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I. Translate the following Chinese into English.

1. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freeman & Co., we learn that you are one of the leading importers of light products in your country.

2. We are a state-owned corporation, specializing in the export of textiles, and have engaged in this line for many years. Our products have a wonderful favorable reception.

3. We are desirous of establishing business relations with your corporation so as to expand the sales of our products at your end.

4. If you feel much interest


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Chapter 3


1.Through what channels can we get the information of the partner?

Trade directory, chamber of commerce both at home and abroad, banks, advertisements in the newspapers or periodicals, introduction or recommendation from embassies or conculates, the internet, market investigation, introduction from other business firms or friends, self-introduction…

2.Explain the “3C” principle, and give the detailed information about it The 3”C” principle refers to capital, capacity and conduct of the future client. C


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外贸函电课后翻译 王丽车丽娟版

Unit 2

Exercise Ⅱ

1. We are glad to inform you that the articles you require fall within the scope of our business activities .

2. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to establish business relations with you.

3. In compliance with your letter of 12, we have sent you under separate cover our catalogue and quotation.

4. In order to give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a pamphlet.







我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与你们做生意。 贵方来信收悉,得知你们愿意与我公司建立贸易关系,我们非常高兴。 我们得知贵公司是当地最大的电器产品进口商之一。 希望能够尽快收到你们的


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1avail ourself of 利用 2.owe one’s name and address to 由?得知某人的姓名地址3.on the recommendation of 由?推荐4.the line of business 业务范围5.建立业务关系 establish business relations 6.在平等互利的基础上 on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 7.商会 Chamber of Commerce 8.专营 specialize in 9.credit standing 信用状况 10.financial status 财务状况 11.be in strict confidence 绝对保密12.modes of business经营方式13.open an account开立账户14.小额交易 small business engagement 15.过额贸易 overtrading 16.商业证明 trade reference 17.定额货款standing credit 18.拖延付款 delay payment 19.regular supply 定期供


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1avail ourself of 利用 2.owe one’s name and address to 由?得知某人的姓名地址3.on the recommendation of 由?推荐4.the line of business 业务范围5.建立业务关系 establish business relations 6.在平等互利的基础上 on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 7.商会 Chamber of Commerce 8.专营 specialize in 9.credit standing 信用状况 10.financial status 财务状况 11.be in strict confidence 绝对保密12.modes of business经营方式13.open an account开立账户14.小额交易 small business engagement 15.过额贸易 overtrading 16.商业证明 trade reference 17.定额货款standing credit 18.拖延付款 delay payment 19.regular supply 定期供


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一、单选 Unit8 P130

1.我们另由航空寄上新品种的样品供你参考。该品种价格公道,品质极好,我们认为及早推销对你们有利。 Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date.

2. 由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方利益的。 Since the required articles are not available, we would like to recommend the undermentioned products which can be supplied from stock for prompt shipment. This recommendat


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目 录

1 案例内容介绍 ...................................................... 1

1.1卖方公司背景 ................................................. 1 1.2买方公司背景 ................................................. 1 1.3交易背景简介 ................................................. 2 2交易流程模拟写作 .................................................. 3

2.1 建立业务关系 ................................................ 3 2.2 询盘 ........................................................ 4 2.3 发盘 ........................................................ 5 2.4 还盘 .........


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(For Reference Only)


Chapter 1 Business Letter

Answer the following questions.

Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are the letter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); the complimentary close and signature.

2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?

There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventional indented style; the


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Chapter Four Offers

1. Translate the following phrases and then make sentences: Call one’s attention to on or before截至;在或在…以前

In reply to comply with 遵守

Firm offer 实盘 effect shipment交货,装运 Non-firm offer虚盘 meet with符合

Extend offer延长报盘 approval of sample认可样本 Result in导致,结果 in compliance with 按照,根据 Avail oneself of 利用 upon receipt of 一收到…即 Take pleasure in乐于,喜欢 brisk demand不断的需求

In one’s favour be subje


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Chapter Four Offers

1. Translate the following phrases and then make sentences: Call one’s attention to on or before截至;在或在…以前

In reply to comply with 遵守

Firm offer 实盘 effect shipment交货,装运 Non-firm offer虚盘 meet with符合

Extend offer延长报盘 approval of sample认可样本 Result in导致,结果 in compliance with 按照,根据 Avail oneself of 利用 upon receipt of 一收到…即 Take pleasure in乐于,喜欢 brisk demand不断的需求

In one’s favour be subje