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UNIT 1 Globalization

Text A The Empire Strikes Back


Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary. reckon on a par with 1) irresistible boom pitch Founded in 1908, Hayes Lemmerz is an innovator of _ cutting-edge _____technology and products and is the world’s largest manufacturer of automobile.

2) As the content delivered to clients weakens, banks will increasingly need to depend on the

more __ commoditized _____services they provide, notably ca


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Exercise 1

Read the following letter of reply and choose the best words from the option in brackets.

Dear Mr. Orwell,

We were very pleased to receive your 1 (correspondence, enquiry, mail) of 15 January 2007, asking about our leather and sheepskin 2 (range, cloths, products) and terms of 3 (dealing, trade, conditions).

First let me say that our 4 (label, mark patent) is internationally famous because of the quality of our garments, and we are convinced they will sell very well through


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Module 1

1、quotation 引用 2、self-employed 个体经商的 3、resign 辞职 4、apply for 申请 5、lay off (生意萧条时)临时解雇,下岗

6、dismiss(由于雇员本人的不好)解雇 7、overtime 超时的,加班 8、laser equipment激光设备 9、live for the moment 活在当下

10、spontaneous心血来潮,自发 11、think and plan for the future为未来做打算 12、take off 休假 13、Entitlement Generation 养尊处优的一代 14、entitle to有权利做…15、little appetite for hard work不想努力工作 16、twenty-somethings二十多岁的人 17、instant gratification瞬间满足 18、codding parents and colleges溺爱的父母和大学 19、we were spoiled by your generation我们被你们这一代宠坏了 20、break our backs for yo


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经济与工商管理学院 课程:商务英语写作 姓名:






Dear Sir or Madam,

The products displayed at the Guangzhou 2004 Spring Trade Fair

impressed us very much, and we would like to build business relationship with you.

One of our prospective customers wants to purchase a number of

printing machines, we would appreciate it if you would like to send us a Proforma Invoice for 300 printing machi


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Questions 1 - 8

· Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page.

· Which passage does each sentence refer to?

· For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet.

· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


He has developed his own company to promote his work.

0 A B C D E

1 Others in his field think very highly of him.

2 His ideas have spread beyond the business


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1、适用专业:商务英语专业、国际贸易专业、商务文秘专业、市场营销专业及其他相关专业。 2、课程说明:


本课程从迎接客户开始,培养学员如何招待客户,推销产品、陪客户参观工厂,解决纠纷,顺利签约,完成交易。以及学员到国外出差,事先订机位、旅馆,途中需要处理的突发事件等,系统、具体地讲解了商务人员工作中所必须掌握的基本知识,使学员学习完成之后能在商务活动中得心应手。 教师要根据对各类人才的培养要求,做好办公基础课程的授课,保证教学内容的先进性,切实培养学员胜任岗位的能力。 3、教学目标

2 掌握在机场接客户时的招呼用语 2 了解到机场迎接客户的一些基本礼貌 2 了解不同车辆的不同礼仪 2 掌握车上交谈方式和会话内容

2 掌握领导会面的安排及相互介绍的礼仪 2 熟练掌握买主打来电话的应接

2 掌握向客户介绍产品的方法 2

高级 商务英语口语讲义 PART II

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Lesson Six

Negotiation English


Part I Objectives ? What you should know before negotiating 北美商务谈判须知 ? Seven useful tactics in negotiation 谈判的七条战略性技巧 ? Negotiation language focuses 谈判口语用法总结

Part II The How-Tos

What you should know before negotiating in US ? Your business card will not be refused, but you may not always receive one in return. Try not to be offended--in the U.S., the rituals involved in exchanging business cards are sometimes not observed as closely as in other cultures.

? The recipient of your car


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Unit1 Working Life:

The Future of human resources(人力资源) Explanation:

1). a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of an organization;

2). the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals.

Covering letter(申请函/求职信): a letter of introduction attached to the document such as CV when applying for a job vacancy.

Personal summary: a short paragraph in a CV which summarizes the positi


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授 课 计 划 表

(2013——2014学年度 第一学期)

教学系部:商务外语系 课程名称:剑桥商务英语


授课班级:2010级、2011级英语本科 填 表 人:熊晓轶

教学周数( 17 ) 理论课学时( 34 ) 实践(验)课学时( 17 ) 授课总学时(51 )

周次 课时 章节 授课内容 1. The time of BEC examination 2. The differences between BEC higher and 重点 难点 To enable Ss to get familiar with BEC higher teaching and learning procedures 备注 1st 2 Lead-in vantage 3. success with BEC higher 4. How to learn this course well 2nd 4 Module 1 1. working life 2. asking and answering questions 1describing working life; attitude


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Questions 1 - 8

· Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page. · Which passage does each sentence refer to?

· For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet. · You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Example:

He has developed his own company to promote his work. 0 A B C D E

1 Others in his field think very highly of him. 2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world.