(μ¥??ìa)1: I could not move my hands they were not mine. A: even though B: as if C: like D: so
(μ¥??ìa)2: The dictionary defines a workaholic_____ “ a person obsessively addicted to work.” A: as B: for C: that D: like ?yè·′e°?:
(μ¥??ìa)3: You've got to __________ in yourself, or you'll never succeed. A: trust B: believe C: confirm D: help ?yè·′e°?:
(μ¥??ìa)4: the traditional approach ________ with com
东大17秋学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业1 免费答案
阅读理解 完型填空
一、阅读理解(共 4 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. Our child’s behavior is greatly influenced by the way we react to what he has done. Our reactions help to determine whether our child will repeat his behavior or whether he will do something different. This statement is a very important part of a principle of behavioral psychology.
The principle states that a behavior is influenced or affected by how the environment---people, places and things---immediately re
奥鹏南开14春学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业答案 单选题
一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. – Everyone knows where the shop is, but who's the owner? – ( ). A. Steve
B. Everyone does C. At the next door D. Yes, it's a secret
2. Did you have a neighbor who was always( )your business? A. doing B. making it C. getting above
D. poking his nose into
3. The sun heats the earth,( )is very important to living things. A. that B. what C. which D. where
4. Bush's farm( )is
阅读理解 单选题完型填空
一、阅读理解(共 4道试题,共 40分。)
1. New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has uhvunt. It’u now x “qpozxp ysppxqe” wheve countvseu xve onpr seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And. of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications
equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills. Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value o
(单选题)1: Yesterday, Peter _________ a ticket for the movie. A: gave
B: had been given C: was given D: was gave 正确答案:
(单选题)2: —Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside. —________________ A: Not at all. B: Sure, go ahead. C: Why not?
D: Yes, I would. 正确答案:
(单选题)3: The patients are quite _______ to the nurses for their special care. A: enjoyable B: helpful C: confident D: grateful 正确答案:
(单选题)4: Henry would never forget _______ his mother-in-law for the first time. He was so pleased with the gifts she brought
(单选题)1: A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)2: 绝热过程中外界对理想气体作功,经该过程气体的温度与体积的变化为 A: 温度升高,体积变大 B: 温度升高,体积变小 C: 温度降低,体积变大 D: 温度降低,体积变小 正确答案:
(单选题)3: 题面为图片 A: (a)作功为正;(b)作功为负 B: (a)作功为负;(b)作功为正 C: (a)作功为正;(b)作功为零 D: (a)作功为负;(b)作功为零 正确答案:
(单选题)4: 题面为图片 A: A点比B点电势高 B: A点与B点电势相等 C: A点比B点电势低
D: 有时A点比B点电势高。有时A点比B点电势低 正确答案:
(单选题)5: 题面为图片 A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)6: 题面为图片 A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)7: 感生电场是变化的磁场产生的, 把感生电场与静电场相比较可知: A: 它们都不能对场中运动的的电荷产生力的作用
B: 感生电场不能对场中的电荷产生力的作用
C: 只有静电场不能对场中的运动电荷产生力的作用 D: 它们都能对场中
(单选题)1: 30、《关山月》是以( )为线索来抒情的。 A: 月夜 B: 笛声 C: 歌舞 D: 泪痕 正确答案:
(单选题)2: 18、《郑伯克段于鄢》是一篇典型的( )。 A: 写人文章 B: 叙事文章 C: 议论文章 D: 抒情文章 正确答案:
(单选题)3: 23、从北宋开国到宋真宗赵恒朝七八十年的时间里,宋诗基本上沿袭唐风。流派众多,其中杨亿、刘筠、钱惟演为( )的代表人物。 A: 白居易体 B: 新宋体 C: 西昆体 D: 晚唐体 正确答案:
(单选题)4: 112、下面有关字的知识判断不正确的一项是( )。 A: “钢、功、芳、慈”都是形声字,但形旁和声旁的结合方式各不相同。 B: “戳穿”的“戳”和“杀戮”的“戮”是形似字。 C: “假、会、都、提”有的不是多
(单选题)1: A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)2: A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)3: 题面为图片 A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)4: 题面为图片 A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)5: A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)6: 题面为图片 A: A B: B C: C D: D
(单选题)7: 在下述的各种相变中,属于二级相变的是 A: 铁磁 - 顺磁相变
B: 水蒸发变成水蒸汽 C: 冰与液态水之间的转变
D: 液态金属凝固成固态金属 正确答案:
A: 电动势的大小为6,4×10 -3 V ;方向由c→b→a B: 电动势的大小为6,4×10 -3 V ;方向由a→b→c C: 电动势的大小为4.8×10 -3 V ;方向由c→b→a D: 电动势的大小为4.8&tim
(单选题)1: 29、中唐后期的两大诗派是( )和“韩孟诗派” A: “元白诗派” B: “大历十才子” C: “新乐府派” D: “韦柳诗派” 正确答案:
(单选题)2: 55、元代不少杂剧都是根据唐传奇小说改编的,其中《西厢记》的素材是( )。 A: 《莺莺传》 B: 《李娃传》 C: 《柳毅传》 D: 《霍小玉传》 正确答案:
(单选题)3: 93、关于《茶馆》的剧中人物唐铁嘴由抽大烟改抽“白面儿”这一情节,下列选项描述准确的一项是( )。
A: 作者意图要批判这样的败类。
B: 讽刺这种人以堕落为荣的无耻嘴脸。 C: 揭露帝国主义者对中国人的毒害。 D: 控诉贩卖霉品者的罪恶。 正确答案:
(单选题)4: 42、下列属于唐宋八大家的是( )。 A: 李清照 B: 辛弃疾 C: 王安石 D: 杜甫 正确答案:
(单选题)5: 5、以下哪一项不是楚辞的特点( )。 A: 极富浪漫主义色彩和浓厚的地方文化色彩。 B: 诗歌显示了丰富的想象力,采取了铺陈的手法。 C: 辞藻缤纷富丽。
D: 其“劝一讽百”的写作手法被后来汉赋所继承。 正确答案:
(单选题)6: 53、元代的戏剧之所以叫做杂剧是因为它具有整合的性质,其基本的
东大15秋学期《大学英语(四)》在线作业2 答案
试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100 一、单选题(共20道试题,共100分。)得分:100
1.106. Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ________ formal language is used. A. in which B. on which C. in that D. at what
2.51. I'm excited about the ______ of going to the States. A. request B. division C. possibility D. reality
3.80. I doubt whether he can _______ his efforts much longer as he looks very tired. A. hold up B. hold on C. kee