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TED演讲英文文稿Procrastination/ pr???kr?st?'ne??n/(拖延症)


So in college, I was a government major(主修行政管理专业的学生), which means I had to write a lot of papers. Now, when a normal student writes a paper, they might spread the work out a little(一点点地展开工作) like this. So, you know -- 00:25

you get started(=start) maybe a little slowly, but you get enough done in the first week that, with some heavier(=busier) days later on(infml后来), everything gets done, things stay civil/?s?vl/(文明的).



And I would wa


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A tale of two political systems Good morning. My name is Eric Li, and I was born here. But no, I wasn't born there. This was where I was born: Shanghai, at the height of the Cultural Revolution. My grandmother tells me that she heardthe sound of gunfire along with my first cries. When I was growing up, I was told a story that explained all I ever needed to know about humanity. It went like this. All human societies develop in linear progression, beginning with primitive society, then slave society, feudalism, capitalism, s


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A tale of two political systems Good morning. My name is Eric Li, and I was born here. But no, I wasn't born there. This was where I was born: Shanghai, at the height of the Cultural Revolution. My grandmother tells me that she heardthe sound of gunfire along with my first cries. When I was growing up, I was told a story that explained all I ever needed to know about humanity. It went like this. All human societies develop in linear progression, beginning with primitive society, then slave society, feudalism, capitalism, s

(TED英文演讲)如何实现工作与生活的平衡 - 观后感

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How to achieve work-life balance —— Feedback

This issue between work and life is so popular that most of us can’t escape, including the speaker. The speaker once was a classic workaholic who often neglected his family. Later, he found it dull and unsatisfied, which made up his mind to look into people’s struggling with work-life balance. And he shared us with his four observations.

Firstly, if people want to make any progress on this issue, we must have a necessary useful method. Such as flexi-time, paternity leave and dres

TED TALK 中国英语学习热 中英文对照

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TED TALK :中国英语学习热(英文版全文)

上传者: 山东省汶上县南站镇第一中学 姬伟

Email: jiwei6048@126.com

Let’s talk about manias. Let’s start with Beatle mania: hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium. Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea—get the ball in the net. Okay, religious mania: there’s rapture, there’s weeping, there’s visions. Manias can be good. Manias can be alarming. Or Manias can be deadly.

The word has a new mania. A mania for learning English. Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it. T: I


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近日,TED出了一份官方清单,认定这14个演讲是2017年最受欢迎的演讲,而第一个居然是在年初爆出大新闻的Elon Musk的TED演讲&专访视频。小编今天分享排名前十的视频,由于微信公众号视频数量发布的限制,后面若干视频请大家自行复制链接用浏览器打开观看。

1 作为2017年度排名第一的最受欢迎TED演讲,Elon Musk 和TED创始人Chris Anderson在2017年4月28日的对话中讨论了Elon在洛杉矶地下修建隧道的新计划、最新款的特斯拉、SpaceX回收火箭、未来移民火星、做事的动机等精彩内容。这是一个信息量很大的采访,我们摘取了他提到的26


2 Anjan Chatterjee用进化心理学和认知神经科学来研究自然界最吸引人的概念之一:美。那么大脑是如何判断美丑的呢,为什么将线条、颜色、形式做某些配置之后就能感动到我们?让我们一起来看看这次精彩的演讲吧!根据马洛斯的需求层次分析,“美”应该是属于人类比较靠上的需求层次。生存和安全等基本要求被满足后,才会涉及到较为抽象的“美”。但其实根据研究表明,对美的鉴别和欣赏,是如同吃喝和性欲一样的人类

TED TALK 中国英语学习热 中英文对照

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TED TALK :中国英语学习热(英文版全文)

上传者: 山东省汶上县南站镇第一中学 姬伟

Email: jiwei6048@126.com

Let’s talk about manias. Let’s start with Beatle mania: hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium. Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea—get the ball in the net. Okay, religious mania: there’s rapture, there’s weeping, there’s visions. Manias can be good. Manias can be alarming. Or Manias can be deadly.

The word has a new mania. A mania for learning English. Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it. T: I


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演讲者:Regina Hartley

Your company launches a search for an open position. The applications start rolling in, and the qualified candidates are identified. Now the choosing begins. Person A: Ivy League, 4.0, flawless resume, great recommendations. All the right stuff. Person B: state school, fair amount of job hopping, and odd jobs like cashier and singing waitress. But remember -- both are qu


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我们被教育,努力就一定会有回报,但是这不一定都是真的。“性别、肤色、种族、宗教、残疾和性取向都会影响我们的机遇。”作家梅林达·艾普勒说。在这个颇具实用性的演讲中,她分享了三种方法来支持职场中的弱势群体。“并不存在纠正多样性和包容性的魔法,”她说,“改变需要一步一步地发生。”下面是小编为大家收集关于TED 英语演讲:在工作场合融洽相处的3种方式,欢迎借鉴参考。

3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace

演讲者:Melinda Epler


In 20xx, I was an executive at an international engineering firm in San Francisco. It was my dream job. Aculmination of all the skills that I've acquired over the years: story

telling,social impact, behavior change. I was the head of marketing and culture and I


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Tim Harford 先生通过”那架不能弹奏的钢琴”的故事,抛砖引玉地向大家讲述: 在我们的工作和生活中出现的一些意外状况,小混乱,”陌生人”等,我们或许会很讨厌这些, 但其实他们是在帮助我们,因为我们往往能从中激发创造力,从而能让事情朝意想不到的,更好的方向发展。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:接受生活中的小意外,欢迎借鉴参考。

演说题目:Know your worth, and then ask for it

演说者:Tim Harford

Late in January 1975, a 17-year-old German girl called Vera Brandes walked out onto the stage of the Cologne Opera House. The auditorium was empty. It was lit only by the dim, green glow of the emergency exit sign. This was the most exciting day of Vera’s life.
