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人力资源outcome部分 案例分析

1 Basic components of organization.

Individuals carry out different roles to achieve its goals and arrangement.

It’s include objectives, people and structure.(换顺序)

2 Classification of goals(组织目标分类) 关键词 P29

Product goals:

Consumer goals:

Secondary goals:

Operational goals:

3 Objectives and policies


4 Internal with external environment(换词)

Resources: qualified employee, job, finance equipment

Internal environment: objective, communication, administration

External environment: design, staff training, consumer


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人力资源outcome部分 案例分析

1 Basic components of organization.

Individuals carry out different roles to achieve its goals and arrangement.

It’s include objectives, people and structure.(换顺序)

2 Classification of goals(组织目标分类) 关键词 P29

Product goals:

Consumer goals:

Secondary goals:

Operational goals:

3 Objectives and policies


4 Internal with external environment(换词)

Resources: qualified employee, job, finance equipment

Internal environment: objective, communication, administration

External environment: design, staff training, consumer

HND - 商法outcome3

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1. Actually Sole trade illustrates a person business in which the take full responsibilities in both

managing and having the possession of the business. Advantages

Because there are no legal formalities, naturally the business is easy to set up

Usually, the sole trader could take all key decisions without concerning other unnecessary effects

It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law. The only one who takes responsibility for the owner is himself.

It is convenient for owner to keep personal tou


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Individual Report

F84T 34 Managing People and Organizations

Outcome 3

Name: SCN: Class:


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 1: Roles and Activities of Managers within Application ...................................................... 3 Section 2: Likert’s Systems Theory on Leadership within Application ............................................ 4 Section 3: Tannenbaum and Schmidt Theory of Lead

HND 会计考试outcome3

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Report for account.

1. Introduction

This report is written about a management and a planning tool. Those can help the manager to make some decision by some financial information. And the report will divide three parts according to the SSP’s statements (year ended 31 December 2004) in the case. The first part is “Users of financial information’ that identify four

people/organizations who use these accounts and why they require this information and which financial information will supply their needs. The second part is “Sourc


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Technical report 1--- International Transport Modes Table – International transport modes

ModTotal e mode cost Sea £620 £24.8 Cost per Tranpallet sit time 1.slowest 2.vulnerable to bad weather 3.less punctual 4.high risk 4 1.improve efficiency 1.high total cost 2.the weight houroperations 2.increase security limit s 3.use information technology 3.not too far 4.faster speed from the airport 2 1.large capacity 1.confined to railroad days 2.relatively punctual 3.economical 2.less flexible 4.relatively high speed 5.less prone


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1 please describe the purpose and importance of marketing research to organisations.(expected response:approximately 200 words)

Answering this question you'll be asked to interpret the meaning of marketing research first, then explain the importance of marketing research.

An explaination of the importance of marketing research to include points such as:

Definition of marketing research

Marketing research is a method or instrument by gather(collect),

sort(process), analyse, interpret information and finally

Outcome 3 HND 公司法

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Outcome 3

You are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the management and administration of a company.

Time allowed two hours. To be written under closed-book controlled conditions. Answer the following four questions.

1. Provide an outline of the duties of a director. Include in your answer details on how they are appointed, how their role as directors can be terminated and what their duties and powers entail.

2. Outline the qualifications necessary for a company secretary in a public company. Include in this ho


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The report of marketing about Trusty-Land Food

Candidate Name:

Candidate Class:

Candidate SCN:

World count:

Table of contents

Introduction: (3)

Findings: (3)

Product: (3)

Price (4)

Promotion (5)

Place (7)

Services Marketing (8)

People (8)

Processes (8)

Physical Evidence (9)

Change of marketing environment (9)

Conclusion: (10)

Reference: (10)



This report uses Service Marketing Mix to analysis of the Trusty-Land Food Company. Service Marketing Mix is composes of 7 Ps. I uses product, price, promotion, place to analyze the Trusty-L

hnd 经济学review for outcome 3

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Evidence Requirements1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. role of government in market failure externalities merit and public goods a government policy selected explanation of the policy instrument used to achieve policy evaluation in relation to market

Why public goods (1) Public good is a good or service to which the exclusion principle is not applicable; and that is provided by government if it yields substantial benefits to society. Private goods have two characteristics: divisible and exclusion. Divisible: they are produced in uni