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Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters Provided)


It is always the false jewels that look the most real, the most

2.To those who look upon the world reasonably, the world in its turn presents a reasonable view. The

relation is


continue as usual.


couples had higher divorce rates than couples of the same race.


unquestioningly, and are often used to support the view that there is a rapidly increasing rate of serious crime in modern society.












15.The officer held that to promote


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Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent

1. A: Do you want some grapes?

B: No, thanks, I don't like them.

2. A: What do you think of Scotland?

B: I’ve never been there.

3. A: My son’s called David.

B: How old is he?

4. A: Can I book a table for tonight, please?

B: Certainly. How many is it for? A: There’ll be three of them.

5. A: Can you get some cornflakes?

B: Do you want a large or small packet? A: A small one.

Part2 Listening and Note-taking A Territory When w


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Reading and Writing

制作者:李响 制作者单位:广东警官学院

高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社

Unit 7 Culture and EtiquetteCareer Skill Description

1 2 3 4

Getting Things Ready

Things to Do

Things to Write

More Things to Do

Section 1 Getting Things ReadyIn this unit, you will learn how to:

3 2 1 discuss the role of culture understand the in business differences of etiquette business etiquettes between China and the West make up a dialogue between a Chinese businessman and an American one at a tea party

Section 1 Getting Things Ready

Section 1 Getting Things ReadyAc


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B2 U3 A journey through the odyssey years


1. To have knowledge of Odyssey, Odysseus and the odyssey years 2. To understand and use the words, phrases, structures, rhetoric in the text

3. To be acquainted with the writing skills of a comparison/contrast essay 教学难点:

1. Apply the phrases and patterns

2. Writing paragraphs with the structure of a comparison / contrast essay. 教学过程:

Part I Warm-up

I. Knowledge of The Odyssey, Odysseus, and the odyssey years 1. Assignment Check

Students are going to share their assignments.


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B2 U3 A journey through the odyssey years


1. To have knowledge of Odyssey, Odysseus and the odyssey years 2. To understand and use the words, phrases, structures, rhetoric in the text

3. To be acquainted with the writing skills of a comparison/contrast essay 教学难点:

1. Apply the phrases and patterns

2. Writing paragraphs with the structure of a comparison / contrast essay. 教学过程:

Part I Warm-up

I. Knowledge of The Odyssey, Odysseus, and the odyssey years 1. Assignment Check

Students are going to share their assignments.

新视野大学英语第三版第二册Unit3 A journey through the odysse

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B2 U3 A journey through the odyssey years


1. To have knowledge of Odyssey, Odysseus and the odyssey years 2. To understand and use the words, phrases, structures, rhetoric in the text

3. To be acquainted with the writing skills of a comparison/contrast essay 教学难点:

1. Apply the phrases and patterns

2. Writing paragraphs with the structure of a comparison / contrast essay. 教学过程:

Part I Warm-up

I. Knowledge of The Odyssey, Odysseus, and the odyssey years 1. Assignment Check

Students are going to share their assignments.

新视野大学英语第三版第二册课文语法讲解 - Unit3

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新视野三版 读写 B2 U3 Text A

Journey through the odyssey years

1 Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel different age groups and life stages: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old

age. We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age, with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges. These

challenges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them, such as the child's need to learn, the adult's need to find the right career and build a family, and the senio

新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 3答案

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Listen and Respond

Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 One day in school Monty Roberts was asked to ________. A) write a term paper about the courses he learned

B) write about his dream of the future C) describe a horse ranch

D) draw a picture of a horse ranch

2 Monty Roberts’ goal was to become ________. A) a horse trainer like his father

B) a painter who draws horses and horse ranches


06级新视野大学英语第二册 unit 3教案

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Unit 3

Period 1,2

Part I. Teaching Objectives

1.Speaking and listening

--listening skills: Identifying people's professions

--functions: Comforting people: expressing worries, conceding a point --theme: love

2. Reading

--Reading skills: recognizing differences between facts and opinions

3. Writing

--Writing skill: a paragraph of denial of some opinions followed by some other opinions

--Write a short paragraph (80 words) on the topic “Pollution Is Inevitable”

4.Translation skill

--Inversion ( 词序调整 )

II. Te

06级新视野大学英语第二册 unit 3教案

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Unit 3

Period 1,2

Part I. Teaching Objectives

1.Speaking and listening

--listening skills: Identifying people's professions

--functions: Comforting people: expressing worries, conceding a point --theme: love

2. Reading

--Reading skills: recognizing differences between facts and opinions

3. Writing

--Writing skill: a paragraph of denial of some opinions followed by some other opinions

--Write a short paragraph (80 words) on the topic “Pollution Is Inevitable”

4.Translation skill

--Inversion ( 词序调整 )

II. Te