美国flag day

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美国国旗是星条旗,诞生于独立战争年代。 1776年7月初,美军总司令乔治·华盛顿来到坎布里奇组建正规军,1777年元旦举行了升旗议式。这面名为坎布里奇的旗帜,是在原来殖民者普遍使用的英国商船旗基础上稍加改变后的红公旗幅上加了白色的横条,总共13根条纹,代表当时起义的13个洲。坎布里奇旗虽未经国会通过,却得到了包括国外在内的广泛承认。 1777年6月14日国会通过一项决议,确定美国国旗应由13根红白相同的横条组成,上面一块蓝色底板上有13颗白星。这样,星条就成了美国国旗。鉴于国会的决议未规定具体尺寸及横条、星星的具体布局,因此起初各地制作的旗帜相差甚为悬殊。以后,加入合众国的州逐渐增多,国旗上的星条数也随之增加。1818年4月4日,门罗总统签署了一项法律,规定美国国旗由13根红白相间的横条和20颗蓝底白星组成,20颗星代表当时参加合众国的20个州。同时决定每增加一个州国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后第二年7月4日执行。美国国旗上最后的第50颗星是1960年夏威夷州加入合众国后增加上去的。




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美国国旗是星条旗,诞生于独立战争年代。 1776年7月初,美军总司令乔治·华盛顿来到坎布里奇组建正规军,1777年元旦举行了升旗议式。这面名为坎布里奇的旗帜,是在原来殖民者普遍使用的英国商船旗基础上稍加改变后的红公旗幅上加了白色的横条,总共13根条纹,代表当时起义的13个洲。坎布里奇旗虽未经国会通过,却得到了包括国外在内的广泛承认。 1777年6月14日国会通过一项决议,确定美国国旗应由13根红白相同的横条组成,上面一块蓝色底板上有13颗白星。这样,星条就成了美国国旗。鉴于国会的决议未规定具体尺寸及横条、星星的具体布局,因此起初各地制作的旗帜相差甚为悬殊。以后,加入合众国的州逐渐增多,国旗上的星条数也随之增加。1818年4月4日,门罗总统签署了一项法律,规定美国国旗由13根红白相间的横条和20颗蓝底白星组成,20颗星代表当时参加合众国的20个州。同时决定每增加一个州国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后第二年7月4日执行。美国国旗上最后的第50颗星是1960年夏威夷州加入合众国后增加上去的。



Christmas Day

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Christmas Day

In Britain, Christmas Day is normally spent at home, with the family, and it is regarded as a celebration of the family and its continuity. Preparations start well in advance, with the sending of Christmas cards and installation of a decorated Christmas tree in a prominent place in the home. Although it is now a firmly established tradition, the Christmas tree was first popularised by Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, who introduced the custom from his native Germany in 1840.

Some houses are decorated w

Singles Day

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The Economist explains

Why millions of Chinese will be frantically shopping on November 11th

Nov 10th 2015, 0:00 BY T.P.

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A. November 11th is “Singles’ Day” in China, a holiday that now occasions these massive movements of merchandise. B. Sales this year should be even higher.

C. AT ONE second after midnight, when the calendar flips to November 11th, millions of Chinese shoppers will start clicking themselves into a frenzy of consumer excess.

D. It is the Alibaba Group—China’s biggest online retailer, and the biggest


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篇一:Children's Day

Children’s Day

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I’ll introduce a festival that has passed several days ago. The Children’s Day.

First of all, I would like to talk about its origin. It was during the Second World War in June, 1942, the German Fascist shot for the Czech village of Lidice men over the age of 16 more than 140 citizens and all babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned and good carry of the village was destroyed by the Nazis. In or


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1.【题文】The TV program, A Bite of China, featuring delicious Chinese food, has attracted countless viewers, and moved many to tears.

A Bite of China is a serious documentary providing a unique view of Chinese as well as the relations between people and food and between people and society from the view of food.The touching documentary reminds some people of their mother, and makes some realize that every grain comes from hard and laborious work.Some people see patriotism (爱国精神) in the documentary, and some consider


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篇一:Children's Day

Children’s Day

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I’ll introduce a festival that has passed several days ago. The Children’s Day.

First of all, I would like to talk about its origin. It was during the Second World War in June, 1942, the German Fascist shot for the Czech village of Lidice men over the age of 16 more than 140 citizens and all babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned and good carry of the village was destroyed by the Nazis. In or

教师节的英语作文范文:teachers day that day

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教师节的英语作文范文:teacher’s day that day

教师节的英语作文范文:teacher’s day that day

before teachers’ day, we were thinking what gift we would give our english teacher on that day. wang ming said, “our english teacher is tired and shirsty after class. let’s give her a bottle of water. “ “that’s a good idea,”we agreed.”

20XX—019学年度第一学期生物教研组工作计划 一、指导思想 坚持以《基础教育课程改革纲要》为指导,认真学习贯彻课程改革精神,以贯彻实施基础教育课程改革为核心,以研究课堂教学为重点,

教师节的英语作文范文:teachers day that day

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教师节的英语作文范文:teacher’s day that day

教师节的英语作文范文:teacher’s day that day

before teachers’ day, we were thinking what gift we would give our english teacher on that day. wang ming said, “our english teacher is tired and shirsty after class. let’s give her a bottle of water. “ “that’s a good idea,”we agreed.”

20XX—019学年度第一学期生物教研组工作计划 一、指导思想 坚持以《基础教育课程改革纲要》为指导,认真学习贯彻课程改革精神,以贯彻实施基础教育课程改革为核心,以研究课堂教学为重点,

The First Day of Middle School

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The First Day of Middle School By Patty Hansen

My stomach tied in knots, and I could feel the sweat soaking through my T-shirt. My hands were clammy as I spun the face of my combination lock. I tried and tried to remember the numbers, and every time I thought I had it, the lock wouldn't open. Around and around went the numbers, left, right, right, left...which way was it supposed to go? I couldn't make it work. I gave up and started to run down the hallway. As I ran, the hall seemed to get longer and longer...th