

TPO51托福阅读passage1:Origins of the Megaliths原文文本+真题答案

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TPO51托福阅读passage1:Origins of the



Origins of the Megaliths

Since the days of the earliest antiquarians, scholars have been puzzled by the many Neolithic (~4000 B.C.~2200 B.C.) communal tombs known as megaliths along

Europe's Atlantic seaboard. Although considerable variations are found in the architectural form of these impressive monuments, there is a general overriding similarity in design and, particularly, in the use of massive stones.

The construction of such large and architecturally comple


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Lake Water (TPO24)

Paragraph 1 Where does the water in a lake come from, and how does water leave it? Water enters a lake from inflowing rivers, from underwater seeps and springs, from overland flow off the surrounding land, and from rain falling directly on the lake surface. Water leaves a lake via outflowing rivers, by soaking into the bed of the lake, and by evaporation. So much is obvious.

Paragraph 2 The questions become more complicated when actual volumes of water are considered: how much water enters and leaves by e

托福阅读TPO18(试题 答案 译文)第3篇-Lightning_托福阅读

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occupied 想一想再看 adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

release [ri'li:s] 想一想再看 n. 释放,让渡,发行

vt. 释放,让与,准联想记忆 X 单词release 联想记忆:

源于:relax(v 放松;休息)

channel ['t??nl] 想一想再看 n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

v 联想记忆 X 单词channel 联想记忆:


acquire [?'kwai?] 想一想再看 vt. 获得,取得,学到联想记忆 X 单词acquire 联想记忆:


investigate [in'vestigeit] 想一想再看 v. 调查,研究

[计算机] 研究联想记忆 X 单词investigate 联想记忆:

in进入,vestig追踪,踪迹,ate-进入追踪状态-调查invest(v 投资)I,gate防盗门:需要对市场进行调查 layer ['lei?] 想一想再看 n. 层

vi. 分层

vt. 将


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Deer Populations of the Puget Sound

Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of eastern Washington, is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country; it is now restricted to the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River.

Nearly any kind of plant of the fo

托福阅读TPO33原文 答案解析 译文

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摘要: 网上有关托福阅读TPO的资料有不少,但是不一定会适合你,原因是那些个内容可能里面只有有关和题目,甚至有的题目都没有,更别说答案解析的,为了弥补这一不足,小编特备来为大家分享一下自己整理的这一套资料,需要的不要吝啬,猛戳下载哦!

托福 阅读TPO33原文+答案解析+译文:TPO33-1-1 The First Civilizations

Evidence suggests that an important stimulus behind the rise of early civilizations was the development of settled agriculture, which unleashed a series of changes in the organization of human communities that culminated in the rise of large ancient empires.

The exact time and place that crops were first cultivated successfull

托福阅读TPO33原文 答案解析 译文 - 图文

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摘要: 网上有关托福阅读TPO的资料有不少,但是不一定会适合你,原因是那些个内容可能里面只有有关和题目,甚至有的题目都没有,更别说答案解析的,为了弥补这一不足,小编特备来为大家分享一下自己整理的这一套资料,需要的不要吝啬,猛戳下载哦!

托福 阅读TPO33原文+答案解析+译文:TPO33-1-1 The First Civilizations

Evidence suggests that an important stimulus behind the rise of early civilizations was the development of settled agriculture, which unleashed a series of changes in the organization of human communities that culminated in the rise of large ancient empires.

The exact time and place that crops we


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champion---support 支持;保卫 ascribe---attribute 归因于

autonomous---independent 自治的;独立的 penchant---inclination 倾向;嗜好;爱好 dramatic---striking attain---achieve prone---likely prevalent---widespread incredi


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翻译 前100页

1 人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见。

people should ask the advice of others before moving to other cities. 2 对学生来说,学习历史和文学很重要。

its important for student to study history and literature. 3 比起在小公司工作,有些人更喜欢在大公司工作 。

some people prefer working for a large company to working for a small one. 4 人们用不同的方式打发时间

people have different ways to spend time.

5 孩子们喜欢看电视,但是他们不喜欢看信息类节目

children love to watch television, but they dislike watching informative programs.

6 为他人工作意味着你得遵循他人的规则

working for others means that you should follow their rules.


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威学教育|专注雅思、托福等出国考试培训 网址:www.weixue100.com

【王鑫托福阅读】托福TPO 17-2阅读文本

TPO 17

TPO17-2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest

1. The phrase conspicuous in the passage is closest in meaning to A.Commom B. Noticeable C. Different D. Colorful

2. According to paragraph 2, what is problematic about an animal's sending

visual signals to members of its own species?

A. Signs that make an animal visible to its species also make it visible to predators.

B. An animal that changes color to avoid predators can confuse members of i


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威学教育|专注雅思、托福等出国考试培训 网址:www.weixue100.com

【王鑫托福阅读】托福TPO 17-2阅读文本

TPO 17

TPO17-2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest

1. The phrase conspicuous in the passage is closest in meaning to A.Commom B. Noticeable C. Different D. Colorful

2. According to paragraph 2, what is problematic about an animal's sending

visual signals to members of its own species?

A. Signs that make an animal visible to its species also make it visible to predators.

B. An animal that changes color to avoid predators can confuse members of i