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篇一:2014春 新人教版八年级英语下册重点句型·短语全

2014春 新人教版八年级英语短语全

Unit 1 What’s the matter?

一、重点短语1. have a fever 发烧

2. have a cough 咳嗽

3. have a toothache 牙疼

4. talk too much 说得太多

5. drink enough water 喝足够的水

6. have a cold 受凉;感冒

7. have a stomachache 胃疼

8. have a sore back 背疼

9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛

10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息

11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶

12. see a dentist 看牙医

13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片

14. take one’ s temperature 量体温

15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药

16. feel very hot 感到很热

17. sound like 听起来像

18. all weekend 整个周末

19. in the same way 以同样的方


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1.感冒 2.发烧 3.头疼 4.胃疼 5.嗓子疼 6.躺下休息 7.热的蜂蜜茶 8.看牙医 9.照X光 10.量体温 11.听起来好像 12.整个周末 13.远离---休息一下 15.没有做某事 17.看到某人正在做某事 18.在路的一边 20.大喊救命 22.有心脏病 24.期盼做某事 26.同意做某事 28.及时 30.挽救生命 32.立刻 34.在伤口敷点药 36.做某事伤着自己 38.做某事有困难 40.爬山 42.习惯于做某事 44.危险的运动 4


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Unit1 What’s the matter?


1. have a fever 2. have a cough 3. have a toothache 4. talk too much 5. drink enough water 6. have a cold 7. have a stomachache 8. have a sore back 9. have a sore throat 10. take risks 11. hot tea with honey 12. see a dentist 13. get an X-ray 14. take one’ s temperature 15. put some medicine on sth. 16. give up 17. sound lik


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人教版八年级上短语 Unit 1

1. go to the movies=go to the cinema 看电影

2. look after=take care of 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网

4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去划板

19. activity survey 活动调查 20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物 21. do homework 做家庭作业 22. do housework 做家务事 23. junk food 垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 对 有益(害)

6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy身体健 25. on/at weekends 在周末 7. keep healthy=keep in good health 保持健 26. wa


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1. I come to school by bike. (划线部分提问)______ ____you come to school?

2. His twin brother is driving a car. (用often 改写句子)

His twin brother often_______ ___ __. 3. There is a sheep on the hill. (划线部分提问) ____ ___ on the hill?

4. I must go now. (变一般疑问句,作否定回答) ______ _____ go now?

No, ______ _______/ No, you _____ _____. 5. He never goes to see a film. (划线部分提问) ______ ______ ______ he ____to see a film? 6. Tom should lie down to rest. (否定) He ________ _____down to rest.

7. The apples are two yuan a kilo. (对划线部分提问)



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Unit 1


1、Go on vacation 去度假 2、stay at home 呆在家里 3、go to the mountains 去爬山

4、visit museums 参观博物馆 5、go to summer camp 参加夏令营

6、quiet a few 相当多7、study for 为…而学习 8、go out 出去

9、most of the time 大部分时间 10、go on 继续11、taste good 尝起来很好吃

14、feel like 给…的感觉,感受到 15、in the past 在过去16、walk around 四处走走

17、because of 因为 18、one bowl of…一碗…..19、come up 出来

20、the next day 第二天 21、find out 找出、查明 22、take photos 照相

23、up and down 上上下下 24、something important 重要的事


1、buy sth. for sb./ buy sb sth.为某人买某物 2、taste+adj 尝起来……

3、nothing…but+动词原形 除了……之外什么都没有 4


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最新(2013秋)人教版八年级上册英语知识点 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?

go on vacation去度假 stay at home 待在家里 go to the mountains 去爬山 go to the beach 去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp 去参加夏令营 quite a few 相当多 study for 为??而学习 go out 出去 most of the time 大部分时间 taste good 尝起来很好吃 have a good time 玩得高兴

of course 当然 feel like 给??的感觉;感受到 go shopping 去购物 in the past 在过去


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最新(2013秋)人教版八年级上册英语知识点 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?

go on vacation去度假 stay at home 待在家里 go to the mountains 去爬山 go to the beach 去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp 去参加夏令营 quite a few 相当多 study for 为??而学习 go out 出去 most of the time 大部分时间 taste good 尝起来很好吃 have a good time 玩得高兴

of course 当然 feel like 给??的感觉;感受到 go shopping 去购物 in the past 在过去


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2014春 新人教版八年级英语短语全

Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多

5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛

10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片

14. take one’ s temperature 量体温

15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末

19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20


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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? feel like 短语:

go on vacation go shopping

stay at home in the past

go to the mountains walk around

go to the beach too many

visit museums because of

go to summer camp one bowl of

quite a few find out study for go on

go out take photos

most of the time something important

taste good up and down

have a good time come up

of course


Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City.