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Unit 1:

Exercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子. 1. Coming top in such an important exam is quite an a____________. 2. The ship is in no c_________ to make a long voyage.

3. Their b__________ towards me shows that they do not like me. 4. He was under o_________ by the police.

5. We’d better take time and money into c___________ when making the plan. 6. He is always ______(谦逊的) about his success.

7. Genius is 10% _________(灵感)and 90% perspiration. 8. The workers are on ________(罢工)for higher pay.


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1、词汇 (M1 unit4)


1. The thief is ____________ (颤抖) with fear when he is being questioned by the policeman.

2. The soldiers are trying to help rescue the ____________ (幸存者) after the earthquake.

3.Two –thirds of the people died or ___________(受伤) in the earthquake.

4. Life would be very difficult without ______________(电) .

5.The whole city lay in ____________ (废墟) after the earthquake.

6. The soldiers built s____________ for those homeless people.

7. Every year natural’s d___________ can caus


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一、语言基础知识(15分,每小题3分) 1. 下列加点字注音正确的一组是( ) A.迷惘(mǎng) 干瘪(biě) 商榷(què) 汗流浃(jiā)背 ....B.怪癖(pì) 甄(zhēn)别 墓冢(zhǒng) 恪(gè)尽职守 ....C.摭(zhí)拾 思忖(cǔn) 百舸(gě) 毛骨悚(sǒng)然 ....D.悲怆(chuāng) 烙(lu?)印 戕(qiāng)害 瞠(chēng)目结舌 ....2. 下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是( ) A.磕拌 残骸 翱翔 引吭高歌 B.斟酌 妥帖 晨曦 入不敷出 C.甄别 曙光 啮噬 战战兢兢 D.惆怅 急躁 妥帖 絮絮叨叨

3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( )

①而我的答案,抽象粗放,大而化之,缺乏 和实用性。

②当我们面临人生的选择和丧失时,会比较的镇定从容, 地排出轻重缓急。 ③老师的声音很平和,却带有一种不容 的断然压力。 A.甄别

高一英语必修一Unit 4 单元检测

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高一必修一Unit 4 单元检测

Name:__________ Class___________ Score_____________

Ⅰ. 根据汉语写出相应的单词和短语。(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)

地震 _______ 事件 _______ 运河 _______ 蒸汽 _______ 破坏;毁灭 _______ 砖块 _______ 轨道 _______ 震动 _______ 百万_________ 灾难 _______ 埋葬 _______ 避难所_______ 标题 _______ 发臭的 _______大纲 _______

电流 _______ 记者 _______ 苦难 _______ 表达 _______ 祝贺(n.)_______ 真诚地 ___________无用的 _________ 极度的 __________ 受惊的 _________ 立刻;马上 ____________ 结束;终结_______________ 成为废墟 ____________ 掘出;发现 ____________ … 的数量____________ 代替 ____________


高一英语必修一Unit 4 单元检测

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高一必修一Unit 4 单元检测

Name:__________ Class___________ Score_____________

Ⅰ. 根据汉语写出相应的单词和短语。(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)

地震 _______ 事件 _______ 运河 _______ 蒸汽 _______ 破坏;毁灭 _______ 砖块 _______ 轨道 _______ 震动 _______ 百万_________ 灾难 _______ 埋葬 _______ 避难所_______ 标题 _______ 发臭的 _______大纲 _______

电流 _______ 记者 _______ 苦难 _______ 表达 _______ 祝贺(n.)_______ 真诚地 ___________无用的 _________ 极度的 __________ 受惊的 _________ 立刻;马上 ____________ 结束;终结_______________ 成为废墟 ____________ 掘出;发现 ____________ … 的数量____________ 代替 ____________



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1.I was puzzled to see Mary avoid____her husband,and I asked why.

A.meeting. B.to meet C.meet D.met

2.Any damage ____lack of knowledge must be paid for.

A.resulting in B.resulting from C.as a result D.as a result of

3.The doctor suggested that he shouldn’t_____in bed for long.

A.keep on lying B.keep lying C.keep to lie D.keep lie

4.The wise parents can tell whether their children are telling the truth____they listen to their excuses to wrong deeds.

A.the first time B.foe the first time C.every time D.for every time



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总分100分 时间100分钟



①从制度层面消除城乡选举差别②在立法和制定重大决策层面更好地维护农民的利益③拓宽农民参与国家政治生活的渠道④保证人大代表平等地行使权利 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④

2、某高一学生希望市政府有关部门在地铁站跗近设置自行车停车点或租赁点,以方便市民出行。他表达这一意愿的方式可以是 ①过人大代表转达 ②给“市长信箱”留言 ③拨打“市民热线” ④向“新民晚报”反映 A.① B.①② C.①②③ D.①②③④

3、“你对国家的热爱更高于你对职业和薪水的追求。”这是某媒体对姚明回国参加奥运会的高度评价。姚明的行为体现了我国公民 A.积极履行公民义务,维护国家荣誉和利益 B.坚持个人利益与国家利益相一致的原则 C


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Unit 1 Friendship

survey /?s?:ve? / add / ?d /

n. vt. vi. n. vt. / vi. 调查;测验

增加;添加;补充说 加;加起来;增添 合计 点;尖端;分数 请人把它修好 (upset, upset; upsetting) add up

point / p??nt / get it repaired upset / ?p?set / ignore / ?g'n??/ calm /ka:m/ calm down have got to concern /k?n's??n/ be concerned about walk the dog loose / lu?s/ cheat / t?i?t / reason /'ri?z(?)n/ list / l?st / share /?e? /


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Unit 1 Friendship

survey /?s?:ve? / add / ?d /

n. vt. vi. n. vt. / vi. 调查;测验

增加;添加;补充说 加;加起来;增添 合计 点;尖端;分数 请人把它修好 (upset, upset; upsetting) add up

point / p??nt / get it repaired upset / ?p?set / ignore / ?g'n??/ calm /ka:m/ calm down have got to concern /k?n's??n/ be concerned about walk the dog loose / lu?s/ cheat / t?i?t / reason /'ri?z(?)n/ list / l?st / share /?e? /


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1. Few people are able to of the future but we can imagine it.

A. make a use B. make a decision C. make a promise D. make prediction 2. You can that all the goods are delivered on time. A. depend it on B. rely on it C. put it on D. take on it 3. Could I have a cigarette? I seem to of them.

A. have run out B. use up C. run out D. have used up 4. You can find the map of China like a cock. A. looked B. shaped C. shaping D. rejected

5. The little boy many questions at me, leaving me emb