

茶艺表演 中英互译

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茶艺表演中英文对照 品尝茶类:


一、绿茶:碧螺春、龙井Green Tea: Green Spiral (Biluochun Tea), Dragon well, Tippy Tea 二、乌龙茶:大红袍、铁观音Oolong: Dahongpao Tea (Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea), Tieh-Kuan-Yin 三、花茶:菊花、茉莉花茶Scented Tea: Chrysanthermum Tea, Jasmine Tea 四、黑茶:熟普、生普Black Tea: Pu er Tea 大红袍茶艺Dahongpao Process


The World Natural and Cultural Heritage, Wuyi Mountain, is not only famous for its view and culture, but a


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Lesson 1

1. fellow countrymen

2. average height

3. gleaming eyes

4. in his middle twenties

5. to be seated

6. stand squarely

7. more than ten years his junior

8. revolutionary road

9. Chinese communist Party

10. full member

11. membership

12. keep a secret

Lesson 2

1. immeasurable contrast

2. to and fro

3. upturn face

4. sweet spring

5. anger and bitterness

6. dense fog

7. tense and anxious

8. 五一的下午

9. 无言的呼唤


10. 探测绳

Lesson 3

1. 各种流派的

2. 前两天

3. 受限制

4. 传统观念

5. 不合理的制度

6. 最高境界

7. 浓妆艳抹


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Part II


I. 汉译英

1. 和平统一

1) 促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。2)所以我们建议举行两党平等会谈,实行第三


1)To promote the reunification of the motherland, we must find a proper means.

2) So we suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third-time cooperation. 3) The fact the mainland and Taiwan have adopted different ideologies and political systems should not be allowed to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the Taiwan Straits and achi


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Part II


I. 汉译英

1. 和平统一

1) 促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。2)所以我们建议举行两党平等会谈,实行第三


1)To promote the reunification of the motherland, we must find a proper means.

2) So we suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third-time cooperation. 3) The fact the mainland and Taiwan have adopted different ideologies and political systems should not be allowed to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the Taiwan Straits and achi

童话故事12篇【中英互译】 睡前小故事

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The Farmer and the Snake


  In a very cold winter, it was snowing, and the cold winds were blowing. All the animals were hiding in their nests, afraid to go out.


  A good farmer, who saw a snake outside his house, had been frozen and curled up on the ground, motionless. The farmer thought it was pathetic, picked it up, carefully shoved it into his arms, and warmed it with warm body. The snake was warm, gradually revived, and revived.



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机械专业中英文对照英语词汇 陶瓷 ceramics

合成纤维 synthetic fibre

电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 车架 automotive chassis 悬架 suspension 转向器 redirector 变速器 speed changer 板料冲压 sheet metal parts 摇杆 racker

凸轮 cams

共轭曲线 conjugate curve 范成法 generation method 定义域 definitional domain 值域 range

导数\\\\微分 differential coefficient 孔加工 spot facing machining 车间 workshop 工程技术人员 engineer 气动夹紧 pneuma lock

数学模型 mathematical model 画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 Mechanical drawing

西南交大英汉互译翻译 练 习 题

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第一章 练 习 题

一、 翻译下列词汇或短语

blue chip soap opera dumb blonde golden boy

直译 意译 丢脸 善意的谎言

二、 翻译下列句子:

1.Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.

2.It is a pity that journalists aren't a tenth as good at receiving criticism as they are at dishing it out.

3.All that makes this Christmas Day was my knowing it was.

4.But that airy stylishness and cool wit is not as effortless to achieve as it is to watch.

5.My first memory of Mary Green, the butter and egg lady,

童话故事精选7篇 中英互译 睡前小故事

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童话故事大全 中英互译

The Little Cat Sow the Fish


  The little cat liked eating fish very much, and she never satisfied. She always thought that if I could turn one fish into a lot of fish, it would be great!


  One day, she heard that the little rooster planted a few sunflower seed in spring, and when autumn arrived, he received thousands of sunflower seed. After hearing the news, the little cat was delighted. The little cat hurried to find the rooster and asked him to teach her the good


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21 00年 1月 第3 2卷第1期

三峡大学学报 (人文社会科学版 )Jun l f hn he ogsU i rt( m nt s Sc l cecs o ra o i T r G re nv sy Hu a ie& oi i e) C a e ei i aS n

Jn 0 0 a .2 1Vo. 2 N . 】3 o 1

“ e’汉互译中的文化差异与翻译方法 R d’英白阳明(湖北工业大学外国语学院,湖北武汉 4 06 ) 3 0 8


的差异,表示颜色的方法和用词有所不同,同一颜色的理解也有很大差别,对意译在翻译中更有助于文化的传递。 关键词: e;文化差异;翻译方法;直译;意译 Rd中图分类号: 5 H 19文献标识码: A文章编号:17 6 1 (0 0 0— 1 3— 2 62— 2 9 2 1 ) 1 0 1 0



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21 00年 1月 第3 2卷第1期

三峡大学学报 (人文社会科学版 )Jun l f hn he ogsU i rt( m nt s Sc l cecs o ra o i T r G re nv sy Hu a ie& oi i e) C a e ei i aS n

Jn 0 0 a .2 1Vo. 2 N . 】3 o 1

“ e’汉互译中的文化差异与翻译方法 R d’英白阳明(湖北工业大学外国语学院,湖北武汉 4 06 ) 3 0 8


的差异,表示颜色的方法和用词有所不同,同一颜色的理解也有很大差别,对意译在翻译中更有助于文化的传递。 关键词: e;文化差异;翻译方法;直译;意译 Rd中图分类号: 5 H 19文献标识码: A文章编号:17 6 1 (0 0 0— 1 3— 2 62— 2 9 2 1 ) 1 0 1 0
