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Unit One

Before teaching

Objectives of this unit

1. Content

1) Don‘t let anyone steal your dreams: Persevering(persevere in, at, with 坚持,不屈不饶)in your heart with your own dreams of life.

2) Discussion: Our dreams of life and the way to realize them. 3) A dialogue: About one‘s expectations. 4) A welcome speech for freshmen. 2. Key language points

1) The modal verb will in the conditional clause.

2) Hyphenated(用连字号连接的)words as pre-modifiers.

3) Particles(小品词,如yes, no;虚词;不变词,如冠词、介词、连接词等;词缀,如un-,-ness)in phrasal v


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教 案

2010~2011 学年第一学期

课 程 名 称 大学英语视听说 主 讲 教 师 陈 鲲 系(部、中心) 人文艺术系 教研室(实验室) 大学英语教研室


二○一o年 八月

教 案(首页)

课 程 名 称 任 课 教 师 课 程 类 别 课 程 性 质 学 分 授 课 对 象 使 用 教 材 大学英语视听说 陈 鲲 课程编号 职称 助教 通识教育课( √);学科共同基础课( );专业课( );实践课( ) 必修课(√ );选修课( ) 2 总学时 72 学时分配 讲授 36 学时;实践36 学时 专业班级:10营销1、2班;10 会专1、2、5班;金专3班 共 6班 (主编、出版社、出版时间) 《应用型大学英语视听说教程第一册》,余理明主编,上海交通大学出版社,2010 教 学 参 考 书 主编、出版社、出版时间)(三本以上) 1. 《应用型大学英语视听说教程第一册教师用书》,余理明主编,上海交通大学出版社,2010 2. 《21世纪大学新英语视听说教程教学参考书》第一册,邹申,复旦大学出版社,2010.8。 3. 《21世纪大学新英语视听说教程》第一册,邹申,复旦大学出版社,2010

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Unit 2.

Ⅰ.Comprehension of the text A.

1.Everyone’s first love always begins with butterflies in their stomach, nervous laughs, being passionate about everything and thinking that he or she is “the one”. 2.Because it is the first time you open your life, heart and soul to another person and trust him/her not to hurt you.

3.My first love taught me the good, the bad and the ugly

4.Yes, it is. When I am least expecting it, I will see my old “soul mate”

5.Helen Keller best sums up love for us by believing that”the best and most

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Unit 7

Part 1 Language Skills Development

1. Starter

A. Look at the picture. Suppose he is your friend, and is possibly mentally ill. Answer the following questions.

1. Would you stop being friends with him?

Reference answer: I wouldn't stop being friends with him just because I suspect he may be a psychopath. If I think he won't take it too badly and/or it seems serious enough, I'd probably talk to him about it.

2. How would you discuss mental illness with him? Or would you avoid the topic altogether? Reference answer:


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Unit 1

A. fellow 同伴 compel 迫使 assurance miracle 保证 奇迹 comfort 安慰 grief 悲伤 announcement sobering 公告 清醒的 1.Disappointment, __grief__ and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter.

2.A newspaper published some rather __sobering__ information about punishment for drunken driving convictions in other countries.

3.Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your ___fellow__ men.

4.People familiar with the matter said

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Unit 7

Part 1 Language Skills Development

1. Starter

A. Look at the picture. Suppose he is your friend, and is possibly mentally ill. Answer the following questions.

1. Would you stop being friends with him?

Reference answer: I wouldn't stop being friends with him just because I suspect he may be a psychopath. If I think he won't take it too badly and/or it seems serious enough, I'd probably talk to him about it.

2. How would you discuss mental illness with him? Or would you avoid the topic altogether? Reference answer:

上海交大应用型大学英语综合教程2课文翻译 听力 - 课后习题答案

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课文翻译(unit 1 - unit 8)


1 最近一个周末,有位女士在大西洋城玩老虎机,赢了满满一桶二十五美分的硬币。她暂时离开赌博机,与丈夫前往旅馆餐厅吃晚饭。

2 不过,她想先去客房把硬币藏起来。“我去一会儿就回来,然后我们再去吃饭。”她对她的丈夫说道,之后,便提着满满一桶硬币朝电梯走去。

3 她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。两位都是黑人,其中一位个头很高,体型令人望而生畏。这位女士一下子愣住了。她的第一反应是:“这两个男人会打劫我。”她转而又想:“不要戴着‘有色眼镜’看人;他们看上去完全像是绅士。”然而,种族偏见的力量是强大的,恐惧使她浑身发凉。她定在那里,眼睛紧盯着眼前两位男子。

4 她开始焦虑,心神不定,又感到不好意思。她希望他们没有看出她的心思,但是,天啊,他们肯定已经知道她在琢磨什么了!

5 要不要进去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。她涨得满脸通红。老站着不动也无济于事,于是她横下心来,抬起一只脚往前挪,接着另一只脚也跟了进来,站在电梯内。她不敢抬眼,僵直地转过身,脸朝外,这时,电梯门合上了。时间一秒一秒地过去。她越来

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程修订版3 答案

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Comprehensionof the text A

1、Soon after the plane took off,the passengers felt clearly there was something wrong with the plane.However, most of the experienced passengers didn’t take it as a “big deal”at first

2、The pilot made a graveannouncement about the serious condition and the flight attendants preparedpassengers for a bumpy landing

3、At the beginning, they thoughtthere were just common minor problems and acted blasé about them. Realizingthings were much worse than they had thought, the passengers became quitefri

应用型大学英语综合教程四 上海交通大学 中译英 英译中

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1. She almost chocked to death in the thick fumes. 2. The woman hurried to the bank, only to find that she had left her bankbook at home. She became frantic. .

3. The situation for the flood victims was quite dangerous. Drastic action had to be taken at once. 4. Fortunately, the drowned boy was resuscitated by first aid. 5. The old lady tripped over a stairway and became unconscious. She was rushed to hospital. 6. Many people can have their vision restored by undergoing a manual operation. 7. Because of gov

应用型大学英语教案Unit 4

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河北传媒学院 授课教案

due to: 因为,由于 e.g. The relationship between risk and the relatively low return due to

competition is unfavorable. render: vt. 1) 使(某人或某事)处于某种状况 e.g. The young man was rendered disabled by the accident. 2) 给予某物作为报偿或用以交换,回报,归还 e.g. Don’t render good for evil. throw into: 使处于,使陷于(某种状态) e.g. We were thrown into panic by the news. Note that the opposite of throw into is throw out of. e.g. Thousands of people were thrown out of work overnight during the war 教 time. 学 frustration: n. [U, C] 灰心,沮丧,不满 内 e.g. Frustrations a