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M1 U1 Reading School life in the UK 在英国的学校生活

Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。 I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. 我很喜欢英国中学的作息时间,因为学校每天上午大约9点上课,下午大约3点半放学。 This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. 这意味着我每天可以比以往晚一个小时起床,因为在中国学校每

牛津高中英语模块1课文翻译 - 图文

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Unit 1 School life in the UK


Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3:30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as school in China begin before 8 a.m.


On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat nex


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M1U1 school life in the UK

Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and experience

for me .I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m.and ends about 3.30 p.m.This means I could get up an hour later than usual ,as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.

On the first day ,all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall .I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana .We soon became best friends. During the assembly ,the headmaster told us about the


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7. M2U1. Reading—Boy missing, police puzzled

Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. This incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared.

Justin Foster, a high school student, was last seen Friday night. That evening at 8 p.m. Justin went to play baseball with two friends, who both say Justin went home after the game. Witnesses also say they saw Ju


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M1 Unit 1 Reading







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accent n. 口音,腔调;着重点 accesss vt. 进入;使用

ahead adv. 在前面;提前,预先 aid n. & vt. 帮助 aircraft n. 飞机

airfield n. (军用)机场

alphabet n. 字母表,全部字母 analyse vt. 分析 Angle n. 盎格鲁人

anxious adj. 焦虑,忧虑 appearance n. 外观,外貌 approach vt. 靠近;着手处理 as a whole 作为整体,总体上 ash n. 灰,灰烬

aside adv. 除……之外 aside from 除……之外 attach vt. 把…附在…上 attract vt. 吸引

audience n. 观众,听众

aware adj. 意识到的,知道的 backwards adv. 向后;向反方向 bacon n. 熏猪肉,咸猪肉 ban vt. & n. 禁止;取缔 bark n. & vi. (狗)叫 basis n. 基础;基准;原因 battle n. & vi. 战斗

be made up of 由……组成(构成)beard n.


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Unit 1 听力,听觉

adj. 凸起的

n. 点,小圆点

n. 符号,标志,迹象

vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑


雾 adj. 有雾的,雾茫茫的

n. 薄雾;水汽

vt. & n. 预测,预报

conductor n. 车费

observe vt. 观察;注意到;评论


vi. & n. 瞥一眼,匆匆看

n. 脚步(声)


vt. 靠近,接近;着手处理n. 靠近;方法;路径



vi. 犹豫,迟疑不决


vt. 抓紧,抓牢

vi. 凝视,盯着看

beard n.

crossroads n. 焦虑,忧虑

adv. 牢牢地,坚定地

adj. 感激的,表示感谢的

n. 帮助者


n. 轻松,宽慰

lorry n.

pavement n. vt.& vi. 减少

志愿者vi. & vt. 自愿做,义务做

sniff vi. & vt. vt. 分析

vt. 认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认

迷,疑问 vt. 迷惑,使困惑

vt. 忽视;对……不予理会


the North Pole n. 北极

boot n. 通常用复数(boots)靴子

sweat vi. 流汗 n. 汗水


m2u2课文 reading 牛津高中英语 课文文本

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An adventure in Africa

30th June

Dear Aihua

How are you ?sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother. Colin. Do you still remember the trip I told you about ? I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling before he goes to university. Well. now we’re ready to go ! We’re going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of astonishing things. We will go to Africa first . I can’t wait! Have you been there

We leave London on 15the July. and we’ll be flying

m2u2课文 reading 牛津高中英语 课文文本

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An adventure in Africa

30th June

Dear Aihua

How are you ?sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother. Colin. Do you still remember the trip I told you about ? I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling before he goes to university. Well. now we’re ready to go ! We’re going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of astonishing things. We will go to Africa first . I can’t wait! Have you been there

We leave London on 15the July. and we’ll be flying


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What Is a Tornado? 龙卷风是什么?

A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground. 龙卷风是一种旋转的气流柱从一场雷雨在地上。

The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour. 最暴力的有的风速超过400公里每小时。

Almost all of them occur in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north.


Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street—or even in the next town.
