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International Business English

Lesson 1

International Business

Business Knowledge:

The major differences between international business and domestic business A. Differences in legal systems B. Differences in currencies

C. Differences in cultural background

D. Different in natural and economic conditions The major types of international business A. Trade

a. Commodity trade b. Service trade B. Investment

a. Foreign direct investment b. Portfolio investment C. Other types

a. Licensing and franchising

b. Management contract


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International Business English

Lesson 1

International Business

Business Knowledge:

The major differences between international business and domestic business A. Differences in legal systems B. Differences in currencies

C. Differences in cultural background

D. Different in natural and economic conditions The major types of international business A. Trade

a. Commodity trade b. Service trade B. Investment

a. Foreign direct investment b. Portfolio investment C. Other types

a. Licensing and franchising

b. Management contract


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International Business English

Lesson 1

International Business

Business Knowledge:

The major differences between international business and domestic business A. Differences in legal systems B. Differences in currencies

C. Differences in cultural background

D. Different in natural and economic conditions The major types of international business A. Trade

a. Commodity trade b. Service trade B. Investment

a. Foreign direct investment b. Portfolio investment C. Other types

a. Licensing and franchising

b. Management contract


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Unit 6 Trade

Part I Business Vocabulary

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.

1 They’ve ______B______ us a very good price for the consignment.

A offered B quoted C presented D supplied

2 If

李蕾 商务英语函电 课后题答案 5

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Unit Five Offers and Counteroffers

Part Five: Exercises

I. Answer the following questions:

1. An offer refers to a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated, in which the seller not only quotes the terms of price but also indicates all the necessary terms of sales for the buyer’s consideration and acceptance. In international trade, an offer of goods is usually made either by way of advertisements, circulars and letters or in reply to enquiries.

2. Quotation is not an “Offer” in the legal sense. An offer


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Ⅰ.Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%) 1.trade mark

2.Gross Domestic Product 3.national income 4.escape clause 5.capital market 6.commission 7.usance credit 8.arbitration 9.transshipment

10.documentary collection

Ⅱ.Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%) 11.承运人 12.发盘(报盘) 13.货号 14.商业发票 15.期权

16.清算系统(制度) 17.知识产权 18.储备货币 19.卖出价 20.增值税

Ⅲ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the righ


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Ⅰ.Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%) 1.trade mark

2.Gross Domestic Product 3.national income 4.escape clause 5.capital market 6.commission 7.usance credit 8.arbitration 9.transshipment

10.documentary collection

Ⅱ.Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%) 11.承运人 12.发盘(报盘) 13.货号 14.商业发票 15.期权

16.清算系统(制度) 17.知识产权 18.储备货币 19.卖出价 20.增值税

Ⅲ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the righ


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Chapter I

Layout of Business letter

商业书信的撰写是一项基本的商业活动。尽管电话、传真、电子邮件、电传等电子通讯已广泛使用,商业信函仍然是重要的联络方式之一,而且其他联络方式的撰写往往也是基于信函。因此,我们必须认真对待商业书信的写作。翻译商业书信前,必须弄清书信的结构与格式。 一.商业英语书信的结构 1.标准部分


1)信头(Letterhead):包括发信人公司的名称、地址、传真或电话号码。 2)写信日期(Date):写信的年、月、日。

3)封内地址(Inside Address):收信人的公司名称和地址。 4)称呼(Salutation):对收信人的尊称。 5)正文(Body of the Letter)

6)结束敬语(Complimentary Close):书信结束的礼貌用语。 7)签名(Signature):写信人的署名。

2.特别部分(写信时可根据具体情况增减) 8)参考编号(Reference Number):为了便于存档分类而编的号。 9)经办人名称(Attention Line):希望收信商号将信速交经办部


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(五):1、As you will see in our price list,we have offered very competitive prices,supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders,which shall always have our best attention.贵公司将会从我方价格表中看到,我方向贵公司提供了价廉物美的商品。敬请贵公司向我方订货,我方会精心关照。

2、We should very much like to help you in thismatter,but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of cousiderably lower quality in order to compete at this price.我们很乐意帮助你们,但是我们已将价格降


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(五):1、As you will see in our price list,we have offered very competitive prices,supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders,which shall always have our best attention.贵公司将会从我方价格表中看到,我方向贵公司提供了价廉物美的商品。敬请贵公司向我方订货,我方会精心关照。

2、We should very much like to help you in thismatter,but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of cousiderably lower quality in order to compete at this price.我们很乐意帮助你们,但是我们已将价格降