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Unit 2

Vocabulary exercises

Ⅱ. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box

in its appropriate form.

stake a claim be proportional to attribute…to sidle up plow into tread on carve out breathe down sb.’s neck

1. As I was about to leave the restaurant, a young man sidled up to me and said, \you?”



2. Not satisfied with the present position in the company, he is trying to carve out a much greater role for himself.


综合教程5-1 何兆熊

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何兆熊 主编的英语专业综合教程课件

The Fourth of JulyBy Audre Lorde

何兆熊 主编的英语专业综合教程课件

Discussion of Paragraph One1. When and where did the writer's family go for a visit?The writer's family went to Washington D.C. at the beginning of the summer when the writer graduated from the eighth grade and her elder sister from high school.

何兆熊 主编的英语专业综合教程课件

2. Why did the family go on a Fourth of July trip?The family went on a Fourth of July trip for two reasons. The main reason was that the writer and her sister had just graduated from school and the tri


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【篇一:综合英语教程 邹为诚主编(第三版)1-4册课后


/p> 1. 经理先生,明天我可以不来上班吗?我母亲要来看我。 mr. manager, may i take a day off tomorrow? my mother is coming to see me.

2. 警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索。

the police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers. 3. 上周我生病时,她主动提出来帮助我照顾孩子。

when i was ill last week, she offered to look after my child. 4. 除了厨房以外,这套公寓应该说是非常令人满意的了。 except for the kitchen, the flat is very satisfactory. 5. 她去年被提升为部门经理。

she was promoted to branch manager last year. 6. 人人都累极了,只有约翰没事。

everyone was exhausted except john.

何兆熊 大学英语综合教程2 unit4 答案

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Text comprehension I. B II. 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. T. III.

1. “snail mail”.

2. “an essential stepping stone on the road to success”.

3. “the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society”. 4. “the means to shape our views of the world”.

5. “to negotiate the boundaries between languages and to compromise in translation”.

6. “to use linguistic skills, to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and to shape language accordingly”.


1. with conven


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Unit1 1.十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。由于拥有先进技术,我们在激烈动荡的市场竞争中脱颖而出。现在我们的成本下降了百分之三十,销售业绩却上涨了三分之二,利润翻了一番。

Ten years ago, when our company was at the height of its production, we decided to invest in new technologies, so as to turn our company into a technology-intensive one. With our advanced technologies, we out-competed all our competitors in the rough and tumble of the marketplace. Now we have reduced the cost by 30 percent, even as / while our sales have grown by two-thirds and the earnings hav

综合英语教程第三版Unit 9 Snake

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Unit 9 Snake

Line 1 trough[?tr?:f]: a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of(给动物进食或饮水的)槽 a water trough水槽

Line 2

pyjama [p??d?ɑ:m?] ---pyjamas [p??d?ɑ:m?z] [pl. ]: n. a suit of loose trousers and jacket for sleeping in睡衣裤 a pair of pyjamas一套睡衣裤 pyjama trousers睡裤

Line 4

Scent [sent]: n. 1)a distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant气味;香味

2) [mass noun]pleasant-smelling liquid worn on the skin; perfume. 香水 v. (一般作 be scented with)impart a pleasant scen

大学综合英语教程第2册unit 4(何兆熊)

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Unit 4

Unit 4 Cultural Encounters

Section Two Global Reading

I. Text analysis

1. Which sentence is the thesis statement?

The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: ―Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.‖ 2. Compromising, in the author’s view, is a key notion in translation and thus also in

intercultural communication. Numerous examples are used to explain this notion. Try to find these examples.

Paragraph 4: The lack


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Unit 1 Text


我坐在一个机场,观察着等候所爱之人到达或离开前最后一刻的人们。他们有的不安地来回走着,有的互相凝视着, 有的拉着对方的手 。此时的感情是强烈的。


在我候机坐位旁的栏杆边站着一位祖母和她的孙子,该来接他们的人还没到。他们旁边有两位女士,互相之间显然没有关系, 但她们的眼光都象扫视着大海的探照灯一样朝通道口仔细地搜索着。一位怀抱婴儿的母亲正与丈夫吻别。泪水打湿了她的面颊。这时刻十分令人动情。




何兆熊版 综合教程 第六册 课后答案(选词填空, 汉翻英)

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Unit 111111

III. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box, using its appropriate form.

1.The local council has decreed that the hospitals that are not able to reach the service standards should close.

2. When Hamlet murmured \ agonizing dilemma.

3. The young mother smiled approvingly at her son who asked to play outdoors. 4. The Prime Minister is now firmly ensconced in Downing Street with a large majority. 5. We need a manager with plenty of flair to run the business in China. 6. It is no


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1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb)

Answer: Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?

2. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。(be proud of)

Answer: If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.

3. 她开车转弯上了自家的车道(driveway),不料发现路已被堵塞(block)。(only to)

Answer: She turned up the driveway, only to fi nd her way blocked.

4. 他没有告诉任何人就走了,因为他不想卷入那件事。(get involved in)

Answer: He went away without telling anyone, because he didn’t want to get involved in that matter.

5. 最终,产品的成功还是取决于高明的销售手段(marketing)。(ultimately)