英语随堂测试3 一、单选选择
1、Rose to shcool very early every day. A. arrives B. gets C.reaches D.arrive
2、On sundays I have to go to the farm my parents. A. to help B. help C.helped D.helping 3、—Can we listen to music here?
—____ . Listening to music is not allowed in the library.
A. Yes,we can B.Yes, we can’t C. No,you can’t D. No,you can 4、You don’t ____ get up early on Sunday.
A..need B. must C.have to D.can 5、I have ______ homework to do.
A. too many B.too much C.much too D.very much 6、
测试成绩报告单 任课教师已设定暂时不显示本试卷的标准或参考答案。 请注意本页底部显示的总分和提示。在系统自动批改的客观题正确率小于60%时必须重做。 试卷:2013-14第一学期大学英语3网络学习测试2 试卷编号:2013-11-4-Quiz2 姓名:李婉晴 登录:2013-11-13 19:13:14 图例:试卷满分:100 学号:129074301 交卷:2013-11-13 20:09:46 班级: 上机地址: Right Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hea
单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)
1. I never regretted _____B_____ the offer, for it was not where my interest lay.
A. not to accept B. not accepting C. having not accepted D. not having accepted
是否正确: 正确
2. Professor Johnson comes from either Oxford or MIT, I can't remember ____A______.
A. where B. there C. which D. that
是否正确: 正确
3. My friend helped me ____C___ my cat when I was on vacation with my wife.
A. look for B. look on C. look after D. look up
是否正确: 正确
4. In international matches, prestige is so important
第一章 外语学习理论基础 1.判断题
(2)自主学习指的是在没有老师指导和帮助的情况下学习者自行进行的学习活动。(F) (3)影响自主学习的因素可归结为智力因素和非智力因素(T) (4)学习者学习成绩的好坏与其学习风格类型有着密切的联系。(F) (5)任何一种学习风格都不是绝对的,而是可以相互兼容和转换的。(T)
(1)下面哪个不是自主学习能力的主要表现方面:( )C A. 确立学习目标 B.
第一章 外语学习理论基础 1.判断题
(2)自主学习指的是在没有老师指导和帮助的情况下学习者自行进行的学习活动。(F) (3)影响自主学习的因素可归结为智力因素和非智力因素(T) (4)学习者学习成绩的好坏与其学习风格类型有着密切的联系。(F) (5)任何一种学习风格都不是绝对的,而是可以相互兼容和转换的。(T)
(1)下面哪个不是自主学习能力的主要表现方面:( )C A. 确立学习目标 B.
1、Maria: Morley, where are the cookies. Don’t tell me you ate them all!
Morley: Yes, I did. _________ . C、I couldn’t help it.
2、Secretary: Hello,_______ May I help you?
Caller: Yes, this is Albert Kordell. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please. A、Ultimate Computers.
3、Speaker A: I’m so worried about this job interview.
Speaker B: Don’t worry. _______ . D、Just be yourself
4、Adam: Mmm….. This is the best pudding I’ve ever had!
Celia: ________ I know you’d like it. D、What did I say?
5、Speaker A: Sorry about
戴氏精品堂 初中语文 周老师
1.下面词语中加点的字注音和书写完全正确的一项是( )(2分) A.踱(duó)来踱去 地窖(jiào) 书脊(jǐ) 赦(hè)然 B.绺liǚ 鬃zōng 诅zǔ咒zhòu 两颊(jiā) C.薨(hōng) 奏牍(dú) 掷地(zhì) 补辍(zhuì) ...D.万籁lài 虐(nüè)待 钟磬qìng 吴楚东南坼chè 2.下列句子中加点的词语使用不当的一项是( )(2分)
A.中华民族从来不低头,雪灾地震不可怕,因为我们有不屈不挠、众志成城的十三亿人民。 ....B.一座座雄伟而风格迥异的高楼如雨后春笋般在川南大地上拔地而起。 ....C.最近发生的车祸事件,造成了重大伤亡,现场惨不忍睹,令人叹为观止。 ....D.好的书需要多读,重要的书必须反复阅读,每读一次都会让你觉得开卷有益。 ....二
新编大学英语 2 小测试 3
Quiz 3 (unit 5 & 6)
I. multiple choices:
1. This experiment is conducted in the best tradition of the discipline with a _______ motive.
A. sound B. loud C. resounding D. clear
2. I can’t make out what he’s trying to say. I think his English is really ______
A. intelligent B. unintelligible C. illiterate D. intellectual
3. They always_____ me for his brother since we look very much alike.
A. regard B. take C. have D. make
4. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ___________ in broad d
大工16秋《大学英语3》在线测试2 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)
1. Information has been put forward __________ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as
2. With the constant change of the conditions, the outcome is not always _________. A. favorable B. predictable C. capable D. reasonable 正确答案:B
3. Hardly ______on stage _____ the audience started cheering. A. he had come ... than B. he had come ... when C. had he come ... when D. had he come ...than 正确答案:C
4. Mother doesn't know mu
大工16秋《大学英语4》在线测试3 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)
1. He ________ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans. A. sets aside B. sets up C. sets along D. sets in 正确答案:A
2. I never regretted __________ the offer, for it was not where my interest lay. A. not to accept B. not accepting
C. having not accepted D. not having accepted 正确答案:B
3. My friend helped me ________ my cat when I was on vacation with my wife. A. look for B. look on C. look after D. look up 正确答案:C
4. 18. The injured in the tsunami () good care of by some me