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Key to Exercises

Unit 1

Text A

II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C.

1. is afflicted with 5. abandon themselves

III. Grammar & Structure A.

1. don’t leave; will be; get 2. was drowning; dived; rescued 3. exploded; climbed

4. reached; realized; didn’t know 5. will be; opens 6. will start; return 7. makes; has found

8. was raining; played/were playing; was trying; didn’t get on/wasn’t getting on; kept B. 1.

IV. Translation

1. Research revealed that the bird was on the brink of extinction. It’s every citizen’s

obligation to prot


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Unit One Technology vs. Terrorism






史蒂芬 〃 汉德曼

[1] 在防止未来的 “9·11” 事件式攻击—或更恶劣的攻击—的竞赛中,华盛顿以前苏联发射人造地球卫星以来所未有的规模对美国的科学机构做了安排。自2003 年以来,联邦政府对国土防卫研究的投资猛增到近 40 亿美元,而这只不过是安全总开支的沧海一粟。更重要的是,加快的开支把以前截然不同的科学项目结合了起来:软件工程师、流行病学家和生物学家合作开发保护空气与食物不遭受生物恐怖手段破坏的技术。核物理学家和生物恐怖活动专家如今与行为科学最好的智囊人物合作,设计减少核走私与自杀式炸弹威胁的方法。

[2] 然而有些专家认为,这么大的开支实际上只能提供一种安全上的错觉。《超脱恐惧:明智地考虑变幻莫测世界的安全问题》的作者布鲁斯 · 施奈尔说:“ 这当中有许多都是做表面文章的保安技术,目的是让你感到更安全。” 他指出,高技术防护措施大量涌入了从白宫到各地市政厅等标志性建筑内,他声称这就会将恐怖分子的注意力引向


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II. Vocabulary

1. Considerable expertise is required to be a successful trial lawyer. 1。相当的专业知识,需要一个成功的律师。

A. know-how 技术 B. authority 权威的 C. prudence谨慎 D. resolution分辨率 2. So it came about that even in ancient times tales of Moon voyages were written without any trace of magic and the earthiness of something that might be possible.


A. footprint 足迹 B. measurement测量 C. remainder 剩余的 D. sign 标志 3. I’d like to come with you, but that’s not a promise. Don’t build on it


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Uint 4 第1段

The story of an anguished love affair between Albert Einstein and the woman who later become his first wife has emerged in newly disclosed correspondence between them.

新近披露的艾伯特.爱因斯坦与意中人(此人后来成为他的原配)之间的来往信件,向人们展示了这对勤劳包含辛酸的爱情经历。 第4段

Intertwined with the disclosures of a difficult romance are fragments of Einstein's thought as he struggled toward confidence in his concept of relativity.

与所披露的艰难的罗曼史交织在一起的是爱因斯坦满怀信心地为自己的相对论概念而努力奋斗的思想片段。 第12段

Interspersed among Einstein's repeated expressions of love were discus

研究生英语综合教程-下 课后习题答案

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Unit One

Task 1

1. provinces b. 2. woke a. 3.haunt b. 4.trouble a. 5.weathers d. 6.wakeb. 7.coined c. 8. trouble b. 9.weather c. 10. province c. 11. coin a. 12. value a.

13. haunts a. 14. has promised a. 15. trouble c. 16. coin b. 17. promise d, 18. values c. 19. refrain b. 20. valued e. Task 2

1. tranquil 2. ultimately 3. aftermath 4. cancel out 5.ordeal 6.drastic 7. legacy 8. deprivations

9. suicidal 10. anticipated 11. preoccupied 12. adversities 13. aspires 14. nostalgia 15, retrospect Task 3

1. a mind-blowing experien


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Unit One

Answer Key



1. D

2. It contrasts the attitudes of the French and the English-speaking people toward

keeping their mother tongue "pure."

3. The author does not appreciate the French attitude. He believes that they have

gone to the extreme, because he says that 'the mind boggles at what the world might

face. "That means the French are so sensitive that it is difficult to imagine what

they will do to keep French pure in the future.

4. B

5. It refers to the differences between British and American Eng


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Unit One

Answer Key



1. D

2. It contrasts the attitudes of the French and the English-speaking people toward

keeping their mother tongue "pure."

3. The author does not appreciate the French attitude. He believes that they have

gone to the extreme, because he says that 'the mind boggles at what the world might

face. "That means the French are so sensitive that it is difficult to imagine what

they will do to keep French pure in the future.

4. B

5. It refers to the differences between British and American Eng


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Unit1.. 从能力到责任






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综合教程1 第一单元

Because of the sizable colonial trades with many overseas areas,the gold and silver coins of all the important commercial countries of Europe and their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere were freely exchanged throughout the eastern seaboard. More important than English coins,which could not be legally exported from Britain to the colonies,were the sliver coins of the Spanish mint. These were struck in Mexico City and Lima and introduced into the Spanish colonies. Spanish dollars were so common in the coloni


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综合教程1 第一单元

Because of the sizable colonial trades with many overseas areas,the gold and silver coins of all the important commercial countries of Europe and their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere were freely exchanged throughout the eastern seaboard. More important than English coins,which could not be legally exported from Britain to the colonies,were the sliver coins of the Spanish mint. These were struck in Mexico City and Lima and introduced into the Spanish colonies. Spanish dollars were so common in the coloni