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Unit 1

1.survey 调查;测验 2.add up 合计

3.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 4.ignore 不理睬;忽视 5.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇定的;


6.have got to 不得不;必须

7.concern (使)担心;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 8.be concerned about 关心;挂念 9.walk the dog 溜狗

10.loose adj 松的;松开的 11.vet 兽医

12.go through 经历;经受

13.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) 14.Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家) 15.Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的

16.German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 17.Nazi 纳粹党人 adj. 纳粹党的 18.set down 记下


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C. Comparing D. When compared
[考查目标] compare的用法。
[答案与解析] D 本句compare用在句首作状语,并有“被比较”的意思。
3. consider v. 的用法
▲构词:consideration n. 考虑,思考;体谅,顾及
▲搭配:① consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 ② consider sb (to be / as)... 认为/觉得某人……③ consider that- clause 认为…… ④ take sth into consideration 考虑 ⑤ under consideration 在考虑中
【考例】Charles Babbage is generally considered ____ the first computer. (NMET 1993)
A. to invent B. inventing
C. to have invented D. having invented
[考查目标] consider的几种常见用法。
[答案与解析] C consider本身是被动语态时,后接不定式的各种结构。如果表


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1、词汇 (M1 unit4)


1. The thief is ____________ (颤抖) with fear when he is being questioned by the policeman.

2. The soldiers are trying to help rescue the ____________ (幸存者) after the earthquake.

3.Two –thirds of the people died or ___________(受伤) in the earthquake.

4. Life would be very difficult without ______________(电) .

5.The whole city lay in ____________ (废墟) after the earthquake.

6. The soldiers built s____________ for those homeless people.

7. Every year natural’s d___________ can caus


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Unit 1 Friendship

survey /?s?:ve? / add / ?d /

n. vt. vi. n. vt. / vi. 调查;测验

增加;添加;补充说 加;加起来;增添 合计 点;尖端;分数 请人把它修好 (upset, upset; upsetting) add up

point / p??nt / get it repaired upset / ?p?set / ignore / ?g'n??/ calm /ka:m/ calm down have got to concern /k?n's??n/ be concerned about walk the dog loose / lu?s/ cheat / t?i?t / reason /'ri?z(?)n/ list / l?st / share /?e? /


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Unit 1 Friendship

survey /?s?:ve? / add / ?d /

n. vt. vi. n. vt. / vi. 调查;测验

增加;添加;补充说 加;加起来;增添 合计 点;尖端;分数 请人把它修好 (upset, upset; upsetting) add up

point / p??nt / get it repaired upset / ?p?set / ignore / ?g'n??/ calm /ka:m/ calm down have got to concern /k?n's??n/ be concerned about walk the dog loose / lu?s/ cheat / t?i?t / reason /'ri?z(?)n/ list / l?st / share /?e? /


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1. Few people are able to of the future but we can imagine it.

A. make a use B. make a decision C. make a promise D. make prediction 2. You can that all the goods are delivered on time. A. depend it on B. rely on it C. put it on D. take on it 3. Could I have a cigarette? I seem to of them.

A. have run out B. use up C. run out D. have used up 4. You can find the map of China like a cock. A. looked B. shaped C. shaping D. rejected

5. The little boy many questions at me, leaving me emb


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Unit 1 Friendship

survey /?s?:ve? / add / ?d /

n. vt. vi. n. vt. / vi. 调查;测验

增加;添加;补充说 加;加起来;增添 合计 点;尖端;分数 请人把它修好 (upset, upset; upsetting) add up

point / p??nt / get it repaired upset / ?p?set / ignore / ?g'n??/ calm /ka:m/ calm down have got to concern /k?n's??n/ be concerned about walk the dog loose / lu?s/ cheat / t?i?t / reason /'ri?z(?)n/ list / l?st / share /?e? /

高一必修2英语单词测验Unit 1

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班级___________ 姓名__________

1. castle 2. painting 3. trial 4. doubt 5. wooden 6. former 7. remove 8. reception 9. troop 10. apart 11. local 12. worth 13. belong 14. artist 15. decorate 16. style 17. fancy 18. design 19. honey 20. select

二Unit 1) (一)


21. dynasty 22. valuable 23. rare 24. survive 25. evidence 26. vase 27. debate 28. maid 29. sink 30. sailor 31. entrance 32. explode 33. amaze

高三英语单词小测(模块 二Unit1) (二)

班级___________ 姓名__________ 座号 ________

1. 贵重的___________________

2. 幸免,幸存___________________


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Unit 1:

Exercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子. 1. Coming top in such an important exam is quite an a____________. 2. The ship is in no c_________ to make a long voyage.

3. Their b__________ towards me shows that they do not like me. 4. He was under o_________ by the police.

5. We’d better take time and money into c___________ when making the plan. 6. He is always ______(谦逊的) about his success.

7. Genius is 10% _________(灵感)and 90% perspiration. 8. The workers are on ________(罢工)for higher pay.


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研究生招生制度研究 - 学位认证



successful / sEk sesful/ a.成功的

adult / AdQlt/ n.成年人; a.成年的, 成熟的

disagree / disE gri:/ vt.(with)1.有分歧,不同意;2.不一致,不符

statement / steitmEnt/ n.声明,陈述

guarantee / gArEn ti:/ n./vt.保证,担保,保修

intelligent / in telidVEnt/ a.聪明的,明智的

conversely / kRn vE:sli, kRnvE:s-/ ad.相反地

similar / similE/ a.相似的,类似的;与…相似(to)

independent / indi pendEnt/ a.独立的,自主的

pattern / pAtEn/ n.1.型,模式,样式;2.花样,图案

guesser n.猜测者

clue / klu:/ n.线索,提示

conclusion / kEn klu:VEn/ n.结论,推论

communicate / kE mju:nikeit/ vi.