

Comparing Agent-Based and Differential Equation Models

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Heterogeneity and Network Structure in the Dynamics of Diffusion: Comparing Agent-Based and Differential Equation Models

Hazhir Rahmandad hazhir@794f30c8e518964bce847c37

Virginia Tech, Falls Church, VA 22043

John Sterman jsterman@794f30c8e518964bce847c37

MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge MA 02142

Revision of August 2007


Management Science

We thank Reka Albert, Joshua Epstein, Rosanna Garcia, Ed Kaplan, David Krackhardt, Marc Lipsitch, Nelson Repenning, Perwez Shahabuddin, Steve Strogatz, Duncan Watts, Larry Wein

Populating Dark Matter Haloes with Galaxies Comparing the 2dFGRS with Mock Galaxy Redshift

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0303524v 3 20 F e

b 2004Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000)Printed 2February 2008(MN L A T E X style ?le v1.4)

Populating Dark Matter Haloes with Galaxies:Comparing the 2dFGRS with Mock Galaxy Redshift Surveys

Xiaohu Yang 1,2,H.J.Mo 2,3,Y.P.Jing 4,Frank C.van den Bosch 3,YaoQuan Chu 1?


for Astrophysics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,Anhui 230026,China

2Department of Astronomy,University of Massachusetts,Amherst MA 01003-9305,USA

3Max-Planck-Institut f¨u r Astrophysik Kar