unit3my friends

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四年级英语上册 unit3 My Friends 单元检测4

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Unit3 My friends

姓名______ 班级______

Listening Part (听力部分)


( )Listen to music. ( )She has short hair ( )She's quiet

( )Painting ( )Make friends.. ( )Play computergame. ( )He is strong. ( ) Do sports ( )She has long hair. ( )My friend is a boy, He's thin.

二、考考你的眼力,圈出正确的答案。 1.UW 2. MNOP 3.9871

QW UQ NMOP MNPO 9781 6789


4..music math 三

unit 3 my stroke of luck

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Unit 3

My Stroke of LuckKirk Douglas

Idioms & Proverbs related to “Luck” try one’s luck play big luck Be in luck / out of luck Be down on your luck repeated strokes of luck regard the calamity as good luck in disguise He has had the luck to succeed. Luck goes against him. The luck has turned in our favor. As luck would have it, a doctor happened to be there when she fainted.

Diligence is the mother of good luck. Lucky in cards, unlucky in love. Misfortune seldom comes alone./bad luck comes in three


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Unit3 Let’s talk B 教学设计

一、教学内容:Book 3 Unit 3 B Let?s talk.

二、教材分析:本课时是PEP教材 Unit3 My friends B部分的第五课时,是有关询问朋友的姓名,描述朋友的外貌特征与爱好。它综合了本单元的三类句型,以串成对话的形式出现,正是本单元的难点所在。 三、学情分析:四年级阶段的小学生,是小学英语学习的重要时期。学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础。 四、教学目标: 知识目标:

1.能够认读本课的单词和句型. 2.能理解chant 等部分的内容. 能力目标:

1.能够提问和回答别人的姓名: What?s his\\her name? His \\Her name is …..

2.能够听懂Boy or girl ?以及带有?or?句子。 3.能吟唱 Let?s chant 中的歌谣. 情感目标:


五、教学方法:游戏教学法,合作式教学法 六、教学重难点:

教学重点:What?s his \\ her name? His

三年级上英语教案-Unit 3 My friends新译林版

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Unit 3 My Friends Period 2

Content of courses:

Part A Let’s talk

Let’s guess

Teaching aims:

1,Knowledge goal:

(1)Enable students to listen to, saying, this class

complete sentences. “I have a new friend.”“What’s his/her name? His/her name is ”.

(2) Students can understand the meaning of words “photo”and“Chinese”.

(3)Can read dialogue.

2、Ability to target:

(1)Can describe the appearance about of your friends.

(2)When used correctly “She/he is ,She/he has ”,Able to communicate knowledge flexibly.

3、Emotional goals:

(1)Education students,

三年级上英语教案-Unit 3 My friends新译林版

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Unit 3 My Friends Period 2

Content of courses:

Part A Let’s talk

Let’s guess

Teaching aims:

1,Knowledge goal:

(1)Enable students to listen to, saying, this class

complete sentences. “I have a new friend.”“What’s his/her name? His/her name is ”.

(2) Students can understand the meaning of words “photo”and“Chinese”.

(3)Can read dialogue.

2、Ability to target:

(1)Can describe the appearance about of your friends.

(2)When used correctly “She/he is ,She/he has ”,Able to communicate knowledge flexibly.

3、Emotional goals:

(1)Education students,

book 3 unit 5 my future

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BOOK 3 UNIT 5 MY FUTURE Lesson 33 Mybe I’ll be a teacher

一. 教学设想(Teaching Design)

本课主要是通过Li Ming 和Wang Mei的对话,学习谈论未来的职业。在介绍了相关的句型之后,可让学生自由发挥,预测学生自己未来的职业与生活,但教师要让学生了解具有什么品质才能做好某一件事。

二.教学目标(Teaching Aims) 知识与能力目标:

1. 学习掌握词汇及表达future,scary ,night.carefully,sick, in the future, be nice to,so is

next week等。

2. 运用一般将来时谈论希望和职业。 3. 学会预测自己未来的生活和职业





(最新)人教版(PEP)四年级英语上册Unit3 My Friends PartB导学案

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人教PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends part B 导



1.能用My friend/She/He likes…来介绍朋友的爱好。

2.能听、说、认、读music, science, computer game, sports, painting,并能根据指令做出相应动作,如:listen to music, do sports等。

3.能理解Let’s talk部分的内容。


1. 教学重点:听、说、认、读:music, science, computer game, sports, painting。掌握句型:My friend/She/He likes…

2. 教学难点:动词第三人称单数的用法。




(一) Warm-up and revision

1. Greeting

Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Chen.

I want to be your good friend.

Let’s make friends, OK?


Unit3 My favourite food is hamburgers

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Unit3 My favourite food is hamburgers.(110分)


( )1、apple A.arm B.art C.map ( )2、cake A.game B.fat C.bank ( )3、date A.candy B.lake C.act ( )4、rabbit A.fat B.make C.cake ( )5、ask A.map B.arm C.date


1. 我最喜欢的食物_______________________ 6. Chinese food _______________________ 2. 在美国 _______________________ 7. on Sunday _______________________ 3. 在中国 _______________________ 8. have afternoon tea ___________________ 4. 吃饺子

Unit3 My weekend plan 说课稿

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Unit3 My weekend plan 说课稿

一、 说教材

本课时的教学内容是六年级上册unit3 My weekend plan 的第一课时,本单元学习的主题是周末计划,本课时属于对话教学,主要让学生学习一般将来时态的用法,了解be going to 是表示即将发生的动作,并在真实情境中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。

教学目标:1、能够在情景中运用What are /is … going to do ? I’m …, He /She is going to … 谈论周末活动计划;

2、能够理解语境语言Sounds great! I have to … 的大意; 3、了解be going to 表示将来计划的用法;


教学重难点:在情景中恰当运用句型What are /is … going to do ? I’m …, He /She is going to … 谈论周末活动计划 二、学情分析

在五年级学生已经学习了一些有关周末活动的词组,如:wash clothes , clean my room, draw pictures , visit grandparents

Unit3 My friend教学反思

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Unit3My friends教学反思

在第一课时中,教学的主要人物是story time.。从课文的容量看,明显去前两个单元有了增加。本以为学生们有可能不能很好的掌握,但是从课上学生的反应看,以及学生参与课堂的积极性看,大多数还是在没有多大学习困难的前提下完成了本节课的教学任务。这关键还是在于学生在课前做了充分的预习工作,学生对于预习的任务还是有着动力去完成的,所以得好好的保持好学生的这份学习的热情和主动参与的积极性。在课文的朗读上,有点欠缺,这可能跟老师的朗读习惯有关,老师没有特别的注意一些朗读的语气,导致学生也没有在朗读的语气上多加注意,在以后的教学中一定要让学生多模仿录音的语调,老师也应多要模仿,从一开始就注意培养好学生良好的语言朗读习惯。

第二课时的教学内容是cartoon time.在本课时的教学内容中,教学的难点在于句子:this is….。这个句子的朗读一向是教学的难点,很多学生在一开始学习时都很难把握住朗读的方法,从而读错。所以在本节课上,我花了比较多的时间进行这个的教学,但是仍然不是很理想。也因为这方面花费了较多的时间,从而导致后面的练习没有来得及完成。对于这个朗读的难点,在第四单元会进行重点的教学。所以在