Terms of payment 大全
Terms of payment 大全,外贸常识
payment 支付,付款 to pay 付款,支付,偿还 dishonour 拒付
deferred payment 延期付款 progressive payment 分期付款 payment on terms 定期付款 payment agreement 支付协定 pay order 支付凭证 payment order 付款通知 payment by banker 银行支付 payment by remittance 汇拨支付 payment in part 部分付款 payment in full 全部付讫 clean payment 单纯支付 simple payment 单纯支付 payment by installment 分期付款 payment respite 延期付款 payment at maturity 到期付款 payment in advance 预付(货款) Cash With Order (C.W.O) 随订单付现 Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交货付现 Cash Against documents (
some finance terms
16 Cash Application 现金应用
After tax operating surplus cash of the JV Company shall be distributed in the following order of priority:
JV公司税后盈余资金将依照以下优先顺序安排利用 16.1.1 to service debt; 债务偿本付息
16.1.2 to sustain capital expenditure; 维持资本支出
16.1.3 to repay Contributions made by Glencore and Nanjing Mining pursuant to the Approved BFS. For this purpose, Contributions shall be deemed to include the cost of capital to make such Contributions; and
依照经核准的基本档案系统,偿还瑞士Glencore公司和南京矿业的贷款。鉴于这一目的,所谓的贷款应该被认为同时包括为了做这些贷款而花费的资金贷款,和 16.1.4
VISUAL BUSINESS ENGLISH (A great way to learn and practice a variety of office/business-related terms)
Things around the office/Business English 1
Write the correct word (from the list on the right) to describe each picture: desk skyscraper blackberry 1. laptop 2. office 3. suit 4. water cooler 5. tie GENERAL BUSINESS TERMS
1 6. printer 7. cubicle 8. chart 9. receptionis 10. cell phone (*called a \English)
Things around the office/Business English 2
Write the correct word (from th
Glossary of Terms in English and Chinese
Glossary of Terms in English and Chinese
Glossary of Terms in English and Chinese
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China General Secretary Member Alternate member
Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Member of the Political Bureau Alternate member of the Political Bureau Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee Member of the Secretariat
Central Military Commission of the CPC Chairman Vice-
Glossary of Terms in English and Chinese
Glossary of Terms in English and Chinese
Glossary of Terms in English and Chinese
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China General Secretary Member Alternate member
Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Member of the Political Bureau Alternate member of the Political Bureau Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee Member of the Secretariat
Central Military Commission of the CPC Chairman Vice-
世针联中医英文术语 Terms List - supplement to PMPH Terms Lis
【经穴名称】Points in Meridians/Channels
(汉语拼音、代码; 按拼音顺序排列 pinyin and alphanumeric code in phonetic order of pinyin)20-020白环俞[b{i hu{n shūBaihuanshu; BL 30
20-021百会[bǎi huì]Baihui; GV 20
20-022胞肓[bāo huānɡ]Baohuang; BL 53
20-023本神[běn shén]Benshen; GB 13
20-024髀关[bìɡuān]Biguan; ST 31
20-025臂臑[bì nào]Binao; LI 14
20-026秉风[bǐnɡ fēnɡ]Bingfeng; SI 12
20-027步廊[bù lánɡ]Bulang; KI 22
20-028不容[bù rónɡ]Burong; ST 19
20-029长强[chánɡ qiánɡ]Changqiang; GV 1
20-030承扶[chénɡ fú]Chengfu; BL 36
20-031承光[chénɡɡuānɡ]Chengguang; BL 6
20-032承浆[chénɡ jiānɡ]Chengjia
Major Terms of English Literature
Major Terms of English Literature
Major Terms of English Literature
Critical Realism was a new literary trend appeared in the forties and in the early fifties of the 19th century. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. The greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens. With striking force and truthfulness, he creates pictures of bourgeois civilization, describing the misery
英国文学literary terms
英语专业 英美文学考试题
Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.
According to neoclassicism, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. Neoclassicism emphasiz
英国文学literary terms
英语专业 英美文学考试题
Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.
According to neoclassicism, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. Neoclassicism emphasiz
10.Mrs. Squirrel and I Negotiated Terms
Lesson 10
Text A Mrs. Squirrel and I Negotiated Terms
1. den: n. a room that is comfortable and secluded休息室;书斋;书房;(孩子的)隐蔽玩耍处
2. matrimonial: ad]. of or relating to the state of marriage婚姻的;婚礼的 3. intruder: n. someone who enters into the private place or property of another without permission未请自入者,闯人者
4. lethal: ad]. of an instrument of certain death致命的;可致死的
5. whence: adv. from what place or origin or source从何处,从哪里
6. culprit: n. someone who makes wrongdoing犯过错者;罪犯;肇事者;引起问题的事物
7. porch