加各类英语的培训班,因此这三分之一的学生已经能自学并在上课时能积极举手发言。但是,由于现行教材的大容量和高密度,剩下的三分之二学生、特别是农民工子女由于英语基础弱、家庭条件及自身的重视程度不够,对英语学习的积极性不高,上课也不愿意多说。因此,作为教师只能通过适当的教学途径进行有益调控和引导,充分发掘与运用教材所提供的有效信息,在情境中推进词句学习的运用,努力做到让他们开口说英语,利用现有的教材及方法以满足不同层面学生之所需。 教材分析:

5BM2U3 School


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3A Module 3 Things around us

Unit 1 Shapes

The first period (P26)

Knowledge objectives:

1.To learn the new words: square, triangle, star, rectangle, circle 2.To review the sentence patterns: I have… 3.To learn the new sentences: What shape is it? It’s a … Skill objectives:

1. using the new sentences to ask and answer . 2. Be able to act the dialogue. Emotion objectives: Love our life.

Teaching procedure: I. Pre-task:

1. Sing a song: “Make new freind” (show the video) 2. Ask & answer:

1) What’s this in English? (老虎

5BM2U3 教案及反思

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Oxford English Book 5B

Module 2 Unit 3 School subjects


教学设计说明: 学情分析:

学生通过近五年的英语学习,已经积累了一定数量的词汇与一些重要的、常见的语法与时态,具备了一定的听说读写演的技能。我教的两个班只有三分之一的学生具有语言学习和交流的欲望,愿意与同伴交流,有着较强的求知欲和表现欲,而且也在周末参加各类英语的培训班,因此这三分之一的学生已经能自学并在上课时能积极举手发言。但是,由于现行教材的大容量和高密度,剩下的三分之二学生、特别是农民工子女由于英语基础弱、家庭条件及自身的重视程度不够,对英语学习的积极性不高,上课也不愿意多说。因此,作为教师只能通过适当的教学途径进行有益调控和引导,充分发掘与运用教材所提供的有效信息,在情境中推进词句学习的运用,努力做到让他们开口说英语,利用现有的教材及方法以满足不同层面学生之所需。 教材分析:

5BM2U3 School


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Teaching Plan

Topic: Shapes

Title Aims: Look and say Look and learn Listen and enjoy Language aims: 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the words: circle, square, triangle, star, rectangle, side b. Learn to say: A circle’s like…, I have… Ability aims: a. Using modeled sentences to give specific information: I have a big rectangle. I have two small squares. b. Understanding wh-questions asking for specific information What shape is it? Emotional aims: Shapes are very useful in o


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Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 3 Look at the shadow

Part 1 Listening(听力部分)40%

Ⅰ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词、词组或句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):10%

( ) 1. A. bench B. beach C. bean ( ) 2. A. rise B. rice C. rises ( ) 3. A. hi B. high C. night ( ) 4. A. shape B. sharp C. sheep

( ) 5. A. a round ball B. a nice sound C. bounce the ball ( ) 6. A. behind the hill B. beside the hill C. between the hills ( ) 7. A. in the afternoon B.


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3BM3U1 EX1 班级____________ 姓名_______________学号_______________

Ⅰ. 正确抄写句子,注意大小写与标点符号。

what shape is your cake kitty its a circle

Ⅱ. 看图并完成下列句子。

1. Draw a __________, please. 2. Look at this box. It’s a __________.

3. The __________ has three sides. 4. There are five __________ on our national flag. 5. I have an English book. It’s a __________.


1. Look at __________(this) pictures. They are beautiful. 2. May I have__________(some) cakes, Mum?

3. How many __________(star)? One__________(star

5BM3U1signs 教案设计

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学校: 班级:五年级 人数 学科: 课题: M3U1 Signs 课时:1 执教: 日期: 教学目标: 知识技能:掌握一些生活中常见的标识的含义: telephone, toilet, restaurant, exit, entrance, No smoking! No swimming! Don’t litter! Don’t walk on the grass! 语言技能:能运用wh-问题来询问标识的含义并作回答: 例: What does this sign mean? It means ? 情感目标: 通过本课的学习,让学生认识一些生活中的标识,懂得遵守规则重要性,发现生活中的美。 教学过程 Procedure Contents Method Purpose Pre-task Discussing Show the pictures of signs. 通过讨论,直接preparatio What are they? 进入新课 n They are signs. Which sign do you know? What does it mean? 整体感知再构文While-t


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浦东新区高南小学 英语五年级

5B Module3 Unit3

一.. Read and write(读一读,写出划线单词的同类词,每线一词): 1. --- What furniture do you see?

--- I see four chairs, a __________ and three __________.

2. --- What weather do you like?

--- I like sunny days. But I don’t like _________ days or _________ days. 3. --- Where is the bird?

--- It’s in the aviary. The flowers are _______ the pond, and the butterflies are ___________ the grass.

4. --- What subject do you have in a week?

--- We have Engl