Stichwort Deutsch Grundstufe I H?rtexte
H ? r t e x t e
Lektion 1
Text A Am Zoll
ZB: Guten Tag! W: Guten Tag!
ZB:Ihren Pass bitte! W:Bitte sch?n!
ZB:Gut! Wie hei?en Sie? W:Wang Dali. ZB:Herr Dali...
W:Moment bitte, Dali ist der Vorname, Wang ist der Familienname. ZB:Entschuldigung! Herr Wang, woher kommen Sie? W:Aus China, aus Shanghai. ZB:Was ist im Koffer? W:Kleidung, Bücher.
ZB:Danke, auf Wiedersehen! W:Auf Wiedersehen!
Text B Am Zoll
ZB: Guten Tag! Z: Guten Tag!
ZB:Ihren Pass, bitte! Z:Hier bitte!
ZB:Sie hei?en Zh
Lektion 5
Text A
1. 疑问词: was什么、wer谁(第一格)、wen谁(第四格)、welch-哪个、wo哪里、woher从哪
儿、wohin去哪儿、wie怎样、warum为什么、wann什么时候 Lektion 5的主要内容都围绕疑问词wann展开。 2. (keine)Zeit haben没时间
Wie geht‘s你怎么样?你还好吗?, eine Tasse Kaffee trinken喝一杯咖啡、
entschuldige/Entschuldigung/Verzeihung/es tut mir Leid不好意思,对不起 leider Adv.遗憾,可惜,惋惜 zu jm. gehen去某人那儿
etw. besprechen谈论某事/jn besprechen和某人攀谈/über/von etwas spechen谈论某事 es gibt etw. (A)有。。。。(there is。。。。)
ein bisschen(不定代词,词形不变)一些、一点
es geht (nicht)+时间状语(am Freitag um 4 Uhr)周五四点是(不)可以的 bis morgen/dann明天见/稍后见、回见 im C
新求精德语强化教程初级一第二单元 - 图文
Lektion 2 Auf dem Flughafen
auf dem Flughafen 第三格(静三动四:静态用第三格,动态用第四格) am Zoll = an dem Zoll
der Koffer, - (很多以er结尾的名词为阳性) 自然属性为男性、雄性的名词为阳性 自然属性为女性、雌性的名词为阴性 im Koffer = in dem Koffer
die Zollbeamtin, -nen 复合词:1. 词重音在第一个词上;2. 词性及复数形式由最后一个词决定。 der Vorname, -ns, -n名 der Nachname, -ns, -n 姓
e. Entschuldigung, -en 以ung结尾的名词均为阴性,且复数加en。 die Position, -en 以tion结尾的名词均为阴性,且复数加en。
der Herr, -n, -en第二个-n表明Herr是个阳性弱变化名词,在第三、第四格单数时要加n。 die Frau, -en der Mann, die M?nner
lernen-lehren das Lehrbuch, die Lehrbücher die USA
Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent
1. A: Do you want some grapes?
B: No, thanks, I don't like them.
2. A: What do you think of Scotland?
B: I’ve never been there.
3. A: My son’s called David.
B: How old is he?
4. A: Can I book a table for tonight, please?
B: Certainly. How many is it for? A: There’ll be three of them.
5. A: Can you get some cornflakes?
B: Do you want a large or small packet? A: A small one.
Part2 Listening and Note-taking A Territory When w
大学英语听说教程4听力原文Unit 12
Unit 12
Part B
Opinion Polls
Man: Do you know the thing that's always struck me as odd about opinion polls?
Woman: What's that?
Man: The percentages. Like recently there was a survey about what people thought about traffic, and petrol prices, and public car parks. In some car parks it now costs something like 5 pounds to park a car for half an hour.
Woman: Yeah, but I don't see what you're getting at.
Man: What I mean is the percentages in the results. So there might be 70% of people who complained about h
施心远主编《听力教程》1 (第2版)Unit 7听力原文和答案
施心远主编《听力教程》1 (第2版)听力原文和答案
Unit 7
Section One Tactics for Listening Part1 Phonetics (1) living in (2) I’ve moved (3) couldn’t (4) what are (5) back in (6) become a (7) you’d (8) do you (9) talk about (10) Let’s
Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking Transcript Narrator:
We asked eight people, “What’s your car number?” First we asked Liz.
Liz: TEL 429.
Narrator: Then we asked Delia. Delia: WAR 556M. Narrator: Then Richard. Richard: JPN 51L … I think. Narrator: Next we asked Narie. Marie: OYF 155L. Narrator: After that, Michael.
施心远主编《听力教程》1(第2版)Unit 12听力原文和答案
Unit 12 Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics
Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape.
Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. [Sound of busy street] Jeff: Hi, Carl, (I) What’s up? Carl: Hey, Jeff. We're (2) on our way to see that new comedy Running
From the Mob. Want to (3) go with us? Jeff: I (4) hear it's really funny.
Carl: Yeah, it's got a lot of good (5) people in it. Should be great. Let's
Jeff: Ah, I (6) wish I could, but I've got t
施心远主编《听力教程》1 (第2版)Unit 11听力原文和答案
unit 11
Section One Tactics for Listening Part I Phonetics A: Hello, how (1) can I help you?
B: Good morning. I seem to (2) have hurt my twist. A: Yes? How (3) did you do that?
B: Well, I’m not actually sure. I think… I did go to a party last night and um I (4)sort of fell up the steps, you see and I may (5)have done it then.
A: You fell off it, you think?
B: Well, I think so. I do remember (6)falling over.
A: OK, let me (7)have a look at it, could I? Yes, it is rather swollen. Does this hurt?
B: Yes, it does actually, yes.
test1_section1 test1_section1
M: Good morning! M:早上好!
W: Good morning! How can I help you?
M: I understand that the school organizes … umm, trips to different… M:我知道学校组织?嗯,去不同的?
W: Yes. We run five every month, three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips. W:是的。我们每月运行五,三个在周末和两个周三下午的旅行。 M: What sort of places? M:什么样的地方?
W: Well. Obviously, it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offers a variety of
shopping, because our students always